Reviews from

in the past

While the story in particular is a little less plot driven than the original, the writing acting in character work is outstanding and gives so much incentive to finish the game! Movement and combat have been improved substantially from the last game and it was an amazing challenge playing on Jedi Grand Master even though it kicked my ass lol. Koboh is a HUGE planet with so many locations to explore and the graphics do a sensational job at bringing it and the rest of the planets in the game to life.

this game will be sick five years from now when it's finally playable

O melhor jogo de Star Wars. So faltou um sistema de pilotagem de naves pra as experiência Star Wars 100%. Definitivamente o maior acerto dos games Star Wars desde a saga clássica de Lego.

I had high expectations going in, but was let down profusely by the weak story, poor voice acting and needlessly complex setup of stances, upgrades and infuriatingly inaccurate platforming. Level design is obtuse to a fault and those massive worlds do nothing to make the game better. Still, when it works it is good enough.

game definitely 10/10 The game does everything that's what Fallen Order does, but 10 times better The game is not linear The world is not empty and there is a lot of side activity that I did not expect Overall the game is souls like which she does well compared to Lies of P I WOULD DEFINITELY RECOMMEND IT
gra zdecydowanie 10/10
gra robi wszystk oto co fallen order ale 10 razy lepiej
gra nie jest liniowa
świat nie jest pusty
i jest masa aktywności pobocznej czego sie nie spodziewałem
ogólnie gra jest souls like
co jej wychodzi dobrze w porównainiu do lies of p

Took a while to get going, overall enjoyed it. Combat is hit and miss against non human enemies. Looks incredible.

I like collectibles, but maybe here there are juuuuust too many

that was so good, i'll be crying in my sleep

Sometimes you play a great game that you have no desire to finish. This game is great, it's mechanically rewarding, the movement feels fantastic, and the voice acting it top-notch, but I feel like I've seen enough. I already had the game spoiled, so once I hit a point where I'd rather play more games, I just stopped. I'll probably slowly chip away to eventually platinum this game but it's not a top priority.

Essa sequencia deu uma boa melhorada em relação ao Fallen Order. Eles pegaram os conceitos já apresentados anteriormente e aprimoraram de uma maneira que tornou o jogo bem mais divertido e menos frustrante também!

A gameplay é recheada com diversas mecanicas, habilidades, itens para costumizar como já havia antes e cenários maiores para se explorar. Inclusive essa questão dos mapas foi frustrante para mim a primeiro momento, me sentia perdido em varios trechos. Mas assim que entendi o designer proposto ficou bem mais tranquilo de se encontrar!

É bacana que aqui além de termos os poderes da força mais expandidos, os devs trouxeram abordagens novas também nos combates com o sabre de luz, incluindo até mesmo agora uma pistola para se utilizar em conjunto. Foi algo que realmente eu não esperava encontrar aqui, mas calhou bem depois na hora da ação!

Os inimigos e boss no geral continuam na mesma pegada do primeiro game, tem movimentos para decorar e se esquivar, remetendo evidentemente aos jogos souls like. Só que aqui com o game sendo bem mais generoso, já que trás um bom leque de dificuldades possiveis no menu podendo facilitar bastante a experiencia!

Naquela de ficar perdido nos primeiros mapas, acabei explorando varias coisas secundarias e gostei da maneira de como isso se desencadeou. Não são muitos jogos que realmente me chamam a atenção pra sair explorando, e mesmo que aqui eu fiz isso sem querer pois queria focar nas principais, acabou sendo divertido. Creio que seja pelo desenho dos mapas que possibilita ao player várias acrobacias e possibilidades para ir desbloqueando os caminhos.

A parte técnica do jogo esta sensacional, os graficos do mundo e dos personagens são muito bonitos. Certamente é um dos jogos mais lindos que eu já joguei até então, fazendo jus aí a nova geração. As animações no geral são muito boas também, mas em algum momento ou outro acaba surgindo algum bicho ali com o moveset bem travado e simples, parecendo que careceu de polimento.

