Reviews from

in the past

A more action-packed take on the speed platformer genre, complete with voice-acted cutscenes, a focus on boss fights, and much more detailed level design.

And in a better game, those might have actually been a good idea!

I really wish I could feel the hype that some people put on this game, but it's just not all there for me. I'll start with the good, though.

The visuals and music were a treat. Stage environments were surprisingly detailed and vibrant, and I enjoyed some of the theming of said levels. The music I didn't find too crazy, but there were some solid and enjoyable tracks sprinkled in for sure!

The rest is where the cracks start to show, unfortunately. Boss design is cheesy and unengaging, with many moves and patterns feeling like they're designed for you to use I-frames and tank hits rather than confronting the boss in any interesting fashion. The levels are better, but not by much. Stage design blends together at times, with few memorable or fulfilling set pieces that make you go "oh man, that's good". None of the level design feels structurally interesting enough to warrant the long stage run-times, either.

Combat does little for me here as well. There doesn't feel like there's much of a reason to fight enemies, especially when the game spams them to the point where it feels almost as if it's encouraged to outright ignore them. Additionally it can really break the pace of some stages when you constantly have to stop-and-go with enemies spawning in odd places, ready to attack the moment they appear.

The story is... fine! I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I didn't dislike it either. What did get me though was some of the pacing. Some scenes reach near classic JRPG length with little to no gameplay to break it up. Conversely, some plot points felt like they were resolved far too quickly with little to no payoff.

Needless to say, I really hope Freedom Planet 2 brings some much-needed improvements to the table, because as of right now I'm really not feeling this formula.

As a life-long Sonic fan, this is what Sonic wishes it could be.

It's an enjoyable fast-paced platformer game like Sonic. Visuals and soundtracks are compelling too. The characters would have been adorable if they were not lesbians.

Overall, a charming game to bring back memories of Sonic.

I can't play it, just like I can play classic Sonic games

However from what I can tell it seems more fun than Sonic, both in terms of story and gameplay

Don't take my word for it though, because I'm not a target for this game

this game didn't age super well but as a little baby nearly 10 years ago this shit was peak

Very cute platformer. You can play between different characters, all with unique abilities. The story isn't groundbreaking but it does its job. The collectables are also worth getting, in my opinion. If you love Sonic Advance, I'd say this plays similarly to that.

Very fun, although the story has a lot of problems and one of the playable characters is miserable to play as (I'm sorry Milla)

Very cool platformer with very cringe voice acting

Real 2d platforming. Love 2d sonic and this is just more of that

This game is so cute, and the soundtrack RIPS (I actually bought it on bandcamp lol) but the final boss is fucking me over so i'll come back to it later lol

a really nice love letter to classic sonic titles (as well as classic genesis games in general) with a banger soundtrack and aesthetic. don't be scared off by the "furry" character designs! my only complaint is the story is pretty batshit and weirdly dark at times

melhor que sonic pq só tem gostosa

Divertido, objetivamente mal juego, y aún así, divierte mucho más que cualquier juego de sonic de antaño

I was really enjoying the game up until level 6 or so, after that it has turned into such a fucking mess!
Level design went from decent to asinine, placement and sheer quantity of enemies have gone batshit crazy.

And the bosses…. I’d say the bosses in this game are among if not THE worst I’ve ever fought in any video game in my life.
OST is great and visuals are nice, but it certainly does not save this from being a shitshow.

Controls aren’t too great either, do not think you’re getting into sonic-like momentum based platforming, there’s no momentum whatsoever.

I very rarely care about plot in video games and I’d say it is pretty cringe and cutscenes are way too fucking long.

Overall, the game is not good and its only redeeming qualities are OST, visuals and an enjoyable first 6 levels or so.



I can say with considerable confidence that this was the best Sonic the Hedgehog game I've ever played, and it's not even a Sonic game! It was fast, it was frantic, it had satisfying combat, the progression was great, and there were some absolutely brutal bosses.

The plot may not be the most memorable, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. Art direction is gorgeous too. Fantastic game.

A really awesome retro-type game that brings back memories of the great classic Sonic games. The only problem I have is that character backstories appear to be very hashed together quickly, but the game is really enjoyable and the story is quite interesting too...if they went into more information on it.

There are unlimited continues so even when I got frustrated, it brought me back so I can re-try those really difficult bosses. Especially the last who has 3 different phases and even though you get healed between each phase, he's still incredibly dangerous and lives up to the horror that the character is in the story.

Taking several notes from the Sonic the Hedgehog playbook, this homage to Sega’s mascot series features tons of challenging boss encounters and gigantic stages to explore.

Full Review:

Definitely rough around the edges but worth playing if you like classic Sonic

Reviewing again after a fresh playthrough.

Wow, this game is pretty much as good as I remembered it. Brutal in the final stages, especially on hard mode! Final boss was also brutal as well; very fast, high risk/reward ratio, frantic, just like a final boss in a story of this caliber should be.

Say what you want about the voice acting, I think it did a great job at conveying the story's emotion. And yeah, the story, while (arguably) basic at its fundamental level, works incredibly well.

Music absolutely rocks. Incredibly inspirational work. Stellar, even.

I'll come back to this game to play Carol and Milla's parts eventually. Still can't wait to play FP2 (waiting for a good sale lol).

in a world lacking with decent 2D sonic games (discounting fan games and such) Freedom Planet comes with a twist of fresh air bringing a fun game with 3 characters to play as. the story has some dark moments that help to the character's development.

an indie masterpiece that everyone should try out :)

I have a lot to say about Freedom Planet, the experience I had with this game was wonderful! everything in the game is unique, the captivating characters, it has a solid and very unique story and a really cruel and diabolical villain! The game is a 2D platform very inspired by Ristar and Sonic the Hedgehog and other action games but it manages to be unique in the world and lore of the game EVERYTHING! It's unique, I really feel like I'm on a distant planet and full of unique areas to explore, the phases are never repeated, there are a total of 12 phases divided into areas and a positive point is that they are long but in the right measure. I could spend hours talking about the game but my recommendation is to play the game and feel how fun and unique it is to explore and get to know this game.

Really fun Sonic the Hedgehog ripoff with non-Sonic gameplay elements.

Eu AMO esse jogo e tudo nele, não sou chegada em jogos de Plataforma, porque não é muito meu estilo, mas esse jogo me conquistou com seu carisma, com a sua inspiração em Sonic, mas com uma história única e cativante

This is better than any classic 2D Sonic game because you aren't being punished for going fast every 3 seconds. Simply not taking damage upon touching an enemy and only getting hurt from actual attacks was the smartest decision they did for a fast paced 2D platformer. The bosses are a bit too difficult but visually and mechanically very impressing. Soundtrack is an absolute banger too!

If you mix Mega Man 8 and X4 mechanics with Sonic 3 platforming and put them in Sonic CD level design, that's the result, with all its goods and perks

A Sonic fangame turned indie masterpiece that combines a stellar soundtrack with super tight controls and platforming mixed with a slew of combat mechanics. It's a well-oiled machine that stands tall and proud even in a post-'Sonic Mania' world. An unbelievable effort on behalf of the developers and I cannot wait to someday sink my teeth into the sequel.

I've never gotten more than a few levels into this game because every stage is 10+ minutes long and I just completely run out of steam. I like the aesthetic but as far as the gameplay goes this is just a giant bowl of 2D platforming oatmeal.