Reviews from

in the past

Es un juegazo, es sumamente creativo

Cuando unes los puntos lo cambia todo.

played this on a whim, don't regret a second of it. this is the definition of video games as a meduim of art

Incredibly creative, every section is something new and interesting. However, the story didn't really connect with me emotionally. It feels abit like A Series of Unfortunate Events, except without any of the self aware humour about how absurdly grim it all is.

Só não foi pra mim, reconheço que é um bom jogo, mas definitivamente não jogarei ele

The best "walking sim" game I have played. It takes advantage of being a video game and lets you act out thought-provoking moments of the Finch family. Incredible environment and visuals. Let's you play out an experience so you may best imagine what someone else felt. A great example of how to do a story game.

Uma historia delicada sobre pessoas que parecem reais e da sua propria familia.
A morte chega sempre, mas o sentimento de quando ela chega mais cedo é... esquisito.
Edith Finch explora a antiga casa da familia e percorre a historia de cada membro e da sua morte, cada uma sendo contada de uma forma diferente.
A narrativa é de outro mundo e te envolve na pele da Edith de uma forma sobrenatural, a ambientacao da casa reforça o sentimento de melancolia que te segue pelo jogo.
Conheca a sua historia, a historia da sua familia, porque isso liberta e te permite construir a historia daqueles que virao.

This game blew me away. Do yourself a favor and play it

its a walking simulator game done right

I went into this somewhat blind and only knew this game was a "video game adaptation of Gone Home" - Dunkey

It was a fun short but fun interactive experience, I wouldn't say it knocked my socks off but the way the story ties into the gameplay was pretty novel even though it felt obtuse at times.

I think I may be missing something because there wasn't much weight to each of the stories but you could attribute that to my speedrunning mindset whilst playing the game.

The environments were extremely detailed and it was fun to see at the visual cluserfuck (I say this in a good way).

I really hope something like this gets remade in a more... hmm... meaningful way? idk lol, it's better than a visual novel?

a deeply upsetting experience. perfectly captures the feeling of bitter nostalgia - reminiscing over awful times. there are stories in this that are so beautiful it's absolutely insane.

could easily see this in 5 stars but i'm not sure how i feel about the way this game treats death. the core message feels like it's about accepting death, but it falls into a kinda common trope i see where the deaths are pointless and preventable. this isn't a huge fault but it does make me like the game a bit less. high recommendation though.

É legal, mas não clicou comigo tanto quanto para outras pessoas.