Reviews from

in the past

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Ends on a cliffhanger without a satisfying narrative conclusion.
Everything else about the game is fantastic and sometimes I wonder if it's better than the original game even.
Daresay, the Palisade Bank level is even better than VersaLife.
Unskippable tutorial in dubai sucks tho ngl

disappointing, deus ex was about going to and exploring new areas, and all i did was just roam around prague and do side missions. human revolution was better in every right but this was rushed, and also just one boss fight in this game just sucks

Yet another Deus Ex with an amazing story, mechanics, and world-building.

I'm recommending this game as a whole because weirdly enough, it runs like shit on an RTX 3070ti (frame drops, mostly). I tried a few fixes that I found on the internet, but nothing really changed. Still, this didn't stop me from playing the game, I was still enjoying it due to its possibilities, exploration, story, sidequests, etc...

It still has some elements from the previous two games, the stealth, the augmentation upgrades, the possibility to grab and throw objects, the hacks, the turrets and robots, the access to codes and logins, the shady nightclub setting, the Illuminati stuff, the important choices and different endings. Since one is a prequel, it gives us an idea of how the augmentations originated from, and its ideologies.

Adam Jensen, our playable character, will do anything to find clues and the whereabouts of his wife and her project. Choose who you want to trust, what actions to take, who to save... until you reach your goals.

After finishing Human Revolution, I instantly went ahead and bought Mankind Divided. This game is beautiful and at it's core still remains a very solid Deus Ex game. I was taken aback by the devs choice of removing bosses (except the final one) and instead giving the player more challenging gameplay, which I found very fun. QoL changes such as weapon modification on the go, changes to hacking devices, hacking itself, biocells/stimpacks were very nice to see.

If you finished Human Revolution, I think you should do yourself a favor and try Mankind Divided as well. Very solid game.

please give me the sequel. the game is only 9 because of the unfinished plot

An insanely good sequel to an already insanely good game. On paper, it's better than the first in just about every way. However, with a few things holding it back like lost voice actors, mysteriously missing characters, and a couple flat new characters, this game falls a bit behind. However, it was still on track to be one of if not my favorite game of all time. And yet, when you reached the ending, you were left mouth-agape. This game was NOT finished. To this day I am waiting for the series to wrap up somehow.

Would be cool if there was another game.

Made me hate Enix, fell in love Eidos once again. They tried and have been vastly succesfull. Can't cherrypick the problems the game has. It had a vision but it was uncomplete. It at least was able to solve the problem with combat & bosses.

And do you folk remember that hideous pre-order campaign and tv spots? They treated the game in such a wrong way. Enix lost their touch.

Es realmente un juego excelente, jugablemente mejora y expande todo lo planteado en human revolution, varias misiones secundarias, son de hecho muy interesantes y hasta memorables, igualmente con la trama principal, la cual va planteando varios misterios que te invitan a seguir jugando, con todo esto es una pena lo abrupto que llega a ser el final, esto último hay que matizarlo, la trama de los hombres con las máscaras doradas, en efecto se cierra y su conclusión es satisfactoria, pero lo que ocurre con los otros miembros de los iluminati, se queda sin conclusión, lo mismo pasa con algunas misiones secundarias, la más dolorosa siendo la trama de los aumentos ocultos, en el cuerpo de jensen, pese a ello sigue siendo un juego digno de ser jugado, y una buena secuela para human revolution, una lástima que aparentemente, no tendrá una secuela para terminar de cerrar su trama.

Улучшенная Хьюман Революшен, но оборванная на середине.

Полная рецензия: История Адама Дженсена прервалась именно здесь и жаль.

Сиквел одной из моих любимых игр в истории в целом получился таким же ярким и интересным, подняв графическую составляющую, улучшив кое-какие геймплейные аспекты и продолжив истории 1 части. Невероятные локации, особенно сильно запомнился именно Город Големов, удивительная локация, которой, правда, можно было бы уделить и чуть больше времени. Сама Прага и ее мини опен-ворлд тоже мне понравился, районы городы кажутся живыми и каждый раз возвращаюсь куда-то ты замечал как менялось окружение и люди в городе вместе с ним. Стелс все так же остался на высоте, лишь слегка став приятнее, но кое-какие устаревшие механики Эйдос все таки еще не исправили, а жаль.

