Reviews from

in the past

Had a great time playing this, super good collection of music from older Final Fantasy games and good gameplay. Really cute designs and a lot of sweet throwbacks that got me into other games in the series.

Well, kinda more of the same but with some nice QoLs and, of course, more songs.

Maybe it's simply because they belong to beloved franchises, but I feel the Theatrhythm and the Persona dancing games are the only original rhythm games (to differentiate from other official like, idk, the GameCube DDR Mario) I really enjoy to return once in a while out of some whims.

Btw all DLCs are officially gone, that they all get preserved in the way you would expect. As they say: "modding a 3DS is surprisingly easy".

have been playing this for about a week and it's pretty fun. some of the maps are a bit bullshit, they expect you to push different directions on the circle pad rapidly, which would be easier if it were done with the d-pad.
song selection is great but a bit lackluster, i have my favorites and i wish ffx's prelude and besaid theme were here as well as ffvi's kefka's theme. ffvii and ix selections aren't that great either but i can say iii, iv, xiii and viii are really really good. i also wish they'd put songs from "4 heroes of light" here because that soundtrack totally owns.
audio quality is actually great with the songs themselves however some of the sound effects and victory jingle sound like ass. the 8-bit tracks have a little bit of reverb, probably to keep them from hurting our ears, and that's great. it's something i would do myself in a game like this.

overall, i just wish this game had more music.

One of my favourite rhythm games of all time!
It is pretty solid and fun to play.

Muy buen juego rítmico de Final Fantasy, con un amplio catálogo de canciones, personajes jugables y enemigos junto a diversos modos de juego. Lo único que le crítico es el modo aventura, ya que para jugarlo te tienes que poner algo más técnico con los stats y equipo de tus personajes, cosa que no provoca en un juego rítmico

Made me appreciate final fantasy as an outsider looking in. Spent probably 200 hours clickin notes.

Extremely fun rhythm game, lost many hours to this one.

Beaucoup plus de musiques que dans le 1er, mais ne vaut plus le coup maintenant que Final Bar Line est sorti. C'était quand même très cool.

A rhythm game with not only very fun base gameplay on top of an excellent songlist, but it's also got a bunch of modes that keeps things fresh. The versus mode is hectic and really fun. Easily one of my favorite rhythm games.

I can't imagine how it could be advanced in the next game, which is already out. This game is already a masterpiece. You can play many of the best game soundtracks of all time by holding them in your hand and feeling the memory it brings you in the old days. Playing these rhythm games can't be more memorable, and nothing can compare to it.

one hell of an addictive experience what with the surprising amount of meat on its bones. you have the individual songs but also quests that you can do, and a full versus mode as well. additionally, this just oozes with so much adoration for final fantasy (both the music and the series as a whole) that you can't help but fall in love with it. pretty much every game gets at least a few songs, including spin-offs and side ones. the gameplay is just so much fun. this game rocks!

não tem um segundo que eu jogue esse sem estar com um sorriso de orelha a orelha!!!! talvez ficasse mais legal ainda se tivesse um modo historinha tipo o Dissidia, mas sem precisar ter um roteiro levando a sério nem nada...

A very good rhythm game for fans of the latest fantasy. Be careful, there is a lot of beautiful music.

Очень неплохая ритм игра, для фанатов последней фантазии. Осторожно, очень много красивой музыки.

Pues tras echarle bastante tiempo, me han saltado los créditos del juego. Un juego de ritmo musical excelente, de los mejores que he jugado. Supera con creces el original y la cantidad de contenido que dispone es abrumadora. Maravilloso

Made me appreciate final fantasy as an outsider looking in. Spent probably 200 hours clickin notes.

No real reason to play this now over the Switch one (unless you really, REALLY miss stylus controls), but back then it was a surprisingly great rhythm game. Quest mode was addicting, multiplayer was decent. The only real downside was DLC - way too expensive.

Love this game! A good amount of content, fun and simple rhythm game mixed with excellent Final Fantasy music!