Reviews from

in the past

Idk probably not a bad game, but the way they disregarded everything from 5 killed my interest in continuing even though I didn't particularly like 5's story.

I only played multiplayer for one week and it got boring real fast.

I'm not paying the full fucking price for the campaign unless the Steam Summer Sale has a good discount that will convince me to try it out.

Would like to finish this eventually. The grapple hook makes the game

only played the mutliplayer. devs tossed it aside

This game had a 500 million dollar budget just to flop THIS hard

Halo Infinite is a spiritual reboot of the Halo series. It's meant to be a new jumping in point with an emphasis on onboarding players for the future of Halo. I find it genuinely amazing at times. The multiplayer is just such a blast, and with improvements made to the customization, Forge mode, and overall content, its hard not to love this game. Yet I feel like I'm the only one who just wasn't too crazy about the campaign this time around. It is 343i's best campaign, but is that really saying much?

Infinite takes place after Halo Wars 2. After the Infinity is taken over by the Banished threat, Chief finds himself floating in orbit. When a stranded Pilot finds him and boots his systems out of stasis, Chief lands them on the Zeta Halo ring to find Halsey's new weapon and put a stop to the new threats headed their way. I liked the characterization in this game enough. I love the Weapon and Chief's chemistry as it feels like the inverse of Combat Evolved for a new generation. The Pilot gets way too much hate for just being a guy with emotions, probably the most raw emotion displayed in a Halo game thus far. But the game fumbles on actually telling a story with these characters, as we get forced into unskippable yap sessions, where we see what Cortana and Atriox got up to while Chief was knocked the hell out. There is way too much telling and not showing anymore and it feels dull. Not to mention these are locked behind some of the worst linear levels in Halo's history, just bland blue hallways stuffed with enemies.

The core open world gameplay is really good though. It takes from Far Cry quite a bit, with multiple red objectives to blow up, marines to save, and audio logs detailing Zeta Halo and The Infiinty's lore. The saving throw in all of this is Infinite's deep sandbox. So much has been added, like the ability to call vehicles and stack up AI teammates Saint's Row style. The new suit abilities are so cool, like the grapple hook or the repulson field. Everything about Infinite's open world gameplay is awesome, which is a shame because literally everything else about it is so underwhelming.

Oh Infinite, you simultaneously hold the title of being one of the most compelling Halo games, while also having so much problems. I adore its sandbox first approach and the constant support its getting, but man do some of those blemishes show through.