Reviews from

in the past

On a casual level, this is an easy 4/5. They made a story worth investing into and made a "new gen" starcraft, making it look amazing. Seeing units from the 2D starcraft 1 into 3D starcraft 2 was fucking awesome. Though, with this next gen change, it took a lot out of the game. Everything that made the first starcraft fun competitively was ruined in this game, causing it to die out really soon. There's a reason people still talk about brood war and not this.

It was fun when it released, and that's pretty much it.

Great campaign. Multiplayer made me think I was incapable of playing RTS games for years and years and year. Due to a series of events outside of my control I placed in Platinum on the Ladder instead of where I should have been which is Bronze. Never played ranked again, because I didn't want to deal with the losing streak.