Reviews from

in the past

extremely tedious long term, but it was GOTY for a reason

it's a decent starting point to like, a really well known and popular franchise at this point but it's got a lot of issues. Mainly the story and quest structure is awful and it feels like it's lacking a lot of it's charm that made the other games fun to play.

There's a couple of good highlights but it almost feels like you're doing a lot more busy work than needed and it gets to a point where it feels like you're going through the motions in a bland way, it's a very ugly game that I think would've been made even worse if they stuck with the original art style they had from the beginning. (I'm sorry but the realistic look would've killed this game but that's just how I feel.)

The gameplay shines and there is a somewhat decent amount of enemy variety when going through different places. For the most part you fight bandits but there's other alien creatures that help break up some of the monotony and bosses are a good highlight, but also kinda whatever a lot of the times.

Vehicles are kinda alright but the vehicle combat isn't fun to go through, I'm not sure if it's me or just the fact that I'm not always great with aiming but some of this gets a bit annoying when trying to go through certain areas. And it's more annoying in side quests trying to take out vehicles and then having yours being destroyed cause 3 enemy cars were circling you.

The biggest issue I have is that for some odd reason the Fov sucks ass, it feels like you're in a tunnel and it's incredibly hard to gauge enemy distance and how far you are between some of them. I used a mod to fix it but that's more of a patch job.

I kinda dug how the weapons felt, they're ugly but they aren't gimmicky like the other games. This has a much more grounded feel to it that I actually don't mind so much, it feels a little barren but that helps it's atmosphere, and I think in a way does kinda make it stand out just slightly from the other games more comedic edge to it.

I played the OG version mainly cause I'm having issues with the remastered release on PC. I have played it before on PS4 and if anything it's best to get the remastered since it fixes the FOV and I think adds a couple more things. Just don't expect anything grand or spectacular.

7/10 Lilith is best girl.

+ Spawned a whole new sub-genre.
+ Simple and fun shooting.
- Very repetitive gameplay and quest design.
- The environments get repetitive after a while, there is very little variety there.

Neat intro to the universe, and a very unique game in 2009, but it does not hold up very will in Current Year.

a fucking garbage heap, only saved in its day by the eccentricities that I now scorn it for

*Completado en PS3 y Switch.
Un juego de disparos en primera persona de mundo abierto y rol. Podemos elegir entre 4 personajes y cada uno tendrá sus propias mejoras y habilidad especial. Nos encontraremos en el planeta Pandora y tendremos que abrir algo llamado "La cámara" para venderla, el problema es que otras facciones estarán interesadas en ello también, además de los problemas que nos darán los bandidos y psicópatas de la zona y la fauna local, lo cual nos ofrece una gran cantidad y variedad de enemigos. La historia además es divertida, con un humor muy granuja. La ambientación y estilo recuerda a Mad Max, siendo el juego consciente de esto y haciéndole algún que otro homenaje. El gameplay toma elementos del primer FarCry, una acción frenética y muy divertida y los escenarios son muy amplios, la mayoría desérticos, y tendremos un vehículo tanque con el que podemos desplazarnos mas rápidamente y defendernos. La parte de rol no solo se debe a las mejoras de personaje, sino que afecta a nuestras capacidades y daño que causemos, siendo necesario estar a un nivel concreto para poder completar las misiones sin problema (como en Kingdom Hearts o The Witcher 3) así que es importante ver el nivel recomendado de la misión antes de hacerla. Nuestro nivel también afecta a las armas que encontremos. El videojuego tiene una especie de algoritmo que crea armas aleatorias con cualidades al azar referentes a tu nivel, de ahí que la variedad de armas sea infinita, literalmente hablando. La gran cualidad de este videojuego es la posibilidad de jugarlo en cooperativo local y online de hasta 4 jugadores, convirtiéndolo en una de las mejores opciones que existen para jugar con alguien. Además encontraremos por algunos escenarios pequeños lugares donde tendremos distintos modos de juego para disfrutarlo con nuestro compañero, incluido pvp.
Como detalle, decir que la música es de Jesper Kyd, conocido por los primeros Hitman y los primeros Assassin´s Creed entre otros.

Conclusión: Un arpg de tiros muy recomendado, divertido y sin duda uno de los mejores a la hora de jugar con amigos.


Main campaign played through. I had fun with it. Loved blasting guys and leveling up. A lot of the animations and story prompts were weak or non-existent, appearing instead as text. It streamlined moving forward but made immersion in the story a little bit trickier.

I genuinely did not think much of Borderlands before playing this game as I only played it on a whim. Cue me spending the entire night with my eyes glued to the screen. They genuinely need some kind of disclaimer because as someone who has never found much enjoyment in gachas or Action RPGs like Diablo I just could not stop playing this game, the gameplay loop of getting a new cool weapon and scavenging the ground after every fight to see what I got was a winning formula from the start. I'm in the middle of playing BL2 because as much as I enjoyed the main appeal of the series BL1 is extremely flawed in certain aspects and BL2 seems like it's trying to fix them.

