Reviews from

in the past

A masterfully written story wrote in blood that has you closely examine every minute detail to figure out who died and how. While you only get to experience the game for the first time once, I replayed this about a year and a half after my first playthrough and by then, had forgotten most of the finer details of the story.

O jogo é realmente muito bom mas eu tenho que admitir que eu vou precisar rezerar ele sabendo usar á porra do livro kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

After this, Lucas Pope became my inspiration.


if i played this as a child i'd have hated it and never played it.

But i played it as a 30something who loves the mundane and weird and the spaces where both collide, so i had a blast with Obra Dinn. I know it was a labour of love for Mr Pope, and we probably shant see a sequel (and probably shouldnt, even.)

But i will be seated if that ever happens.

Tengo pendiente acabarlo, me estaba encantando muchisimo pero no me sentía bien en esa epoca y no lo terminé

This is probably the perfect "Detective" game. You will have to punt a lot of attention to gather the information You need and it will get challenging. The art on this game is some of the best things I've seen out there, can't explain why but I really like it.

Jonathan Blow WHO?? Phil Fish FOUND DEAD! Sam Barlow STIll alive and happy :)

Grafica spettacolare, enigmi perfettamente studiati, difficoltà alta se lo si prende alla leggera., completa libertà su come risolvere i puzzle. Cosa si può chiedere di più da un investigativo?