Reviews from

in the past

Platform: PlayStation 4 (Via PlayStation 5)
Date Started: June 30th, 2023
Date Finished: July 1st, 2023
Time Played: 7 Hours

"My vengeance ends now."

An absolutely terrific finale to the God of War series (Norse continuation notwithstanding), and the definite best in the series. This trims the fat tedium from the previous mainline entries and displays itself as pure spectacle, with a strong story that acts as an excellent conclusion to Kratos' Greek Saga.

Even now, 8 years later (13 if you count the PS3 release), this still absolutely holds up graphically, with Krato's character model being superbly detailed and wonderfully animated. The combat is slick and fun, as are all of the abilities, the puzzles are a nice break but never kill the pacing too much, and the boss battles are each excellent, engaging showdowns that rarely let up.

God of War III really is just a joy to play, and is absolutely one of the best of its kind when it comes to pure action games. This is a monumental step up from the previous offerings that came before it, and a fitting end to the series...

que se foda aquele labirinto de cubo

love this game so much. the performances for zeus and pandora are top tier. the boss fights are so fun. its super demeaning but hilariously funny after the matter when the game offers to switch to easy mode after a certain amount of deaths. carried my mornings before school

Una pena que este fuera mi primer God of War en condiciones porque empecé por el más ambicioso.

Epic conclusion of Greece slaughter-journey

o MELHOR god of war, extremamente bom.

Allah aşkına 1 ve 2. oyunu geriye uyumlu şekilde oynayabilelim lütfen. Remaster da istemiyom aq emülatör kurdurtmakla uğraştırmayin beni.

I still have my problems with the some of the story elements and overall pacing compared to the previous entries but this is an very solid hack'n slash, it refined the series's classic gameplay to the point of perfection, the combat grapple, weapons with an more diverse moveset, great boss encounters and an mostly good ending for the Greek era.

it's an fantastic time and every action game fan should try it.

Me gustó, mucha testosterona a lo pendejo y la historia es lo de menos.

It has aged really well. The last boss was tough.

meu god of war e hack 'n' slash favorito! meu primeiro jogo platinado e tbm marcou minha infancia mt lindo e perfeito

Still playing it to this day a timeless masterpiece

otimo jogo. nao acho melhor que os da mitologia nordica mas é incrivel e mt bom jogar esse primeiro que os outros. gostei muito e me surpreendeu muito

Nothing is more empowering than dethroning Mount Olympus in the name of Revenge

The amount of scale and boss fights in general would not be as good as it is if it wasn't for the camera, like seriously it helps SO MUCH. Voice acting does what it tries to accomplish well enough and the only gripe I had it was Hades' characterization but that's only cos I'm a big mythology nerd :p

um dos melhores jogos que já joguei, mt bom fiz platina

Just as good as it's predecesors however the pacing takes a bit of a hit compared to 2 for my liking. A couple of repeated segments and slow paced puzzles slow down the experience.

Este juegoes una bestialidad, aunque sea un poco corto, es increílemente adicitivo. tiene un gameplay muy bueno, auqnue s´nos ponemos estrictos, realmente la historia no es la gran cosa. Pero el final lo recompensa.
Extra: Esta versión solo incluye mejoras gráficas.
Juego completado al 100%.

O ápice de sua Gameplay, e a ruina de sua história. Ele pegou todos os jogos da franquia aprimorou e melhorou suas qualidades e retirou qualquer problema técnico q sua Gameplay poderia ter, vemos uma Gameplay frenética, criativa, bem elaborada, fluida e bem dirigida, é a definição de diversão. Agora sua história... assim, gow teve muitos escritores diferentes e é claro que muitas regras foram ignoradas conforme os jogos iam sendo lançados, e aqui é UMA PUTA confusão narrativa, plot furado, simplista e desorientado, mas ignorando isso, e colocando o jogo no hard e cagando pra história é um PUTA jogão