Reviews from

in the past

Batman hits HARD.

Perfect combat, perfect atmosphere, perfect story and an amazing Joker.

One of the greatest Superhero games of all time, not something you want to miss out on.

"Depois de tudo que você fez, eu ainda teria salvado você"

Consegue não só ser um dos melhores jogos de herói, mas também UM dos melhores jogos já feitos.

The fan favorite of the series and I can totally see why.

The open world specifically is just first-rate.

This games makes you feel like a billionaire

All the awesome aspects of Arkham Asylum combined with a new open world environment makes this one of my most favorite Batman games.

That and Mark Hamill as the Joker just ensure the five star rating for me.

This was on the backlog and forgotten for so many years, even though I enjoyed Arkham Asylum immensely and I finally made the commitment to finish it. It's a great sequel with decent improvements in it's gameplay, but like the problems I had with Arkham Asylum, the boss fights or lack of them are disappointing, and the overreliance on Detective mode hurts what is essentially one of the best superhero game series out there. It truly disappoints me knowing that they added in more enemy types that you have different approaches to, but they could not spare having fun boss fights on the same level as the regular enemy encounters.

For me, the best part of the series. Flying through the vastness of the city with Batman (even if it's only a part of Gotham) really blew me away back then. Lots of good additional content and a better story than in part 1. The ending was awesome.


I feel like this was the start of open world games increasing in size for little gameplay benefit. This world is 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 big enough to be tiring to get across, made worse by frequently stumbling across riddler trophies that require equipment you haven’t unlocked yet.

Last thing I remember was going through Penguin’s section with the shark and thinking “why am I so bored by this?”

The story can take a backstory due to the open world environment. However, the game has it all. Batman fans were/are eating good.

The story is epic and feels like a step up from asylum. Everything is just so well designed and fun. I'm still mad at myself for sleeping on these games for so long.

Going for 100% was a good time too. Riddler trophies were not that bad (they're nothing compared to getting all the koroks in BOTW or TOTK).

A masterpiece that has since been upstaged.

Controls are a lot clunkier than I remember, with Batman often not attacking the enemy I'm aiming at and just punching the air, and a lot of the stealth sections got boring, specially those which crowded small spaces with enemies with guns.

The story is interesting, the riddles and trophies provide a nice distraction, and the Catwoman gameplay was icing on the cake

I still prefer Asylum's atmosphere, presentation and overall structure in terms of game design but this is an undeniable improvement over the previous game in most of the other fronts, combat, stealth, movement, boss fights, enemy variety, soundtrack, expansion of the overall universe with even more characters and storylines.

the narrative, voice acting and the pacing are still killer.

one of the best if not the best superhero game ever made and an must-play for anyone who enjoys the character.

Joguei no difícil, ideia meio idiota, pois eu passei muita raiva pela minha inabilidade, mas o meu raciocínio na hora foi: 'ser o Batman não é fácil'. Ainda assim, eu me diverti bastante mesmo morrendo 4 vezes a cada esquina. Combate fluído e divertido, mas o que mais me deixou perplexo foi o quão bem ambientada é Arkham.

replay on hard, never did it before cause i was a child and easy frightened, i am not now

batman and mr freeze highkey drag icons, get them a podcast

This review contains spoilers

Um dos melhores jogos que já joguei, a vibe que a cidade passa é surreal.
Melhor jogo de herói.
A morte do coringa me pegou desprevenido, não esperava.
Nota 9,5

yeeeeuuup i think im him

Об этой серии игр можно писать много чего: позитивного и не совсем, о взлётах и падениях, о революции в мире геймдизайна, о прорывной графике. Но я напишу всего лишь 6 слов, описывающих мой экспериенс: Чёрная Кошка нступи мне на лицо

This review contains spoilers

(A bit of Arkham Knight's side missions spoilers too)
I'm... Surprised, of myself...
I've beat the secondary missions now, I've only got to do the Riddler's one to finish this game before the NG+. And I played like, two hours.

Something I'm thinking after this is that, if this game feels aged, it's because of the secondary missions. Badly designed is an understatement. Of course, I love how much they deepen Arkham City's lore, talking about not only the villains, but the undercover cops and the political prisoners. It's amazing to see how these villains go rampant in this PRISON as if they were kids at Kidzania; with turf wars, dominating districts, etc. As Batman is around.

I love to see Deadshot fulfilling his role as Strange's hitman, or Zsasz killing other criminals via telephone, or Hush's murders, and so on with the rest of them.

But, I mean, these missions are way too random to be continued in an organic way, or they simply don't work in a satisfying way if you don't attend them in the moment they appear; like Zsasz's for example; or Azrael's (specifically this one, since you either have to know where he is, or be looking around exhaustively with detective mode around the city, or simply encounter him by pure luck; Hush's mission is kind of the same thing), and don't get me started on the excessive amount of riddles there are on the city, they are way too much.

For what I can remember, that is mostly fixed on Arkham Knight, where the clues are more easily seen but not given to you on a silver tray; like Azrael's burning bat symbol, or Pyg's ominuous opera music.

Being this about my fourth time playing Arkham City, I get an idea of where to find the next clues for the side missions, but it still is a bit hard. I spent about half an hour running around alleys to find Hush's victims with no use (in that case, and Azrael's, I recommend getting on high spots and looking around with detective mode, looking for bodies laying around or a guy just standing there respectively if you don't want to use any guides).

Once again, the stories on these missions are way too good to be spoiled by these bad design choices, but I still find it a bit frustrating to play for moments (RIDDLER). But that's mostly my main complaint about this game otherwise it is PERFECT.

Um dos melhores jogos de super herois ja feitos

Ok, esse aqui, AMIGOS... Buckle up, we're in for a ride!
Definitivamente a melhor entrada da série Arkham, INSANO de bom, mantém a essência do Asylum enquanto aprimora o combate, a escrita, as boss fights, TUDO.
Esse é de longe um dos melhores exemplos do que acontece quando uma empresa analisa seus acertos e aprimora eles ainda mais.
Vamos por partes; O combate do jogo não é mais sluggish, ele é rapido na medida certa, ótima responsividade, não dá vontade de fugir dos combates opcionais.
A exploração? A investigação? ELES APRIMORARAM AINDA MAIS. Arkham City tem uma ambientação ABSURDAMENTE boa, a exploração é ótima, as partes de investigação são divertidíssimas, eles simplesmente aprimoraram o que já era ótimo, não tinha como ficar ruim.
Em termos de história: O melhor da série. De longe. A história de Arkham City é um romance, com seus diversos personagens e plots se convergindo em uma história épica que não é overwhelming, simplesmente insano.
Ah, é, não dá pra esquecer das boss fights inesquecíveis do jogo, especialmente a do Mr. Freeze, é indiscutivelmente uma das melhores boss fights que já joguei.
E graficamente ele não deixa a desejar também, é um jogo lindo.
Concluíndo: Jogue. Simplesmente jogue. O jogo não decepciona, não mostra a idade, é graficamente agradável (sendo o gráfico o elo mais fraco do jogo, na minha opinião) e é INSANO em todos os outros aspectos, simplesmente carregando e aprimorando todos os aspectos de seu antecessor.

the spiderman games wish they were this good

assim, me disseram q era o melhor da triologia, achei mt mt foda, mas sla, acho o knight melhor.... a história desse game é mt boa, o coringa e a catwoman mt bem feitos tbm, mas acho q eu tava com mta expectativa. entretanto n deixa de ser um excelente jogo