Что уж точно стало лучше, так это стрельба, тут она уже дотягивает до уровня калвздутия 2009 года и это на самом деле очень круто, потому что иногда мне прям хотелось пострелякать и игра позволяла нормально разгуляться. Отдельное мое почтение хочется сказать сайдквестам, которые просто шедевральны - это наверно главный плюс игры. И история убийцы, и приколы с Двали, и расследование Шарифа - все очень интересно и интригующе, а в какие-то моменты тебе реально кажется что ты отыгрываешь ситуацию, в которой только от тебя зависит судьба тех или иных персонажей.

Из минусов - это прерванный на полуслове сюжет и это очень плохо, ибо игра просто кончается ни с чем и еще обиднее, что до сих пор не понятно ждать ли когда нибудь продолжение. Так же это 3 акт в Праге, где город ставят на локдаун и кроме как инвизом и ползая как долбаеб этих душнил копов никак не пройти. Если честно очень сбивало всю динамику и лично для меня слегка убивало погружение в происходящее. А так же некоторые игровые локации выполнены как-то на отъебись и показались мне слишком короткими, особенно в сравнении с прошлой частью. Даже тот же стелс в некоторых местах стал слишком легким, ибо лвлдизайн для него настолько предугадывался, что все становился каким-то корридорным, но это наверно моя личная проблема.

Еще мне не понравилось, что почти что все новые абилки по сути дела юзлесс и нужны только для лютого экшена, которым я не занимался, а каких полезных аугментация для скрытного прохождения и не было, ну кроме разве что удаленного взлома, который действительно выручал в некоторых моментах В итоге мы все же имеем крепкую хорошую игру, которая использует все лучшие элементы прошлой части, где-то конечно же слегка спотыкается, но это не супер фатально, разве что сюжетной составляющей, но даже сюжет который подали здесь в-принципе был интересен и интриговал, но опять же, представьте если бы Дес Стрендинг вдруг оборвался после убийства Хиггса, вот тут тоже самое. Не хватило катарсиса и развязки, но я верю, что однажды мы получим ту самую 3 часть, где история Адам подойдет к концу и подведет нас к классике.

Second installement is not so good. Banked too much on the graphics

You can dick around in cyber-Prague forever and it's really cool but once you leave it the game just ends.

I missed this at the time it was released and I know there was a lot of controversy at the time with how Square Enix handled the launch and micro-transactions in a single-player only game. I'm not saying that stuff is bad, but now 8 years later, playing the game with none of that stuff attached to it anymore, it's an amazing game with so many great moments and fixes the few nagging problems I had with Human Revolution. The only downside is the abrupt ending and the occasional parts when you can tell they were constrained by time and budget to achieve their full vision. Still, one of the best of the Immersive Sim genre and well worth a play for any fan of the series.

i should finish the other one first

This game pains me in so many ways. I love the Deus Ex series. I first experienced the series with Invisible War on the original X-Box, and while I did enjoy it and found it intriguing, the game glitched out on me at a specific spot and I couldn't complete the game. Later on I stumbled upon Human Revolution which quickly became my favorite game of all time as I played it at a very specific time in my life and simply fell in love with everything it had to offer. When Mankind Divided released and I discovered it took place in the city I grew up in, I ran out to obtain a copy.

This game does so much so well, it hurts. It hurts because it was meant to be so much more. Due to meddling from Square Enix wanting to nickel and dime this game as much as possible, we were deprived of a much bigger and richer experience and that is something that is so upsetting to me.
If you strictly follow the main story, you'll find the game to be short and ridiculously abrupt. If you take your time, explore, try to find and complete side quests and soak in the atmosphere, the game really shines and will double your play time. Eidos really did a great job at getting closer to bringing that Deus Ex experience found in the original with all of your options in customizing your abilities, exploring and finding alternate paths. The in-game graphics are quite impressive, especially considering when it released (the cut-scenes still look a
Voice acting is top notch, but I must say the use of the Czech language and their accents are laughable and at times just plain silly, but have their own charm. The stealth is nicely handled but combat is still bombastic and badass as can be.

