Reviews from

in the past

Only shelving because it's been so long since I last touched it that I'd need to just start a new game just to get back into the swing of the mechanics. Some really interesting ideas, but, if you're coming to it for the first time 20+ years since its release, I think it's essential to install the draw distance mod and import a config file that makes the game feel/play more akin to contemporary PC games.

Oh boy... I got this game along with the entire Hitman franchise because I was interested to see how the games evolved over time. I wanted to see the story that carries on through each game, and I wanted to see what mechanics the first game had.

This game sucks, simply put. The amount of frustration I've had with this game is incomparable to any other game I've played. You have almost no health, enemies have God-level aiming, missions are linear yet the only way to know what to do is through trial and error. And the worst part about it all, there are no saves. You can spend half an hour taking out guards and stashing their bodies so that no one will be alerted, only to get stuck on a wall, or get shot twice and die by some random guard, even though you are sure that no one saw or heard you.

Story is good, atmosphere is great, yet the design choices really hold this game back. Only get this if you want to play all the Hitman games.