Reviews from

in the past

Well at least Justin's not here.

Slightly less ad-libbed, as repetitious as ever in its jokes and play. Space Applebees caught you offguard last time? Well here's Cheers under an alien's ass. In case you didn't catch that the slugs are on the salt planet, I'll tell you a few more times. Guys, Amazon workers deal with horrid conditions, get it? Knifey sure is violent.

The new pinball gun is the most interesting weapon in the game, adorned with three phat ass babbling blue boys. High on Knife mostly throws basic enemies at you as a realisation that the gameplay really isn't what you're here for. The bells and whistles providing some auditory relief. Press F to pay respects kill enemies instantly and get it over with. Surfing on walls is vaguely cool if poorly realised, especially with Knifey telling you the act itself is cool.

As paltry as the gameplay is, at least it can be engaged with while the cast is yammering. On the other side of the coin, whenever dialogue occurs it is usually two characters talking at you. Or three. Sometimes even four. Three quarters of the screen are eventually squatted in by characters in dark rooms with monotone pink walls and swarms of pink enemies. To call it an assault on the eyes and ears is to undersell it. Maybe it was because thirteen people were goofing in my ears the whole time. Even before the aggravations reach a crescendo, the eye drifts across a featureless white planet, and rote gunmetal corridors. Almost everyone is a slug or a cock with tits. There is simply nothing to break things up.

At least Justin's not here. Not a stammer in sight. As one-dimensional as he is, Knifey carries(?) the whole two hours thanks to Michael Cusack's performance. Though by the end I was hoping even he would shut up. And Tim Robinson. And Gabourey Sidibe. I wish they'd all just zip it for a second if only so my friends could hear my great jokes instead.

As I sit here in a packed Discord voice call, feeling my teeth grinding, fists clenching, and blood boiling, I can't even feel anger at this abysmal piece of filth at this point. It's not even good at the humor it's trying to go for, which hasn't been funny for years, already. So many different genres of slop chucked into a festering cauldron to create something that is ugly, boring, awful down to it's very bone marrow. Go fuck yourself, Squanch Games

High on Life was Squanch Games’ strongest and most ambitious game, yet it was still held back by studio co-founder Justin Roiland’s tired sense of humor. Stammering out non sequiturs has more than worn out its welcome. With his exodus, the studio has a chance to break free from his dated schtick, and High on Life‘s High on Knife DLC marks the first chapter of its new era. Not every joke lands in this horror-tinged expansion, but it’s a promising sign for Squanch and contains some of the best parts of High on Life.

Read the full review here:

Not: Bu İnceleme Sadece High On Knife’ı Kapsamaktadır. Verdiğim Puan ve Yaptığım Değerlendirme DLC Üzerine Olacaktır.

Sevdiğim Şeyler
-DLSS var.
-Çevre tasarımı ve atmosferin görselliği gayet hoş gözüküyor.
-Görsel kalite kendine has bir tarzda güzel gözüküyor.
-Kenny’nin yerine gelen Harper adlı silahın seslendirmesi kulağa hoş geliyor.
-Eklenen yeni silah oyuna kısmen çeşitlilik katmış.
-DLC oyuncuyu ana senaryonun en gelişmiş halinden başlatıyor.

Sevmediğim, Eksiler
-Silahların özel güçleriyle çözülen bulmacalar ve geçilen platformlar büyük oranda azaltılmış. Hatta silah başına neredeyse tek düze hale getirilmiş.
-Ortamı kullanarak savaşabilmek kaldırılmış. Artık savaş sırasında ortam içerisinde kullanabileceğiniz çevresel unsurlar bulunmuyor.
-Düşman çeşitliliği ana oyundaki düşmanlarla birbirini çok tekrar ediyor. 1-2 düşman dışında ana oyundan farklı görünen düşman tiplemesi yok.
-Boss savaşı çok yetersiz hatta sönük olmuş. Ayrıca boss sayısı büyük oranda azalmış.
-Yeni eklenen silah ve geliştirilmiş bıçak DLC’ye büyük oranda yenilik katmamış.
-Yapay zeka hala kötü.
-Vuruş hissi hala iyi değil.
-Kenny yerine gelen Harper adlı silah özellik bakımından Kenny ile birebir aynı. Animasyonları dahil birebir aynılar. Tek Kenny cinsiyet olarak erkeği temsil ederken Harper kadını temsil ediyor.
-Hikaye anlatımı hala çok uzun diyaloglara sahip. Diyalogların fazla uzun ve ilgi çekici olmamasından ötürü hikaye ve hikayenin ilerleyişi çok boğucu hissettiriyor.
-4. duvarı yıkan mizahi şakalar fazlasıyla azaltılmış.