My main gripe for Mankind Divided mostly stems from Square Enix's handling of game and the totally unnecessary Breach mode which should be avoided. This game could have been so much more, but I am still happy it exists. I can only hope that Eidos will continue with this series and complete Adam Jensen's story.

O jogo tem uma história bacana e intrigante, mas muito apressada e pouco relacionável com quem está jogando. Você se sente como se estivesse fazendo isso porque é sua missão e nada além disso.

As melhorias do jogo realmente me fizeram sentir que eu tinha melhorado, além de que o jogo constrói bem as missões para você ser capaz de ter múltiplas formas de conclui-las.

As missões secundárias desse jogo, no meu ponto de vista, foram bem mais prazerosas de se fazer do que a campanha, porém acredito que isso varia de gostos.

Fantastic game, but literally unfinished, thanks to Square Enix.

wasn’t a fan of the gameplay, story didn’t grip me, the extremely long cutscenes didn’t contain anything interesting to me, so I checked out early on

Couldn't get this to run on my PC.

Siempre me cuesta una barbaridad hacer click con los immersive sims. Piden mucho del jugador con la promesa de ofrecer una enorme variedad de opciones a cambio. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones la curva de aprendizaje resulta abrumadora. En este caso siento que te sueltan en su mundo de una forma demasiado abrupta. La escena de infiltración inicial parece anclada en mecánicas de hace 20 años, con una animaciones de noqueo muy ridículas y una IA completamente idiota. El doblaje tampoco ayuda y el setting, tanto de la historia como de los personajes, tampoco invita de primeras a adentrarte en su mundo.

Más allá de mi experiencia, he leído que la historia del juego no mejora con las horas y que termina de una forma demasiado abrupta e incoherente. Más motivos para no continuarlo.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2016): Creo que la historia, aún estando bien, no está a la altura del excelente universo que han creado, que es sin duda el punto fuerte del juego, junto a las posibilidades mecánicas que da para afrontarlo lo convierten en una delicia (8,70)

I still think it was overhated back there in 2015. I think it’s right sequel to Human Revolution. Score by Michael McCann, Sonic Mayhem & Ed Harrison not reached level of HR but still very good.
Hope there’s gonna be third part & we get very good trilogy.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided é realmente a definição de sequência, pega tudo que tinha do primeiro jogo e melhora ao máximo.
Gameplay e Stealth muito mais fluída, enredo prende tanto quanto o do primeiro jogo, Gráficos melhores (mas eu nem ligo muito pra isso) e os aprimoramentos são MUUUUITO pica nesse jogo!

A pior parte é quando o jogo acaba e você percebe que estamos desde 2016 sem nem o anúncio da sequência :(

9/10 pra esse jogão!

Much better, tighter, more mechanically interesting game than the first. Prague is a beautiful setting and rendered incredibly. Much more engaging as a roleplaying game with interesting decisions and choices to make.

Much better gameplay and levels than its predecessor, but its story wasn't as compelling. It felt like the story just jumped from knowing nothing about the terrorists to knowing everything in one level. However, Prague is an amazing hub world, and I'm glad it changed each visit to keep it interesting. Breach mode is really lame though, and the Jensen's Stories are definitely just cut content that should've been added into the main story like HR: Director's Cut did.

Uzun zamandır bir oyunu bu kadar keyifle oynamamıştım. Bölüm dizaynı, hikaye ve atmosferiyle sürekli kendini oynatabildi. Sevdiğim bir oyun evreni daha kazanmış oldum. Ayrıca ilk oyunun birçok eksiğini gidermiş olması da çok iyi.

This game is really good. I really enjoyed the design of the architecture of the world as well as the style of all the menus. The combat was pretty fun and I also liked the story even though it was unfortunately obvious it was the middle part of a trilogy that will never be finished.