Reviews from

in the past

Not a bad puzzle game, but not a particularly compelling one either. Pacing felt incredibly off, with new mechanics introduced way too slowly. The last several worlds threw some very interesting mechanics into its gameplay that I wish they had introduced much earlier to allow for further development (and combination) of those, alongside several other mechanics that seem like they would have clearly fit into this game design (multiplication would have been so much fun).

I'm someone who does a daily sudoku puzzle on the New York Times games app and naturally every once in a while I feel myself drawn to other number games. It's just an itch of mine that needs scratching.

Hexologic is such a numbers/math puzzle game and a fairly short one at that. Actually also not a particularly hard one, at least for me. But I did start and finish it in one sitting because of its cute presentation, its speedy introduction of new puzzle elements and its super polished state.

If you have the same itch, this will give you an enjoyable afternoon!

satisfying minimalist puzzler. maintains a good balance between challenging and relaxing whilst going easy on the senses — makes it great for winding down. not much else to it but can't complain for the price, especially when on sale

Sí tío me encantan las ecuaciones de primer E INCLUSO SEGUNDO grado. No pierdas el tiempo y juégalo de una en difícil así en vez de dos horas te dura una.

A fairly interesting simple, puzzle game. Finished easy mode in one sitting as I got a bit engrossed in it. Cutesy art style. Decent amount of levels (90+21). Overall good experience.

A relatively relaxed puzzle game, I played the game with the guide that tells you if a part is solved the whole time because I was oblivious to what the remove guide symbol that was used meant.

Definitely my preferred way to play, just enough of my smooth brain used to make me feel accomplished while being a fun time.

The different mechanics used in the puzzles as you progress were awful fun and I'd love an expanded version.

(I promise I'll play it without the guide, I swear, keep your eyes peeled for the mastered log of this lol)

A Kakuro variation on a hexagonal grid. Presentation is nice but a bit bland. Has a few twists but never became too complex. I think it could do with more levels, and a bit more complexity.

Anyone saying this is a short game didn't play the hard levels. No, it doesn't just get rid of the markup feature. They are kind of mirror levels. Some are the same, some are similar but solved differently.

The core game does take around 3-5 hours at most to beat. The rest is made up of the hard levels and the final level of them took me like 2 hours by itself. It took me AT LEAST 12 hours total to 100% beat the game.

Going to the game itself, I was in awe. Ever since playing Picross and the hidden gem Sorry, James that I haven't been this engrossed by a puzzle-numbers game. Every 15 levels a new mechanic is introduced and I couldn't believe my eyes.

This is a work of genius. This isn't Sudoku meets hexagons, this is Sudoku meets God. If you love puzzles, that is.

Very zen puzzle game that doesn't overstay its welcome. I would love a sequel or level pack of some sort that includes some more complexity.

A simple puzzle game that once in a while takes its puzzles to the next level with new mechanics that fit the original idea of the game.

There are a billion little puzzles games like this on every storefront, but this is one worth getting. Easy to understand and addicting to play through.

I wish there was a little more to the game, more modes, more difficulty, more options. But I got this for almost nothing on the Switch and expected little but ended up pleasantly surprised.

Nice little logic puzzle game. Introduces new mechanics at a good pace, and game doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. I do wish that there were markup tools. ~4 hours to complete.