A história é boa, começa de maneira épica e depois consegue se manter consideravelmente bem até proximo da reta final. Um dos personagens que mais clicou comigo foi o Bode, mesmo que o arco dele fosse previsivel, a equipe conseguiu criar isso de uma maneira que me deixou bem investido nesse personagem. Senti muito amor, raiva e até pena dele durante a jornada.

Agora vamos a parte boa: pontos negativos kkkkk. Já que eu estava falando da historia, nao curti muito o desfecho. Especificamente a ultima meia hora! Entendi o que quiseram fazer ali, mas achei apressado e sem muita sustancia que me fizesse comprar aquilo. Ficou na verdade um clima até bizarro pra mim vendo os eventos ali em questão, mas não entrarei em detalhes para não dar spoiler.

Tem também um certo confronto que já rolou no game anterior e evidentemente eles iam tentar replicar aqui. Só que ficou longe de ter o mesmo impacto pra mim... (Pra quem já jogou, to falando daquela parte com um dos personagens principais dos filmes).

A performance do jogo ta longe de ser o desastre que foi no lançamento, mas ao mesmo tempo ele não é o game mais polido do mundo. Consumindo muito do processador e da memoria Ram principalmente. Inclusive para quem pretende jogar na qualidade alta em resoluções 2k e 4k, os 32 gigas de Ram são extremamente necessários!

Outros pontos negativos vai para alguns puzzles que são simplesmente tediosos e bug em carregamento de texturas que acontece toda hora, com voce vendo o negocio se formar na sua frente durante as cinematicas.

Mas no geral é um excelente game de Star Wars, talvez um dos melhores já lançados. Trás muito da essencia desse universo tanto na historia quanto no visual, pra quem é fã tem que realmente se aventurar sem pensar duas vezes! Recomendo.

So good star wars game it turned my xbox into a loud TIE fighter when I was playing on quality mode.

Embrace the jankiness.

It is an ambitious follow up to the perfectly acceptable Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, although without Wookiees or very many Inquisitors, or... hm, actually, is this game ambitious? I think there were attempts to add a number of side quests and activities that ended up sort of half-baked. The bounty hunting was definitely a thing that was added that I only accidentally completed any of. I planted a garden, but it seemed difficult to figure out what the garden was good for. Honestly, a lot of the rewards were just decoration, anyways. By the end of my playthrough, I forgot to spend most of the currencies I found, stopped trying to make my saber, blaster, robot friend, or even myself look cool. Maybe this is just a long metaphor for the effects of depression.

I did like the story, to be fair. It wasn't as solid as the first game but, after it got going about a third of the way through, it did have some excitement and the big twist was fine. Although, Merrin was one of my favorite Star Wars characters after the first game and in this one she was bad ass but didn't have as compelling of a growth arc. There also wasn't that many worlds to explore, was there? And I was often distracted from the story by looking at all the visual anomalies like white polygons flashing on the edge of the screen when rotating, or weird pop-ins during cutscenes, or animals getting stuck 3ft above the ground, and that one time that the sound just stopped working for me... Oh, and I really came to hate the fighting system, even after I turned the difficulty to Padawan level. I want to react to what's happening, not memorize a series of enemy moves. It seemed that every time I wanted to block an incoming strike, I'd be in the middle of a different action and unable to stop spinning around or whatever until it finished. Perhaps others like this style better but it is the downfall of many a game for me, unfortunately.

So, it's a fine story with an annoying battle style and not enough ambition or quality, I think. It is Star Wars however, so I'll probably get the third game too, I guess.

Review from

Good evolution of the previous games gameplay but a story that I did not care for

Fora os problemas de performance, é um dos melhores jogos de Star Wars!

A game that improves everything it's predecessor had achieved, but the awful optimization can steal the spotlight in certain moments.

I'm only giving it a 4/5 because Nvidia Frame generation saved me from having significant performance issues.

Man I love this game. I don't know how to write this review other than "I love everything about this game except some of the platforming feeling janky." If you have a chance to play this game, you really should.

Gonna keep this short, but to start, I thought Fallen Order was kind of mid. The plot was awesome, but the gameplay just didn't land for me. It was janky and not personally cohesive. Combat just felt like a chore towards the end.

