Reviews from

in the past

Dataminers found code in the PlayStation 4 and 5 versions of the game relating to the color of the light on the DualShock 4 and DualSense controllers and who you’re talking to. This goes unused because the dialogue is actual garbage and everyone just skips it all

Having a whole game based around beating every level as fast as possible isn’t very fun to me, especially since for almost every level it just comes down to finding a one or two shortcuts that the game literally hands to you with hints. There’s really not that much substance other than going fast and resetting your run like 40 times each level so you can get it perfect. Also the dialogue is so awful I felt I embarrassed playing this game while I was literally alone in my room.

what could have been a good game with great levels ruined by shitty bosses

good gameplay but my god the dialogue can be pretty ass at times

indie devs will save us all
truly some of the most fun gameplay i got to experience ever
and while yeah the story is cringe sometimes, its not that awful, and i do appreciate the rather goofy tone it has, it kinda gives me a early 2000s storytelling vibe, its hard to explain
love the game truly great

throughout letterboxd and backloggd, i alone am the correct one.

Os diálogos desse jogo são bem cringe, não tem como negar, mas a história no meu ponto de vista é muito boa, e justamente por não te entregar tudo de mão beijada me faz gostar mais desse jogo.

As músicas e a gameplay andam juntas e são como um diamante bem lapidado para mim, porque eu não me enjoei se quer uma vez com esses elementos. O que mostra o trabalho do estúdio em cumprir o que o jogo promete e de forma muito bem feita.

El juego más adictivo que he probado

a princípio é divertido, frenético, e até viciante. porém com o passar do tempo esse game enjoa muito, e não tem nada nele que te prenda além da gameplay. personagens bem fodase, diálogos bem fodase, a história n tem nada de cativante, eu não consigo me importar menos com os plots desse jogo. é só um game bem medíocre, com uma gameplay decente, repetitiva e exaustiva.

honestly well worth the wait of the best platformers of the modern era...

A psychedelic, high octane romp through a demon infested heaven has never felt so smooth. Neon White excels at almost everything it attempts to do. The gameplay is fastpaced, puzzling, and genuinely challenging in moments. Never does the game give you a break as new mechanic after new mechanic is hoisted on you with level design that teaches you how they work, but also challenges you to see how far you can take them. The addiction of shaving off just a few more seconds of your previous best time becomes a potently addicting gameplay loop that never seems to get old. Neon White constantly pushes you to become better and better as the mechanics from previous stages begin to layer and merge with one another to create interesting and compelling new movement combinations that you never thought possible before.

This is a game that shows your experience as you play it more. The second level becomes marginally faster simply by learning how to discard your weapon for a unique ability, creating a new route that is much faster than the first run. Backed by an amazing OST and simple but nonetheless charming visuals create an experience that appears simple on surface level, but hides a unique layer of complexity.

With Neon White, the developers definitely nailed the speedrunning time trial aspect

So many shortcuts and little improvements can be made in such simple levels, and paired with a tight, fast platforming it becomes addicting to play through!

If there's something to say about this game is that its dialogues are filled with reddit-like horny bullshit that really brings down the experience during the visual novels parts of the game (and there are a lot of them!)