Reviews from

in the past

how the fuck does Bowser casually have 7 kids

One of the best Mario games out there.

Definitely the best of the NES Mario games, but I personally prefer SMW, NSMB ds, and NSMB wii for 2d platformers.

Still, an absolutely great platformer

Ein fantastischer Plattformer und den ersten 3 Teilen auf dem NES meilenweit voraus!

Die vielen Neuerungen im Vergleich zum Vorgänger aufzuzählen, würde hier zwar den Rahmen sprengen, aber viele Gegnertypen, die Weltkarte und die Wege zwischen den Leveln sind heute in 2D-Mario-Jump'n-Runs nicht mehr wegzudenken.

Endlich war die Schwierigkeit nicht mehr so bockschwer, das gesamte Spiel (bis auf die letzten 3 Level von Welt 8) habe ich sogar ohne Savestates durchgespielt. Weil die Plattform immer noch der NES ist, gab es trotz der langen Spieldauer keine Speicherfunktion. Deshalb habe ich eben auf die letzten zwei Hardcore-Achievements verzichtet, um nicht die Nacht durchzocken zu müssen (ausmachen is ja nich, ne?).

Was hier an Meilensteinen für das Genre gelegt wurde, ist jedenfalls unglaublich. Diesmal hat endlich auch der Nintendo-typische Gameplay-Sog eingesetzt und ich kam nicht mehr weg vom Bildschirm, bis der Abspann lief.

Achievements: 48 %

Easy contender for best game ever made; a standout reason as to why gaming as a whole is so impactful, special, and important in the grand scheme of things. The level of creativity! The colours! That music! It's all engrossing and immediately sucks you in, and then you see a map to the world with different paths and realize that not one playthrough of this is going to be the same. You are going to explore and find other stuff, and while it's nowhere near the level of other Mario games due to hardware limitations this is still where it started.

Incredibly well designed from every angle too. This was NES? Even back then Miyamoto and the folks at Nintendo must have been wizards. And the sheer amount of powerups here allows for a bunch of experimentation and makes you wanna keep coming back for more. It's just delightful and while there are probably "better" Mario games, this is my absolute favourite and will always hold a special place in my heart.

While a perfection of Mario 1’s gameplay and NES level design, it’s not as iconic as its contemporary. The invention of the Koopalings is both a blessing and a curse as well. The Bowser fight is a great improvement but the 100 Boom Boom fights are so ridiculously easy, there’s no point including them at all.

this was my first ever video game and it STILL holds up

Really fun platformer, and it's up there as one of my favorite NES games. I wish there were less auto-scrollers though.

probably my favorite super mario bros game

The best of the NES Mario games by far

This is game is super all things considered.

i want to give it a five but auto scroller levels are a mess

This game is pretty hard, but I was able to beat it all in one sitting once. It was really fun. There was a good challenge the whole way through. I liked the strategic choices you had to make in the overworld on what levels to play and risking having to fight an enemy and losing a life. The auto-scrolling levels were annoying. Eventually, after a lot of tries, I was able to beat the whole game in one sitting in 4 hours. It was really intense. Especially the last world. The auto-scrolling ships were super easy though, all of them. I looked up a speedrun a little while afterwards and learned that you can just double warp to the end really fast if you know what you're doing. I might play it again some day. Not having saving definitely made my experience worse because its such a big game. Still a good game without it.

Classic that stills holds up well even after so much time

Awesome Mario game, it's fun and it is one of the best platforming games of all time

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A Peach enganou direitinho com sua última fala: está em outro castelo

Pros: Massive adventure, creative level design, tons of fun new power-ups, incredible music, a solid map, and really great graphics for its day. This is a contender for best NES game, objectively.

Cons: The levels are a bit short, not the worst thing, but a little on the short side. The way powerups run away from you after you hit a '?' block is a bit annoying, I'll be honest, glad they fixed that in later Mario games. Aaaaand, hmm, Mario's overalls are black, after they were blue in SMB2, that's a bit of a step backwards in my book, heh... Alright, that's hardly a slight. This game is mostly pluses, full of em.

What it means to me: Unfortunately, I missed the boat on this game when it came out, missed the entire hype wave. Didn't play it til All-Stars, and it was fine, but at a young age, I found it too difficult. And then really got into it, and finally completed the game after it received the GBA release, and that's when I truly appreciated it for the first time. Naw, yeah, this is a stellar title. It just doesn't mean as much to me as other games I grew up with, and was closer to.

More fun version of the original SMB. Not a fan of the auto scrollers though.

Acho dahora, mas prefiro o Super Mario World!

Great platformer almost as good as Super Mario World, I'm genuinely impressed it came out on the NES too because the art is actually pretty detailed and there isn't that much lag compared to other good looking NES games.

best super mario ever made. so many memories :')

It’s pretty cool and very well made for the time but as I play more games and even more Mario games for that matter it kinda loses its shine for me. An amazing game for the era and a achievement for the Mario series as this one would greatly evolve many platformers to come but idk I guess I click with more games outside of this one despite its influence and quality.

Really good game check it out I just don’t think it’s one of my favorites anymore.

The next is a reddit comment by a user named "Mahboishk
" but it represent exactly what i think:

NES version is the original. While I love it, it's not perfect. It's very impressive use of the hardware, but the technical limitations are immediately apparent (Mario doesn't wear any blue, mushrooms might change colors in certain levels, etc.) And then there's no save or returning to previous levels. I prefer the sound in the NES version for some reason. The newer versions sound too "tinkly" if that makes any sense.

SNES version looks a lot better while preserving the original's art style. It's also a lot darker, though. You can save IIRC, which is a nice touch.

GBA version has the most content out of the SMB3 ports, and there are special E-reader levels and items (Idk how to unlock them, but emulators will probably go through those hoops for you). Graphically it's identical to the SNES version, but it suffers from poorer sound, voice clips, and the smaller play field.

Overall, my vote goes this way: SNES, NES, GBA.