Reviews from

in the past

Packed to the gills with fanservice and a unique battle system but a so-so story. Still one of the better Dragon Ball games to come out in the past decade and I can’t believe we still haven’t gotten a sequel yet.

Un concepto entretenido, se agradece que hagan algo distinto con una franquicia que siempre cuenta lo mismo.

The combat system is pretty good and original but the game is extremely repetitive and battles can take forever. It's weird that the progression feels so slow when the game's brimming with content, I've seen there's a lot of stuff to do on the postgame but I'm not playing that far in

I don't love the gameplay as much as other people do, but it's decent. The main appeal is all the fanservice and the fusion/collection aspect. If you play this in english, it's worth noting that the text is often cut off - it's not an issue with your game it's just an issue with the translation work unfortunately. You can still understand what the rest of the message will generally be though so it's not a big deal.

holy shit i forgot about this game, was checking my 3ds tile logs and saw this. I really like when games, spinoffs or whatever you call them take an "What if" idea, and actually pull it off. from what i remember, i didnt like the gameplay, but then again I really dont remember the overall gameplay in general

Very underrated game. Cool concept and mechanics, but the post game grind is atrocious if you want to get all the characters

it was ok

decent fun mindless game

it was good to use to dissociate the horrors of life away and not much else

i wish i got to unlock more cool characters from the series but its ok i probably get them from doing stuff outside of the main story. this wouldve probably been fun as fuck to play online with other people when it came out

Está muy chulo pero tiene algunas cosas que hacen que sea un poco coñazo.

Es un juego bastante completo, aunque su sistema de estrategia es extraño, pero también un tanto adictivo, con la posibilidad de fusionar dan ganas de hacer lo máximo posible.

Way overhyped as "one of the best dragon ball games"; gameplay is unique but slow

É um jogo divertidinho, mas a customização é extremamente limitado, o que é triste quando se ve o xenoverse.
Bom RPGzin, da pra ficar curioso pra ver as fusão, mesmo que a maioria dos designs delas eu achei meio ruim e não acho que faça sentido e "capturar" os personagens da saga é legal
Se gosta de Dragon Ball acho que vale a pena

One of my favorite Dragon Ball games. The gameplay loop is addicting and the fusion mechanic is really fun.

Dragon Ball Fusions is fun in concept, however in execution is bad. For starters, the unique strategy based combat is very fun, launching your opponents across the battle field into your teammates to do as much damage as possible is fun. The idea of creating fusions of your favorite characters is great on paper. Dragon Ball Fusions has many many characters, that you will likely spend forever trying to get. The reason for this is because getting characters in this game is incredibly tedious; in order to recruit characters you must knock them out with a ZENKAI attack, and in order to do that you need to charge your meter during the battle. Combined with the fact that you will likely be highly overleveled, recruiting teammates takes forever, and what's worse is that the process for getting actual characters from the series is even more tedious. The game requires you to recruit a certain number of people before going to the next area, as the barriers can only be broken if you have enough energy, and to hold more energy you need more teammates. Fusion can only be done with specific characters and specific requirements must be met before you can fuse, meaning that is even more grinding to do. Some of the missions in the story mode are also just downright unfun, such as the Baby Hildegarn and Janembu missions. I genuinely wish this game was better, as the combat is so brilliant and fun, yet everything else about this game really fails.

I played a little bit of it and it did not keep me invested enough to keep going. The concept and gameplay of this game aren't exactly things I dislike so I might go back to it at some point.

amazing concept and executes it pretty well

the game mechanics were wack

Fan de dragon ball et du tour par tour , donc bon jeu

genuinely one of the coolest dragon ball games

It's the videogame version of all those crappy Dragon Ball fan-fics I used to read and make back in the early days of the fandom and I love it. It's a simple RPG with the fusions being the main feature and of course that doesn't disappoint. The swords being censored and replaced with sticks is pretty stupid though.

É simplesmente Incabivel não poder skippar as animações de ataques nos combates, se esse jogo tivesse a opção de desligar as animações ao menos contra os random ele seria bem menos repetitivo e mais divertido de se jogar por mais de 2 horas

A neat little action-RPG based on the anime with a huge roster spanning every iteration of Dragon Ball that allows you to build a team and fuse them together to make new fighters. Not a whole lot of substance outside the customization options but it's worth a go if you're a fan of the series.