Reviews from

in the past

Finally beat the game on this version so that's nice

I enjoyed Bioshock overall, but I thought it started a lot stronger than it finished. By the end the fetch quests within fetch quests were just getting boring. I don't want to do another pipe puzzle ever again.

However, the game's atmosphere, music and art style are fantastic. The choice of many plasmids and weapons was welcome but I found I'd often gravitate back to the same weapons/plasmids I had used hours before as they were the most effective.

A perfect blend of intrigue and chaos with an unforgettable setting that only gets more anxiety-inducing as you go. The narrative is genuinely one of the best I've seen in a game with an amazing plot twist to boot. As my first survival-esque game I was a fan of how your gameplay progression was interwoven seamlessly with the environment and story as you explored more, and I never really felt unprepared or overprepared for anything while the combat remained challenging until the end. I can see myself becoming a huge fan of the genre.

Serviceable gameplay with some horrendous audio mixing. The environmental storytelling is great and the audiologs are cool but if you know the main reveal (I did as it's an old game) the story does tend to drag a bit.

Favorite Level: Fort Frolic

More style than Fallout, more freedom than Halo, more story than Far Cry.


The immersive sim was the best videogame genre of the late 2000s and early 2010s, and this gem has a lot do with it!!! Timeless political distopy and steampunk classic.

The atmosphere, gameplay, and story were so good, I enjoyed it, especially the guns and the colors of the game. 10/10

um ótimo game , não tinha muitos interesses nele mas após ver algumas gameplays decidir jogar para conhecer melhor . ele me entrega uma mecânica que gosto muito que são os Perks . não sei se pretendo platinar , a historia não esta me chamando muita atenção talvez eu esteja cometendo um erro , mas zerando para ver ... (não dou 5 estrelas pelo motivo de nao ter zerado para ver )

Realmente esse aqui é uma obra-prima dos fps de história.
Nem preciso falar da ambientação né?! Rapture é um dos cenários mais marcantes de todos, uma cidade retrofuturista debaixo do mar, onde só gênios vivem já é uma ideia foda, agora faz essa cidade ir pro KRL ter um monte de gente bizarra e poderes e faz simplesmente o melhor cenário de todos.
O jogo consegue ser assustador e faz um sustos bem orgânicos.
A gameplay é um pouco datada pra hoje em dia, mas nada que você não se acostume.
Esse é um jogo com uma atenção aos detalhes espetacular e com uma história de explodir sua cabeça, brincado com os ideais de videogame já marcados na nossa cabeça.
Acho que ele fica um pouco maçante no final, mas nada que atrapalhe a experiência.
Recomendo a todos.

Обожаю игры где есть системность и биошок стала одной из первооткрывательниц лично для меня.
Мне безумно нравится бегать с фризом и бить людей гаечным ключом.
На 2007 год - это был просто безумный прорыв в сюжетном плане,ибо шутер и еще с сюжетом не хуже чем в фильмах.А так бывает?Бывает,саша,бывает.
Даже есть иммерсивность,а это ого го на тот момент.
В наше время играется неплохо,но чувствуется нафталин.

This game still holds up. Unsurprisingly, though, since it comes from the mind of Ken Levine, one of the most influential game designers in the industry. Irrational Games aimed from the start to make a spiritual successor to System Shock 2 and provided not only one of the best immersive sims, but one of the best games ever made.

Bioshock is one of the rare instances where a great idea is brought to life with beautiful execution. Game design, story and art direction all work together to make a game that utilizes the full potential of the medium.

The game's story made a huge impact in the video game industry as a whole. It tackles the idea of "ludonarrative dissonance" head on, a term that is very commonly used today in game design, but was coined after the impact of Bioshock's infamous plot twist.

Like other immersive sims, the story is told without sacrificing player agency. Meaning, it is mostly presented through player triggers, keeping cutscenes to a minimum.

The gameplay loop is also very enjoyable, even though the gunplay feels a little bit dated now. It's a shooter first and an RPG second. You acquire powers called Plasmids that work situationally with the environment, which makes for a very creative combat experience. I still prefer this toned down version of the combat system rather than the more fast paced and more "spectacular" one from Bioshock Infinite.

This HD remaster is okay. It's mainly boils down to better textures. Unfortunately, the audio seems to be a downgrade from the original version, noticeably compressed and very poorly balanced. There are some mods that seem to fix it, so check the game's PCGamingWiki page for more information. The redeeming part of it, though, is the great behind the scenes interview with Ken, made by Geoff Keighley from Game Awards fame, which I highly recommend to watch.

(This review was first written on Steam -- 19 July, 2023)

just finished the good ending
pretty good game
the endings were so muh
but the fact that u turn into a big daddy at the end was amazing
i hope the 2nd one is better

It's okay, but i don't know really