Reviews from

in the past

O jogo possui uma gameplay simples e fácil porém o puro carisma transbordando durante todo o jogo faz com quê a jornada nunca fique chata e lenta mesmo com a progressão sendo bem estranha pelo final com vários momentos durando um pouco mais que necessário

Superstar Saga is a great start to the series. It establishes a strong core for the battle system and has a ton of personality. I love a lot of the dialogue, especially from cool characters like Bowser and Fawful.

That said, I think it's still trying to find its footing as a first installment. I've heard a lot of people praise the Bro Attacks for being fast-paced, and while that is a positive, I think it comes at the cost of them feeling very weak. You never feel particularly powerful throughout this adventure.

Also, it feels weirdly padded out despite being very short by RPG standards. How long any given task will take varies wildly throughout the game, and quite a few of the mini-arcs just kinda feel like filler. It doesn't help that the story basically stops and then starts again halfway through the game.

But on the bright side, the music and visuals are fantastic. That said, I don't think the GBA spritework is that good. At least, not good enough to give up the QOL improvements the 3DS version makes. Fun game, but not the peak of the series.