Reviews from

in the past

I think this is a really good game but it does suffer from some issues due to it's age. The story and the difficulty of the game are still as good today as it was when it was released. The biggest issue this game has is the controls. Other then that the game is great and you should give it a try.

I really like CheeseGX's video review of this game. In his video he called the game a dirty euro jank mess that did some incredibly advanced things but failed at some of the most basic things.

Honestly, I enjoyed this game. Even though I've lost count of number of times I've died. The levels have a learning curve where you can't do it in one go and you have to learn enemy behavior a few times before completing each level. This game is hard and trying to understand the mechanics takes a bit of time.

The atmosphere of the game is top notch, my version of the game had a problem where the sound effects were too loud and were drowning out the music, make sure to check the volume levels in the settings to hear the amazing atmospheric soundtrack.

The game has a pretty decent story as well, I think this is the only hitman game which has a bit of sci fi mixed into the story.

Overall, I think it's only worth playing if you are a fan of the series and please play the game by watching tutorials, so you won't waste your hours on the levels like I did.