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The gist of this game is pressing a series of buttons connected to hooks by wires to clear the hooks from the screen in a certain order. I saw the price and the 97% approval rate on Steam and decided to give it a go.

The first few levels are incredibly easy to complete which is fine. Puzzle games should have a few easy levels at the start to get players used to their mechanics. The problem is that the levels don't really get harder or more interesting but rather longer and more tedious to complete.

As more and more wires are added, the level just becomes a visual mess. If the game were made clearer by, for example, colour coding the wires so you can more easily see which ones connect or highlighting which wires can be cleared and which ones can't yet (stuff a good puzzle game would probably have), then there would be no more puzzle as the solutions would be extremely clear. The only puzzle-solving you do is trying to figure out which line connects to which hook. That's not a puzzle. That's just mentally untangling wires which is not fun.

There's a sort of lives system in place where every time you try to clear a hook that can't be cleared yet you lose a life which prevents you from just spamming the buttons and forces you to actually think about the puzzle. This is good but it makes it so you can fail a level if you aren't incredibly careful and miss something. If you fail, you have to start all over again which is really annoying because then any "puzzle-solving" you do is rendered useless. Even if you know the solution you still have to do it all over again because the solution isn't discovered, it's achieved.

The solution to each level can be found in the same way which makes them all feel repetitive and bland; once you play level 30, you've basically played the next 20 as well. I tried to play as much as I could in order to make this review fair but once I hit level 50 I was just so bored and annoyed that I stopped. The only reason a puzzle was satisfying to solve was because it meant I was closer to putting the game away.

TLDR: the game is more like mentally untangling cords than solving puzzles. If you like that sort of thing then give it a go. It doesn't cost much but I would probably still be giving it a bad review even if it was free because the game was more annoying than it was fun and just not worth the hour I spent on it.

PS.: if you want a cheap, minimalist puzzle that is clear and concise and actually makes you think, I recommend "Twickles". it has a very similar visual style and, even though it's a bit pricier than this game, it's much better value as you can get more than one hour of gameplay out of it.

started to mildly enjoy this about halfway through and it has a pleasant and unobtrusive minimalist style. however, towards the end, it became frustrating having to trace increasingly long and winding lines from A to B. unfortunately, there's little deduction or intuition beyond variations on this core solution. the last few levels were reminding me of having to untangle wires 🥴

Decent puzzle game. Some kinda hard puzzles if you struggle with following lines like I do.

A wonderfully relaxing little puzzler with very simplistic yet easy to understand graphics, and a calming ambient soundscape. Our only complaint? ...we wish it had a level editor. Which, hey, when our only objection is "we want more levels to it so bad, we'd make them ourselves"... ;P

Fun, simple, nice to look at.

just a kind of boring follow the path game

Zen game that is not very challenging but still fun cant complain for under 1 euro

I found the best way to play Hook is sparingly in sessions lasting from 10 to 20 minutes, consisting of 1-3 puzzles. It had great therapeutic effect on me tbh. Tinkering with devices in no rush, calm and unassuming music. I felt at peace and my mind switched off its usual "frantic" mode every time I booted the game.

Steam deck run: OK.

Hook es uno de los mejores juegos de puzles minimalistas que he jugado en mi vida.

Hook es un juego de puzles super simple, con una música relajante que enlaza perfectamente, un diseño básico y bonito, tiene un nivel de dificultad que va escalando progresivamente de forma muy lineal llegando a ser bastante complejo, pero sabiendo iniciar y darte las instrucciones básicas de forma tan intuitiva que no se necesita ni tutorial.

Vale poco mas de 1€, si no tienes nada mejor que hacer es una experiencia bastante agradable que llega a entretener bastante.

Juego minimalista de puzles que engancha (je) muy rápido. ¿Qué onda con el nivel 64? Perfecto para jugar mientras escuchas música.

เจ้าเดียวกับคนสร้าง klocki คือเป็นเกมพัซเซิลที่ไม่มีตัวอักษรเหมือนกัน เกมมี 50 ด่าน วิธีเล่นคือต้องกดปุ่มให้เส้นหด โดยที่ไม่มีอุปสรรคอะไรขวาง อธิบายไม่ถูกต้องเล่นเอง สนุกดี เพลิน ๆ ด่านหลัง ๆ เส้นอย่างเยอะ

Buen juego de puzles, bien simple, graciosete y corto, es media hora agradable.

Hook is a well done minimalist puzzle game with subtle, relaxing background music. There are currently 69 levels, and new puzzle mechanics are first presented in isolation so that players can figure how it works.

I would say that Hook is not difficult since personally I only had trouble on level 63 due to one of the hook nodes unexpectedly sending back a signal to another node, but thankfully once I realized what was happening, I was able to disconnect the two nodes without more issues. Those who are familiar with puzzle games will take about 2-3 hours to finish.

Considering the price, I highly recommend Hook for anyone who likes simple and relaxing puzzle games to complete.

There is also a dark mood, which launches the to score to a 10/10 ;)