Oynanış ana oyunla aynı formülde ilerliyor. Fakat bunu ana oyuna kıyasla daha kötü yapıyor. Bölümlerin ilerleyişi çok sıkıcı hatta zaman zaman yorucu hissettiriyor. Bulmaca sayısı azaltılmış. Silahların özel güçlerinin bulmaca ve platform kısımlarındaki oynanış çeşitliliği tamamen ortadan kaldırılmış. Oynanış daha düz bir shooter havasına evrilmiş. Ana oyundaki çevresel unsurları savaş sırasında kullanabilme DLC’de kaldırılmış. Yeni eklenen silah oynanışa kısmi bir çeşitlilik katsada DLC’yi taşıyabilecek türden bir yenilik sağlamıyor. DLC’ye ister ana senaryoyu oynadıktan sonra girin isterseniz de ana senaryoyu oynamadan girin hiç fark etmeksizin DLC’ye ana senaryodaki tüm gelişimleri açmış şekilde en gelişmiş biçimde başlıyorsunuz.

Oynanış çeşitliliğinin gelişmesi en kötü mevcut oynanışı daha akıcı bir hale getirmesi gerekirken çok daha zayıf bir oynanışa evrilmiş.


Not: Spoiler İçerebilir
Hikayenin absürt senaryosunun absürt bir çizgi film konusundan farkı yok. Aslında hikaye DLC’ye yakışmış fakat uzun tutulan diyaloglar ve saçma senaryo işleyişi hikayeden alınabilecek zevki fazlasıyla baltalamış. Ana oyunun çok uzun diyaloglu hikaye anlatım şekli DLC’de de mevcut. Hikaye hiç zevk verici değil. Mizah olarak da yorumlamak gerekirse oyunun içerisinde olan mizahlar ve şakalar hiç komik değil.


Oyuna Puanım: 3.5/10 İnceleme Videosu İçin Tıklayın High on Life İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın

I'm just here for Michael Cusack.

Toxxo's mission was the best!

Was short and easy to get through, not as many of the jokes hit as they did in the actual game. The new gun was really fun though!

Jokes on High on Knife be like:

Add a packet of In-N-Out burger ketchup
Add a packet of checkers honey mustard
Add a packet of Red Robin original seasoning
Add a packet of tapatio sauce
Add a packet of in and out Burger spread
Add a packet of Burger King syrup
Add a packet of Chick-Fill-A polynesian sauce
Add a packet of Little Caesars cheesy jalapeno
Add a packet of wetzel's pretzel pizza sauce
Add a packet of KFC classic ranch
Add a packet of Macdonald's saweetie and sour sauce
Add a packet of Chick-Fill-A garden herb and ranch
Add a packet of Del Taco inferno sauce
Add a packet of Chick-Fill-A zesty buffalo sauce
Add a packet of McDonald's mexican style salsa
Add a packet of Texas Pete hot sauce
Add a packet of Heinz dip & squeeze
Add a packet of KFC sauce
Add a packet of Church's Chicken honey Smoky-Q
Add a packet of Subway red wine vinegar
Add a packet of Heinz hot taco sauce
Add a packet of Chick-Fill-A sauce
Add a packet of Chick-Fill-A sweet and spicy sriracha sauce
Add a packet of Jack in the box shhhh.... secret sauce
Add a packet of McDonald's grape jam
Add a packet of McDonald's hot mustard
Add a packet of Rally's Red Hot Buffalo sauce
Add a packet of Burger King barbecue sauce
Add a packet of Jack in the box creamy avocado lime sauce
Add a packet of Wendy's honey mustard
Add a packet of Heinz tomato ketchup
Add a packet of Chick-Fill-A honey mustard sauce
Add a packet of salt

mmmmmmmmmmmm (insert joke that is pro Ayn Rand)

