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in the past

As a person who hasn't played the Jak & Daxter games yet (outside of a very brief sample I had with the 1st game), but has heard about them many times, I was and still am curious in trying out the series.

Since this game was pretty cheap, and I already knew of some of the plotlines of the other games, I decided "why not play this one first?"

Daxter is a simple 3D platformer, where you hop from mission to mission in order to exterminate bugs and take care of problems that are happening around Haven City, and maybe also find Jak, since this game takes place a bit before the Jak's inital rescue in Jak II.

Even though it's a small handheld game that really doesn't have much berring on other titles, it was pretty fun to play!
Outside of fighting enemies, you're pretty much constantly platforming through various levels, and from what I've seen, it sort of brings back the visual variety that the 1st game had, that the 2nd game lacked.

There are also the dream sequences you can play that are optional, outside of the 1st one, where they simply involve Daxter playing some role that normally is parodying a movie of some sort, like The Matrix and Braveheart, and you simply press buttonsin in timing with what's happening on screen.
They're fine little additions, but I really like that you gain more moves and health upgrades with them, so I'd say it's always a good thing to check them out.

I didn't find this game really that difficult, but I did die at various points, but the checkpoint system is pretty good, so you'll always make some progress.

The story itself is pretty vanilla. I do like the characters that Daxter interacts with, but they don't really get much development, and never come back in any other future, as far as I'm aware, so they're just there to bounce off of Daxter, who is pretty funny in of himself, so at least the game's writing is good enough.

For a PSP title, I'd say the game looks pretty good, but I did run into some lag while travelling in Haven City, which goes to show their ambition in bringing that city over to the handheld, and even then, you don't travel through the whole thing, as far as I'm aware.

Overall, Daxter is a nice little platformer to play on your PSP and I had fun experiencing it, and I hope to get to the main Jak & Daxter games sometime in the future, when I'm able to.

A short and fun little platformer with good variety in its level design and a simple, but humorous story and cast.
Worth checking out if you're interested in playing through the PSP's library.

Despite losing Jak's moveset from 1 and making combat a bit more of a focus, concocting a slower-paced game, and a non-sensical story that amounts to nothing I still found a lot to love from this childhood classic. In this game, Daxter completely forgets to save his best friend for 2 years which I came around to cause it's sort of in character and kinda funny, to exterminate bugs for Osmo, just cause Osmo compliments him once. It's goofy but it's a concept that lends you to explore the interiors of Haven City. This honestly I found to be the coolest part the level designs being centered around these buildings in a steampunk kind of wartorn city and going behind the scenes of them climbing through pipes and vents. Along with these levels comes an impressive amount of detail, especially for the PSP they're vibrant and fun to explore for the orbs really well-made all around. A genuinely underrated soundtrack, some simple but satisfying combat and unique platforming mechanics with the gas tank and its supplementary upgrades makes Daxter one of the PSP's more impressive and prolific titles

It's overall a nice, short, and sweet nothing that'll knock your socks off but consistently has some cool ideas in exchange for the expanded move set of the first game. Has a lot of character but nothing burger of a story with mildly funny moments. Maybe it's that nostalgia talking but overall a good time worth a peep esp if you like Jak 1.

Daxter estuvo 2 años siendo un puto inutil hasta que llego el viejo de Osmo y en un dia rescató a Jak

I gourd damn love this game! Fantastic music, I never knew I was being fed breakbeats my childhood. I can't compare the platforming to anything, but everything otherwise is just so pleasant, I gave a copy of this game to a friend. The visuals of this game were insanely and jaw droppingly good quality for its time and platform. The levels near the end get a little repetitive and are a little less enjoyable artistically, the final boss is weird and seems patched together, not upset I missed it as a kid for not being able to finish it.

A great game with awesome gameplay and artstyle. It gives me so much nostalgia. It was super fun and addictive. Might replay it.

Daxter is an early PSP tech demo disguised as a mediocre platformer.

I first played this game in 2006 and dropped it shortly after. It wasn't until recently that I made the commitment to finish this game, because for some reason it always bothered me that I had left it unfinished.

Everything in this game feels like it takes too long. This includes traversing large empty levels and various mini-games that you have to complete in order to progress.

Platforming sections are no fun either, due to clunky and unpredictable controls. Combat wears thin early on, as you'll be fighting the same looking bugs over and over again. Once you get the flamethrower attachment, you'll be using it for the rest of the game.

I think they've pushed the PSP a little too hard, as it struggles to maintain a consistent framerate at its default clocks. Be sure to overclock your PSP to 333 Mhz for a more consistent experience.

Daxter was an awesome addition to the famous Jak and Daxter series. Daxter the ottsel was hilarious throughout the story and had so much personality, adding tonnes to the game. The platforming in this game was amazing for it's time and still holds up really well. For the target audience, it can present some genuine difficulty and feel extremely rewarding to overcome its challenges with its charming ps2 style cut scenes that guide you through your journey.

I lost my copy of this as a kid and then bought another one years later but never opened it.

Mind you, I've played this on a very surface-level method, I usually can't be bothered with collectibles.

I was having cold feet going for this, then I was relieved that it's all good cause High Impact Games wasn't in charge. The game is overall decent. Platforming was good, the floating mechanic was a bit iffy; Enemy designs were nothing complicated. The bosses were a bit unforgiving and lengthy though. Story takes place between the two years of Jak's imprisonment in J&D 2 (working all his way up to save him. What a top lad.)

This was around the time Sony wanted every secondary character to have their main game on the PSP. It was fun though. Not as good as the main games but I had a good time.

