Reviews from

in the past

Le jeu est très cool entre potes (minimum 4 sinon c'est chiant), les monstres sont tous très sympas dans le charadesign et dans leurs mécaniques originales ; mais je trouve le jeu bien plus lassant que Lethal Company. En gros, vous y jouez une soirée, vous attendez quelques mois une grosse maj puis vous relancez une soirée, voilà.


Great coop game with a unique concept kind of like Lethal Company but its own spin on it very fun with friends and worth the money give it a try if you haven't.

Solid fun! Very funny! I understand this was made as an April 1st release because the fun admittedly runs out about as quick as the holiday, but the fun you DO get out of a few hours really is worth it for being free! I would love if they flesh this out because the streaming mechanics have a lot of potential, but if it stays as-is I probably wouldn't do more than a session every few months!

The vibes seem great whenever the game worked, unfortunately the game crashed or disconnected several times and I lost a lot of footage and playtime

voice audio could be a lot better given the point of the game but its rlly fun!!

A wild ride through eldritch caverns made all the more enjoyable by the wild hijinks my friends and I inflicted on our poor viewers. Great party game!

it's silly with friends for a bit, but when you're basically told to be funny it becomes 100 times harder to be funny. something like lethal company manages to be a blast with friends since the absurd and difficult scenarios the game puts you in inevitably creates funny moments naturally, but this game really wants YOU to make those funny moments happen, so it falls short. maybe it works for others, but my group didn't last long with it :(