Reviews from

in the past

Considering the Game Boy doesn't have colour, I think they did a good job translating the colors of the virus to a black-and-white screen.

Besides that, it's the same puzzle game as the NES version.

Dr mario but without colour. its nice that its portable

I played a ton of this when I got hospitalized. Not a great version, but it did get me through a pretty tough situation, so I have quite a bit of fondness for it

It sure is Dr. Mario. The game loses a lot of its charm without colour in my opinion.

i bet he doesn't even have his fucking degree. what a quack

A novelty at this point that would have been great back at its release. One of those games that was replaced by modern accessibility that you don’t have to sacrifice core features for.

More of the same but on Game Boy. Feels more limited and the pills for any non-new players that are from the NES version can feel confused/disorientated.
Then again: not a real huge fan of this puzzle game.

Fairly simple mechanic and is fun enough.

Gran juego de puzzles que no entendía con cinco años, pero que he valorado con el paso del tiempo.

Venía con un multicartucho de ocho juegos que me regalaron.

Not sure why you would play this on Game Boy. :(

It's always been hard for me to rly play the Game Boy version of Dr. Mario. I'm not the best Dr. Mario player ever, hell I'm not even that good at Dr. Mario, but I enjoy the game quite a bit. I discovered a rom hack that makes the game in color & adds new doctors to the game (You know I had to play as Dr. Wario...the BEST doctor). It puts it up there with the Famicom version of Dr. Mario imo. You're still playing at a lower resolution and the game does kinda run worse but Fever does have that extended part that was added to the Game Boy version and all future parts..and again...Dr. Wario.

It's a decent puzzle game, but nothing special.

Pues dentro de lo que cabe está bastante bien. Es un juego de puzzles entretenido que cuenta con 20 niveles.
Los niveles del 18-20 parecen imposibles pero se pueden pasar con ingenio debido a que la estructura de los niveles sí está muy bien construida.
El juego se basa en destruir bichos(que al final resultan ser Aliens) de 3 colores distintos(en este caso por la gameboy solo es blanco, negro y un tercero con manchas de ambos colores). Los eliminas mediante las pastillas que lanza Mario en la pantalla, tú misión es acomodar las pastillas para que queden 4 de cada color, esto se puede conseguir tanto vertical como horizontalmente.
No lo consideraría mejor que tetris, siento que Tetris es perfecto y no puede ser superado, pero está bastante bien y la música está buena.
-Juego completado en una Nintendo Switch

Eh, it's alright. Although I tend to find it a bit harder than most versions of Dr. Mario due to the lack of color. Maybe I just suck, idk.

A good alternative to the NES version. I have the same issues with its difficulty curve as the console version: after a certain point, the game will just up and decide to screw over the player for the hell of it. See my notes here for more info. But as a whole product, you can get a pretty equivalent experience, which is commendable for a cross-plat of this era.

The graphics taking a hit is to be expected - the Viruses aren't really cute in that gobliny sort of way like they were on NES - but I'm surprised to report that the music is a little stronger. Weirdly, it's this game's version of "Fever" that adds the descending melodic scale that bridges loops - striking in its absence from the original. "Chill" is about on-par with its NES version, which is commendable since "Chill" is such a complex song for this sound-chip. Naturally it's not as satisfying to watch the Viruses groove out, but otherwise, you're not really missing anything.

I guess the Cutscene Viruses are underwater rather than in a tree, and there are fewer cutscenes, but when that's the only thing really holding back the NES experience on handheld, you have in your hand a pretty good port. Of a game I don't love, perhaps, but hey.

It doesn't make much sense without all the colors and even the gameboy color version is missing them

on one hand the game boy version is a game about matching three colors on a system with no colors
on the other hand dr. mario is always very fun

(Completed via Nintendo Switch Online)

Dr. Mario for Game Boy is an impressive port of the NES original, successfully translating a pretty fun puzzle game to an on the go experience being practically a 1:1 identical with the original. The only real difference here is the lack of colour as it had been released for Game Boy and not the later Game Boy Colour - the viruses and pills are now all black and white. This does lose a slight bit of life, but doesn't affect the game's playability. The music sounds just as good as the NES version, with no real noticeable downgrade.

To "complete" the game, like its NES counterpart, you have to beat Levels 1 - 20 on High difficulty - where you'll get a cutscene per 5 levels. After Level 20, the cutscenes stop. The cutscenes in the console version are much better, in my opinion, as there's more going on - they're not worth playing this version to view. Additionally, after Level 20 the game starts to become extremely hard, to the point it almost seems impossible to continue, so while you can go further than Level 20 to increase scores, it was clearly intended as the "end goal". I found it hard to get to Level 20 even with the save states and rewind of NSO, it makes me wonder how you'd ever get to this point on original hardware. I played through the game to Level 20 on High mode, but foregoed Low and Medium as you only get one cutscene in these difficulties and it isn't much different from the High cutscenes.

Dr. Mario was a very impressive port for its time, but today, it's just not worth playing over the NES version or any other iteration of Dr. Mario. For this reason, while you'll have fun with it, I've decided to give it a fair middle point of three stars. It's especially baffling that Nintendo had rushed to put this one on the Switch Online service before other, more important Mario games, such as Super Mario Land and Wario Land 1 & 2, as it's the same exact experience as the NES version available on the service long before this one.

It's Dr. Mario, but somehow even worse. Jokes aside, I feel like there was a missed opportunity here to use colored pills for the Game Boy Color.

it's dr. mario. i always felt like there was probably some way to play this game 'right' and tap into some deeper mechanic, but i really have no idea how to do that at all. feels like a falling block game for people who suck at them.

Out of the multitude of puzzle games that exist, Dr. Mario has never been a favorite of mine. This type of game makes the transition to Game Boy well, but playing this version is the worst way to go nowadays.

Another fast puzzle game. Lots of fun to be had, encoureges you to go on with self imposed challenge such as doing combos and destroying viruses in different combinations of pills. Pure instant gratification gameplay just how I like it.