Reviews from

in the past

am radicalized Global Liberation Warrior. born&raised, cannot be helpd, must Do The Needful!!! mhm, one of first gameS I played, besides Duke Nukem 2, and X-Wing, and Quake (yep,AM NOT 'THAT OLD'! family just had A DOSputer, sadly could not hear TheMuzak... ). And Jazz Jackrabbit OFCOURSE, if That was somehow not evident. yepp, I am That I am, certifiably BORN&RAISED TO KILL EM ALL!!!!!!!!!

ps: fully ironic contents, just like foodS I like to eats.... RPGgame Choices&Consequences boys, i for one prefer gaining lightside points... NONONO donot be lookings into meanings of "Lands of NodS"!!!... will frighten positivelyAwake folx
pps: this blogpost? It's Over............... The Brotherhood has fallen :,(

Great game, continuing on Dune II success and formula.
The added campy movies created as the story are so cool. Love it.
Great catchy and pumping metal music was simple but addictive.

A good game for it's time that is sadly did not age that well at all. I love Command & Conquer but this one is just tedious to play.

For its age it be 10/10, today still very enjoyable at 8/10

I played the Remaster FYI. But I've also played the OG.

Command & Conquer is an important game in the history of gaming as a whole, and for that reason alone I'd recommend it. However, playing it in modern times reveals how many flaws it indeed has. The unit pathing is awful on many levels, and the gameplay just isn't up to par with the games that came after it. The units and structures lack personality that later games had, and many of the small cutscenes you get prior to missions don't feel actually relevant to what happens in said mission.

I can cut it a lot of slack though. It was 1995, and this was the first entry in the series. I think it says a lot though that this game still has the same charm and addictive quality that later entries in the series had despite the gameplay feeling dated at times. A fantastic piece of history, and the Remaster is excellently done. The facelift it was given is beautiful, and I'm glad even the console missions were included.

Score: 82

I love Tiberian saga, but obviously next parts are much more better

The FMVs are obviously a pleasure and this game contains all the individual pieces of a good RTS, but the campaigns are a nightmare. Missions come in three flavours: infuriating, tedious, and 30 seconds long. An important game, sure, but more a rough draft for Red Alert.

Can't believe that I loved this so much as a child. It has not survived the years.

Obviously a classic of the genre and you do have to give credit to something for that but the game has not aged too well at all to the point where it is quite tedious to play.

Maybe the game is good on PC, but the controller experience is just torture.

Extremamente difícil e satisfatório. Kane segue sendo um dos melhores vilões da ficção até hoje.

Game seems cool but the playstation port is terrible. There was no thought put into the controls. Doing anything takes forever. I didn’t get too far into the campaign but I think I would enjoy it much more with mouse and keyboard.

When the Act on instinct/Target kicks in (Instant Victory!!1!!)