Reviews from

in the past

Depois de anos, finalmente consegui jogar até o final
A gameplay é absurdamente divertida
O enredo é muito bom, até que ele resolve jogar tudo no lixo na segunda metade, a repetição nos últimos capítulos é extremamente chata
Ainda assim, um bom jogo

I have such a love hate relationship with this game, like my favourite jrpg I would never reccomend to anybody lmao.

Excellent gameplay, great OST even if some tracks are repeated a bit too much, love the artstyle, ok story until second half, but the second half is not very good.

Arcanist, Spiritmaster and Time Mage's ability that gives everyone 2 BP per turn is a broken combo and carries you through pretty much every major fight in the game.

First half of this game is pure magic especially blind. The brave combat system is gold being able to do nearly anything you want if you are willing to gamble it. Unlocking classes and having your characters evolve their party roles over time as you unlock skills on different classes on different guys at different times constantly mixes up the experience. After you "beat the game the first time it does slow down a bit with very few late game classes but its remedied by being able to skip 90% of the game each subsequent loop. Still should have toned the loops required for the true ending down by 2 maybe 3.

The loop stuff is so terrible that it led me to put the game down for three years and basically not finish it til I was in senior year of high school. However this was a real formative game for my appreciation of turn based RPGs. Also I'm a slut for a game with a good class system

After chapter 4 it's gets bad than good

Enjoyed my time here. It was my first experience with a JRPG that modified the aspects I normally associate with it; alleviating the grind, allowing you to choose your rate of encounter, or set your choices for auto-battling. Helpful

I liked messing around with all the different jobs but you'll quickly find out that not all jobs are created equal. Spiritmaster, for example, just straight up breaks the game and makes you invincible. Also the game is very grindy, especially on hard difficulty. I did like the main characters (except Tiz) and many of the bosses were great characters as well.
I did enjoy my time with this game for the most part up untill a certain infamous point and then it got good again at the end.

The name pun is one of the highest levels of comedy I have ever witnessed in my life.

Really charming game with awesome and memorable cast. The loop decition drags it a lot for me, i want to see all the lore, but i dont want to feel like im not doing any progress for +20 hours.

The start of one of my favourite franchises. A solid JRPG with a lovable cast and a good worldbuilding. Played it with the english dub and gotta say, its pretty decent, which is weird.

Great until... a certain point.

Almost 10 years later, I'm coming back to my childhood favorite game, and probably my favorite game of all time.

So many memories came back with just an hour in. I can't wait to explore what I've left off unfold and unexplored.

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Bravely Default has a wonderful Jobs system to mix and match abilities while adding a fun bit of spice to the turn-based combat with the Brave and Defend system. But good god are the characters bland, the story dull, and that frakking twist...

The issue isn't the twist itself. Your Navi-like companion turning out to be the trapped evil that was defeated centuries ago is fine. Good even! And the little title change, while painfully forced, was a neat touch. But having to fight the crystal bosses SIX TIMES in order to get to The Final Battle is excessive and soul-draining. Really felt like the writers standing over my shoulder smugly complimenting themselves for such an idea, while the gameplay devs apologizing over my other shoulder like they were forced to drag this out from some higher up because he knew said writer.

Go play Radiant Historia instead. Or Etrian Odyssey IV. Or Stella Glow. Or The Alliance Alive.

An idle game disguised as an RPG

Very fun cool game but it would be cooler and more fun if I didn't have to play it four times, also by the end the difficulty curve just devolves into "figure out how to break the game over your knee or die trying"

That said it lets you turn off random encounters so it might be the best JRPG ever made.

One of my favorite traditional RPGs of all time. the brave and default features really add a new sense of depth to the system that wouldnt be possible otherwise. I totally get peoples gripes with the story; feeling like you are circling the drain a bit as the game comes to a close doesnt feel good, but it never bothered me as much as it bothered others. Praying for Bravely Default and Bravely Second to get ports at some point.

I absolutely adore this game, everything about it. Flying Fairy was a funny meme. I also pretend the last 20% doesn't exist

Es mi jrpg favorito, me encanta el estilo artístico de los escenarios dibujados a mano y los personajes en 3D bien integrados, los trabajos inspirados en Final Fantasy y su sistema de niveles, junto con la mecanica brave y Default hacen el combate muy entretenido y abierto a estrategias según tu estilo de juego. La opción de multiplicar los encuentros contra enemigos por 0, 1 y 2 hacen que el leveleo y el avance del juego sean muy cómodos. La historia y los personajes son increibles, todo está perfectamente escrito.

Summoner's rainbow whale go BBRRRRRR

Le jeu est une petite merveille en soi, mais qui a, par l'histoire qu'il raconte (et très bien racontée), un arc répétitif au possible un peu gavant, avouons-le.
Et pourtant artistiquement, que ce soit les graphismes ou la musique, le jeu est un petit joyau pour la console portable de Nintendo.
L'exploitation du StreetPass était parti intégrante du jeu, pour développer son petit village, et récupérer davantage de ressources.
Pro tip : avec le job Valkyrie sur vos personnages, il y avait manière de ne jamais être attaqué par un adversaire (mob comme boss).

Et oui son aspect répétitif à un point de l'histoire a découragé plus d'une personne, si bien que je conseillerais à ce moment-là de faire la fausse fin pour redynamiser un peu l'envie d'en découdre jusqu'à un final grandiose.

Clairement un de mes jeux coups de cœur, où j'ai pas vu passer les quelques 60/70h à le terminer. Et un des rares où je crois avoir tout fait (jusque dans les derniers jobs à obtenir).

Bland characters, terrible voice acting, and a story even worse buoyed by a somewhat intriguing battle mechanic in an otherwise run-of-the-mill JRPG. Bravely Default might sport some gorgeous backdrops and a healthy challenge, but under this thin veil lies little more.

Bello ma ha dei problemi troppo grossi

It speaks to the strength of this game that I still quite like it despite the second half which is frankly a slap in the face of the player.

OST is debatebly the best, but the way it plays with expectations is amazing

someone comically put a gun to my head and asked me to play it, so here it is

Un univers féerique, des combats stratégiquement géniaux, une histoire grandiose, des musiques envoûtantes, énormément de surprises. Ce jeu vidéo a touché la perfection dans mon cœur.

incroyable histoire et systemes