Going into Survivor though, the switch from being a souls-like to being a massive action-adventure title really helped out. The combat still flows but without the weight of death constantly looming over your shoulder. Accessibility options are always nice, and disabling fall damage was a blessing.

I do have a few faults though where the controls just didn't always like to respond when using the alternative force powers. Not sure if it's an issue on keyboard, but with a controller the game didn't always like to register that RB was being held down for the force lift and slams.

Overall though, this was a great experience and I'm happy I went through.

Honestly didn't think that they could do a better Star Wars Jedi game than the last one, but they did. Not only the gameplay but also the combat system, with 3 new ways o using your lightsaber being all of them so satisfying, being able to use a blaster as a Jedi is something that i never thought before and it felt badass.
The story is so well guided, you can almost feel genuine hate for the antagonists and feel sad for the victims, this game can translate the feeling and responsability of being a Jedi in a particular way that i never imagined it was possible.

I really wish I could give this game 5 stars.
When this game is good, its peak Star Wars. This is the game that has got the closest to making you feel like you're a badass jedi. Music, graphics, voice acting, gameplay... all amazing. It has just the right amount of fanservice.

However... the traversal. It's fun moving around doing parkour as a jedi, but there's just so fucking much of it. Like, an obscene amount of your playthrough will be running on walls or climbing on walls over, and over, and over, and over again. It gets really repetitive. It gets even worse when the game becomes a "where the fuck am I" simulator, which happens all the time.

Combat is a mixed bag. It's better than the original, but I wish they focused more on big groups of weak enemies instead of one or two sponge enemies, making you break their stance 3 or 4 times before being able to kill them. I'm a jedi with a lightsaber, why is a stormtrooper giving me so much trouble? There were a couple of encounters were they had you fight 10 or so regular stormtroopers (Without posture break) and you just mow them down, it's so much fun and feels like the movies. Wish the game had more of that.

Puzzles are either mindnumbingly boring or just terribly designed. Not a good time.

Finally, the story. The epic moments are epic, but there's so much stuff that doesn't make sense or feels pointless, also a couple of predictable plot points. I'm keeping this spoiler-free but yeah, a mixed bag.

It's a very fun game, also a very frustrating game. I really hope they nail the end of the trilogy so I can give it 5 stars.

(Series X/1440p/60fps)

Pese a mejorar en todo a la primera parte, arreglando gran parte de sus problemas (cosas como el backtrack muchiiisimo mejor aqui), no consigue dar ese paso extra para llegar a ser mas que un juego de notable alto. Solo con mejorar las recompensas de la exploracion y hacerlo todo un pelin mas gratificante hubiera sido buenisimo.

Vast improvement on the first in every way but story, and I already really enjoyed the first. Customization here is top notch and one of my favorite aspects of the game, combat is exhilarating with multiple saber styles to choose from and really fun force powers. Bounty hunter fights are a blast, enemy variety is great, and boss battles are tough but fair. The QoL improvements from the first are so well done too. I just love this mix of Soulslike and Metroidvania and no game makes being a jedi feel quite as good as this one.

Also, the Purity perk you get for NG+ which makes your lightsaber work like a real lightsaber (one hit everything, but you get one or two hit to kill as well) is a game changer. Makes for a completely different and awesome playthrough.

Pretty much the same as the first game but bigger, prettier and laggier. If you aren't familiar with the series, it's like Uncharted or Tomb Raider 2013 with combat which I would consider 'souls-lite'.

Generally there are improvements across the board but I have some complaints. The performance is definitely sub-par, I tried tweaking settings and installing some mods but it didn't really help much. Fortunately, it was playable enough, there is one large, open planet where it suffers but the rest aren't so bad. I would have preferred more small levels with good performance and more variety than what we got here instead of fewer, larger levels.

There is a lot of traversal padding, the boss fights and set pieces are often worse than the normal gameplay loop. Combat is frustrating at times with enemies having i-frame dodges for some reason. Optional exploration is often unrewarding.

Aside from that though, it's still fun, the new stances and movement upgrades are cool, if a bit clunky. The experience is very similar to the first game so if you liked that then you'll probably enjoy this.