I played on the Enhanced Edition which solved certain problems so I can't truly comment on how the original release felt to play. What I can see after experiencing some of BL2 is that I feel like more things could've been improved other than the characters and story + new gameplay features. I really, really enjoyed the more desolate feeling in BL1, you were doing your own thing, traveling to new locales, wondering what kind of places and enemies you would find, while the story and characters were very minimalistic. BL2 and from what I have seen the rest of the games did a 180 on this and I don't know if I really like that. You've got characters glued to your ear through the ECHO which kinda devalues the more explorer vibe I got in the first game. You already started to see this in DLCs like General Knoxx or Claptrap Revolution, so it's not like it came out of nowhere, and I will admit, I am way more invested in the characters in the modern titles but I think it's possible to strike a balance between letting the characters and the world shine for themselves.

I can see why people would just, completely detest this gameplay design and I get them, if you can't get into the loop you can't get into the games period. Refer to me staying awake for a full day glued to my PC to know if it worked for me or not.

The success of Borderlands is something I will never understand. The reputation this game got around release made me push through the entire game, convinced I'd find the fun if I just kept going, but the fun never came.

Instead I was treated to 20ish hours of bland shooting, bland visuals, and some of the worst writing in the entire industry. I'm clearly in the minority on this, given the successful franchise this game spawned, but I just do not see the appeal at all.

i played this like once years ago

Criei um amor por esse jogo por algum motivo, mas não é tão bom assim.

Played this by myself, really enjoyed it.

Borderlands is a decent game to play while listening to/watching something else.

I'll always remember how fun this was the first time I played it. In my head it'll always be the adventure I went on with a friend in split-screen long into the night at a sleepover when we were 13, but detached from my own nostalgia there is a lot of tracking back and forth across brown terrain and generic post-apocalypse buildings. I think there's something to be said for how relatively grounded it is compared to the over-the-top vibe of the rest of the series, but then that makes it seem kind of bland as well? It's complicated. I like it though.

As long as I'm playing with a group of friends I find the actual gameplay fun enough while I'm actively in it, but overall I really did have to push myself to get through this one. The story is barely there, the combat is pretty clunky and dated, and it's just generally outclassed by its sequels in a number of ways.

it's pretty good but it gets boring after a while.


Best Looter Shooter I have played.

Borderlands is a fantastic game. It combines high paced action with good mechanics, a fun story, upbeat dub step music, humour, filthy jokes and does not take itself seriously.

The story is a little cliché in my opinion but works well for the concept of a looter shooter like Borderlands. Just hunt for a lost treasure which is exceedingly difficult to find.

Borderlands is a massive game with many, huge, open world maps. There are tons and tons of side quests you can complete for a nice new weapon, some cold hard cash, or a new skin (colour for your outfit actually). Each side quest is more ridiculous than the previous one and the use of every inch of the map makes this game worth every penny you spend on it.

The cell shading animations are nicely done, and this is the first game that I saw that used this unique technique. It gives a cartoon feeling, while still playing a fully rendered 3D game.

In the music department, Borderlands does also not disappoint. It got a lot of energetic dubstep fight tracks and nice calming ambient music in the background, while you pump a bunch of psycho midgets full of lead.

The progression feels rewarding and the game is well balanced. Enemies get stronger with you but are still beatable. If you stray to far from the main story line and enter certain areas beyond your level, enemies will wipe the floor with you, so you know what to avoid and come back to later.

The main concept of this game are the guns, finding legendary shields, weapons and relics for your character and develop yourself into a well-rounded killer. It is really fun to play with friends and makes for a good evening of fun. The different elemental weapons you can find is a good concept and makes you think, and plan which gun is best for what situation.

The use of enemies like midgets, psychos and Bruisers makes this game as ridiculous as it is hilarious. Midgets make high pitched screeches when you blow them away with your shotgun and psychos list all the things, they want to do to you when they mindlessly run toward you. Bruisers complain about their beautiful faces when they melt away by the acid in your special Maliwan rifle. It is just great fun. Also, Claptrap and his stupidity is genius and gave a few good laughs throughout the game.

I enjoyed every minute of the game, it is story and the collecting of loot, cash and special items. And then I played the DLC’s. My god, they were even better.
The DLC’s are all over the place and add a fresh new mini campaign in each one of them with a completely different idea and style.

Overall, this game and it’s DLC’s are in my top 10 favourite games of all time, and I would definitely recommend it to everyone.

Holds a near and dear place in my heart, and i continue to come back to borderlands to this day, but definately rough around the edges

OG BL has a special place in my heart, it was one of the very early games I played where I started actually using my brain and I had some friends to play it with which was nice unsure of how it's aged but yeah......I liked it

played with my brother and all it was, was a good shooty time (mordicai all the way)

A really fun looter shooter with good writing and a neat comic like artstyle

might be good ill never know cant make it past 10 minutes

Incredible looter shooter. Still feels and plays great today.

Whilst it was fun it got so repetitive and by the end i was only half paying attention.