Checkpoint e movimentação pesada poderá atrapalhar sua jogatina.

l'ho rigiocato dopo molto, bello giosu

Daxter may not be a must-play game that you need to drop everything to play, but it doesn't have to be for me to have a good time with it, which it certainly has provided me. The focus is on pure platforming that, while simple, is very fun to do and keeps the level design consistently strong and not tiring to go through, which is also helped thanks to the smooth controls and excellent presentation carried over from the Jak trilogy.

I have a couple of gripes about this game. First off, the main levels really could have used a map feature, especially in those open levels where I found myself getting lost. And those quick-time event mini-games are fucking dreadful. The story was okay, but I just couldn't get into any of the new characters they introduced.

To sum it up, I admit that it is very simple and, therefore, not setting the world on fire. Yet, there's just something about this kind of game that gives me such a good, comfortable time and striving for that platinum trophy, which reminds me of my experience with Pac-Man World 1. While it may not be a game you absolutely have to play, if you happen to come across it, I guarantee you'll have a pretty enjoyable time.

The only game I remember playing on a PSP, even before knowing about the Jak & Daxter series... kind of ironic honestly.

But I actually have a lot of great memories of this title. It is a pretty straightforward but really fun action oriented platformer able to stand out as its own game despite being heavily linked to Jak's main story.

It's also in my opinion the perfect compromise of the tonal shift in the series, since it's able to blend both the whimsical fantasy of the Precursor Legacy, with the darker and "mature EDGE" of the rest of the franchise (Daxter is not even that annoying here is it is in Jak 2)

Some of the mission can feel tedious and overall the game doesn't do anything that special to make it stand out next to other 3D similar adventures.

But it is a really charming gem to me. Give it a shot if you are curious.

Back in 2010, I had a PSP that worked for about a year and a half before some weirdo issue with the battery meant that I could no longer play it without having it hooked up to the charger. At that point, I left it in the hands of my older brother who briefly used it as a SNES emulator, while I eventually caught the (3)DS bug.

Of the handful of games I'd gotten for the PSP during that short period of interest, Daxter was one I remember liking a fair bit and I even played through it a couple times. Now that I'm trying to revisit the system, I thought it'd be nice to get reacquainted with it, find new stuff to appreciate and all that good stuff.

That did not happen.

I'm genuinely shocked at how much I didn't care for Daxter on this go. I remember so little about the game it legit threw me for a loop. Most of the environments, characters, music, setpieces, none of it had left any lasting impression and going to places didn't even trigger the faintest memories. It really did go in one ear and out the other, and going through nearly the whole thing again did nothing to change that.

The gameplay's serviceable enough, but apart from a couple of moments (mainly the subway stage where you're jumping across trains and dodging overhead obstacles), it's wrapped up in an adventure that doesn't do a whole lot for me. I like that every stage takes about 10-15 minutes to beat which is good for handheld play, but that's really about it in terms of stuff I appreciated.

I didn't even beat this, despite managing to do it over a decade ago, and gave up somewhere round the final stage simply because I'd had enough of a stupid platforming puzzle. A real shame that my opinion on this has fallen as much as it has, I faintly recall thinking it was excellent once upon a time. Maybe getting a fully fledged 3D platformer on a handheld was part of that, as I was well into the genre at the time and such an idea was still novel enough to me. Guess there isn't much for me when that novelty's gone.

So, I finally got my hands on "Daxter," thinking it'd be a cool addition to the Jak and Daxter. Gotta say, I was pretty let down. The game just suck.

First off, the whole thing felt like a broken record. I kept doing the same stuff over and over, and it got old real quick. I mean, how many times can you collect random stuff or beat up the same enemies before it gets boring? Apparently, a lot, according to this game.

And the control are terrible imo. It's awkward and frustrating. I lost count of how many times I missed jumps or got stuck in weird places. The camera angles didn't help either.

The story? Well, let's just say it suck. The characters lacked depth, and the dialogue felt forced.

Visually, it's not terrible, its just meh

In a nutshell, "Daxter" is just meh. If you're a die-hard Jak and Daxter fan, maybe give it a go for the sake of completion. Otherwise, there are way better games out there that won't leave you feeling like you wasted your time.

Really surprised how well this game holds up for me. Could just be the jak and daxter bias since but this game was really fun and offered a lot of variety in its gameplay for what it was. The collectibles unlocking the cool easter egg mini games is great. Overall, i just think we need MORE jak and daxter. Easy and fun platinum as well.

An overlooked and very underrated entry in the Jak and Daxter series. Daxter is a surprisingly good platformer, and it ties nicely into the story of Jak 2. If you're playing through the PSP's library or playing through the Jak and Daxter series it's absolutely worth playing.

My favorite game, played this alot it has a special memory in my brain

playing it on PS5 I thought it was pretty fun and has aged pretty well, the platforming is enjoyable, the story while nothing grand or outstanding has funny moments and on point character interactions, Haven City while just being more empty and stripped down was still pretty fun to explore, I feel the game put Daxter's small stature to good use with crawling through vents and climbing up big this that normally Jak would sit on or hop over, the combat was pretty fun, while simple I feel the animations Daxter has while swatting give the combat a bit more umph, but yeah Daxter was a pretty fun game, honestly I'm happy all the Jak games have made it to modern Sony systems.

i cannot comment on the quality of a random psp game i played when i was a child. but i can comment on the funny matrix reference being stuck in my head for over a decade. whihc i think counts as quality to me.

Remember being upset I couldn’t play as Jak

Como um jogo solo, nada a reclamar e até divertido, como um spinoff "legal", e interessante ver o que o Daxter fez nos dois anos que ficou separado do Jak porem a historia e meio qualquer coisa.

Passed the game on psp, I liked the game as a whole, it was a bit boring towards the end due to small puzzles, you can’t control the camera even in the fight with the bosses, it really bothered me, but I liked the game, it took a couple of days

Its a competent platformer, i kind of wish it wasnt the first game i've played in the jak and daxter franchise