Reviews from

in the past

BIG improvement over the first game, definitely the best Mario game on the NES.

Got bored, beat this entire game in one day, for like the 8th time in my life.

Kinda insane what a complete improvement this is over 1 with only 3 years apart and on the same console.

Amazing Game. I plan to finish this, but I have a problem: Whenever I play it and I don't do perfect on the first few levels, my brain makes me restart it for a "fresh start", but that's just my problem. I learned about this game through the Wii, and I remember playing this on saturday mornings. Great game.

This is the best of 8-bit platforming. Everything good about it still holds up today. Strongly recommend for anyone who enjoys platforming games, or anyone interested in the history of video games.

Nintendo mastered the controls, the visual presentation, and the music, and your favorite game probably owes something to it.

The sun brick-walled my toddler ass lmao

Gostei desse jogo, achei bem legal
Tem umas fases que trola você kkkk
Isso é bem legal pq deixa vc pensativo
Pra pode resolver certas partes pra ver
Oq vc tem que fazer pra passar, ótimo jogo

Best in the og trilogy no doubt