Reviews from

in the past

Yup that's portal 2. Didn't play the first one (lol!) but this is a perfect puzzle game and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Community levels are pretty silly too, I lmao, maybe even xd

can this get any more perfect? the story is amazing, the ending is amazing, the puzzles are amazing, everything about this game is amazing.

Más fps + puzzles pero esta vez más, con amigos y con aportaciones de la comunidad.

Probably one of or the best ending to a video game ever. If you haven't played this go out and buy it now. This is a game that i can recommend to anyone who likes to play video games unless your not a fan of puzzles but its not all about that. Its hard to find the right Words to describe this game it is truly one of the best video games that will ever be made and you have to experience it for yourself.

Meu irmão e eu salvamos a ciência! A campanha coop do jogo é bem boa e tem uns puzzles divertidos de se resolver em dupla. Assim como a campanha principal, recomendo pra qualquer um!
Agora sim estou pronto pro Portal 3!

peak puzzle gaming, co-op enhances the game so much. wheatly is funny af like come on dude