Reviews from

in the past

Unfathomably terrible. Every decision made here feels wrong. Jumping physics are off, hitboxes are super janky, power-ups don't add a whole lot, enemy AI is rudimentary at best, there is little mechanical intrigue behind gathering collectables, buttons and switches don't always do what they're supposed to do...

Of particular highlight are the character models, which are nothing short of HIDEOUS. I actually think there are a lot of solid character designs that just did not translate well into 3D, or at least this game's version of 3D. Or maybe it's just down to seeing how they animate - I guess I get how you'd stumble upon the idea of Frogger flying around by inflating his vocal sac, but boy does that look gross.

Shrek feels like an obvious point of comparison, as another conventionally ugly 3D edgy Fractured Fairy Tales take on kitchen sink fantasy referencing whatever pop culture it wants that released in 2001. But Shrek had heart and complexity, and this game does not. Actually, I wouldn't think Shrek would be a point of reference during this game's development, since that'd be a roughly 6-month turnaround time between initial releases, and dev cycles usually take longer than that. But I'm not sure what the dev cycle looked like for this. Would love to read or watch a post-mortem, if one exists.

Having said all that, this is a very fun game to think about. None of the intended ideas come together, but it's a breezy playthrough, and it's fascinating seeing how everything it's going for abjectly fails to come together. I don't claim to love it or anything, but this is far from my least-favorite game.

this game isn't necessarily good but it has a lot of gay innuendo so...

Do you know the feeling of experiencing something truly horrible and just trying to forget, but the harder you try the more you think about it.

On my List of Games I never want to play ever again in my entire life, this sits at the very top.

Coming off of the arcade version of Frogger, which is a characterization masterpiece and paragon of gameplay, this version of Frogger is impossibly catastrophic. Frogger makes a leap (lol) from being our likable blank slate protagonist who we just want to see get to the other side of the road safely into a deeply unlikable and disappointing excuze for a frog. What’s with the bone sound effect?

Graphically the game is ugly. Plain and simple. Voice acting is mid but what else do you expect from Frogger.

The game’s antifeminist rhetoric is deeply entrenched in the naming of Lily, which eagle-eyed Frogger fans will recognize from the HIT TITLE, Swampy’s Revenge. Naming all girls Lily and therefore reducing them to one singular entity, especially when that name is congruous with a frog’s home, the lilypad, is misogynist.

If this hasn’t convinced you, they stole Silent Hill 2’s Promise. Lily’s not your Mary.

But Slick Willy can get it tho

1/2 star

"Coming off of the arcade version of Frogger, which is a characterization masterpiece and paragon of gameplay, this version of Frogger is impossibly catastrophic. Frogger makes a leap (lol) from being our likable blank slate protagonist who we just want to see get to the other side of the road safely into a deeply unlikable and disappointing excuze for a frog. What’s with the bone sound effect?
Graphically the game is ugly. Plain and simple. Voice acting is mid but what else do you expect from Frogger.
The game’s antifeminist rhetoric is deeply entrenched in the naming of Lily, which eagle-eyed Frogger fans will recognize from the HIT TITLE, Swampy’s Revenge. Naming all girls Lily and therefore reducing them to one singular entity, especially when that name is congruous with a frog’s home, the lilypad, is misogynist.
If this hasn’t convinced you, they stole Silent Hill 2’s Promise. Lily’s not your Mary.
But Slick Willy can get it tho"

The hubris in the above review displays an unhinged troglodyte who has, clearly, burst. Frogger is a departure from its predecessors, it's true, but it is also a breath of fresh air and work of art in it's own unique, specific way. In creating The Great Quest, the devs seek to absolve themselves from what once made them legendary, and in doing so create a truer, more real game.

The fact that this person missed the obvious metaphorical and narrative explanations for what they've crudely described as "the bone sound effect" should be proof enough that this is not a review or a reviewer worth respecting. That the obvious subversions of the concept of "fridging" with the character of Lily have flown over this simpleton's head is no surprise, either.

Slick Willy is also ugly as hell. Stan The Magical General of Light and Industry.

There are few games on this earth which are genuinely so bad and devoid of any merit that they destroy my day upon playing them. This is one of them.

Played for a charity stream. Frogger is a khaki cargo shorts wearing goon in this one. All he's missing is the green shirt with the Triforce on it. A fairy tells him to spit a goober in an early tutorial.

This game I love simply because it was something I continuously played during my childhood…but Jesus Christ it’s horrible and honestly difficult in places where it shouldn’t be.

I don't know what the developers were thinking - Frogger was a nice simple idea and they turned it into this.