At first I was concerned that arbitrarily adding more content to a work of art as complete as the base game was would just make it worse but I’m writing this with tears in my eyes from how truly profound and meaningful this is, play both this and the base game if you haven’t already

𝟕,𝟏/𝟏𝟎 🍹
2 years have passed and now we are already a well-known mercenary in cool armor and with a new female version of the pistol, the scope for a sequel is huge, you can endlessly make stories about any unusual orders, and the authors decided to make the goal of searching for the planet of our talking Knife, actually to tie this into the game's new runner-mechanic at the end of the game, so don’t expect any surprising revelation of the other side of the character or continuation of the plot here, the ending is very banal and I didn’t like it, I’ll say right away that I also didn’t like the new attempt at horror at the last level, not the idea itself, but lazy implementation, not scary, and too dark (and, by the way, with a large FPS drop),

What is probably the most important thing is that humor still has a couple of "trump cards" that can make you laugh and really piss you off (in good way) a couple of times, the salty planet looks quite beautiful, and provides a large number of activities for a small dlc. If the plot itself is completed in 2 hours, then cleaning up dozens of secrets, new paths after the plot, listening to absolutely all the dialogues with the characters, completing 3 side quests, took me about 6 hours more.
+2 types of new enemies, crabs with shells that make rushes in your direction and are defeated by simply turning them over on their belly, and a translucent teleporting lion,
as well as a new imba-gun, with a bad external design, but cool conceptually, the final boss is quite standard, there’s not even anything to say.
All our abilities have been enhanced overmaximum, there is no need to buy anything, you can only collect items with a humorous descriptions, and something may be revealed after an additional quest for playing cards with a local resident, but I was never able to unlock it due to lack of stamina in another quest, I don’t know yet if this is a bug or I’m just bad player.
p.s. It’s also very sad that there is not a single new memorable track from Tobacco.

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📝 My Big Review of the Original game:

Прошло 2 года и теперь мы уже известный всем наёмник в крутой броне и с новой женской версией пистолета, простор для сиквела огромен, можно бесконечно делать продолжения про любые необычные заказы, и, авторы решили сделать целью поиск планеты нашего говорящего Ножа, на самом деле привязав к этому новую геймплейню "раннер"-механику в конце игры, так что никакого удивительного раскрытия другой стороны персонажа или продолжения сюжета тут не ждите, концовка весьма банальна и мне не понравилась, скажу сразу, что также мне не понравилась новая попытка в хоррор на последнем уровне, не сама идея, а просто как-то лениво реализовано, не пугающе, и слишком темно (и, кстати, с большим проседанием фпс),

Что, наверное, самое главное, что в юморе ещё припасено пару козырей, способных рассмешить и по-хорошему побесить вас пару раз, солена́я планета выглядит достаточно красиво, и, предоставляет большое для небольшого длс количество активностей, если сам сюжет проходится часа за 2, то зачистка десятков секретов, новых троп после сюжета, прослушивание абсолютно всех диалогов с персонажами, выполнение 3 побочных квестов, заняло у меня еще около 6-и.
+2 вида новых врагов, крабы с панцирями, делающие резкие рывки в вашу сторону, и, побеждающиеся банальным переворачиванием их на пузо, и полупрозрачный телепортирующийся лев,
а также новая имба-пушка, с плохим внешним дизайном, но классная концептуально, финальный босс вполне стандартен, даже сказать нечего.
Все наши способности улучшены овермаксимум, покупать ничего не надо, можно лишь собирать предметы с юморным описанием, и что-то может быть откроется после дополнителнительного квеста на игры в карты с местным жителем, но я так и не смог его разблокировать из-за нехватки выносливости в другом квесте, пока что не знаю баг это или я тупой просто.
p.s. Очень жако ещё, что ни одного нового запоминающегося трека от Tobacco.

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Short and sweet extra area and was alot funnier than the base game was, at least to me. Get this if you already liked the game already, it's just more that but if you haven't played it in a while like me then it's something different

It was funny but kind of needed more, enjoyed the new gun tho. Did really well with the “meta” shit if you enjoy that