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in the past

The visuals in this game are really beautiful. The art direction and design of all the robotic creatures are really great. Unfortunately, that’s about all I can say about this game that is good. With games like BotW and RDR2, the bar for open world games is set pretty high, and very few are able to cross it. Horizon: Zero Dawn doesn’t even come close. The fact this is a PlayStation exclusive is very surprising, as it has Ubisoft written all over it. The story is uninteresting, characters look and sound like robots, the map is large and empty, interesting combat takes a backseat for slowly placing traps. Guerilla has shown that they aren’t really capable of making a compelling open world experience, but I would be interested in seeing them give a game more similar in style to God of War a try.

Joguei por 2 horas no PS4 e larguei.

Its like an Ubisoft OpenWorld Game but without any microtransactions.

good mechanics, boring characters and story

Its ok and that's it, very repetirive but good looking, couldn't play more than the first 10 hora aprox

This review contains spoilers

It's a nice RPG game, but lacks on interesting side quests and other thing, if you're gonna put choices in your game, make them really alter the course, this game simply gives you choices, but the choices don't matter in the end of the day. Textures could be better. Is a fun game to play and what makes it a 4 to me is the INSANE story, the idea of the humans making machines to replace animals, is really simple, but also quite philosophic. When you're playing, you be like: "Of course some AI turned evil and bla bla". NO my friend, it was an architected solution by human design. Just for that, it receives 4.

A game that I found was carried very hard by its incredible story and endearing characters. The mystery of what Zero Dawn is, and where Aloy came from has to be one of the most engaging stories in gaming I have seen. I loved every second of it.

What I didn't love as much were its combat, its RPG-like mechanics, and some of the world exploration. Fighting the robots themselves wasn't too bad, even if the spear was barely ever useful, but what I disliked most was the constant need to find new long-ranged weapons and armour sets that would have the stats I was looking for. It almost reminded me of a looter shooter, which put me off quite a lot.

Crafting was also somewhat annoying, though it wasn't a game-breaker for me. The limited item space did completely turn me off from it though, as I always felt I was running out of space.

The ending also felt a bit lacking, not that I expected a huge boss but to get what we got felt a bit lacklustre after everything the player had gone through. This game is still worth your time, but just know there are some flaws before diving in.

The worldbuilding is one of the best, and the setting just oozes creativity. The story shattered my heart towards the end.

Interesting concept. Terrible execution.

Horizon: Zero Dawn was a game I was pretty excited to see being sold for free. However, it disappointed me completely. The overall narrative and plot is pretty cool, but the dialogue is SO boring and uninteresting. The open world aspect of it also fails to amaze me. It feels so restrictive and it doesn't encourage exploration like other open world games... COUGH GOUGH breath of the wild COUGH COUGH.

I'm not gonna lie tho, crafting is cool and hunting down robots is super cool!

never finished it, it didnt click for me

I played through all of this without knowing you could fast travel

Ótimo jogo. Curti muito a história e o combate desse jogo com todas as variações de inimigos, tanto humanos, quanto máquinas. Os únicos erros desse jogo são as missões secundárias, que você tem que andar basicamente o mapa inteiro pra completar elas. E o início, que, na minha opinião, é bastante puxado e chato. Fora isso, o jogo é muito bom e vale a pena, da metade pro final eu nem percebi as horas passando, fiz 40 horas fácil.

how do you make a game about robot dinosaurs boring

مرة تطفش ومافيها شيء واو, احلى دروب

One of the most overrated games I’ve seen. Combat is bland, world feels small and artificial. Enemy’s aren’t fun to fight

dropped this shit in 30 mins lolz

It was a pretty average open world game, but man I love the aesthetic of this and Forbidden West. Yeah it's mostly kind of generic "nature reclaims the ruins of past civilizations" stuff, but dash of ancient civilization makes it a bit more memorable. What I love, however, is the machine design. The way these metal giants move and interact with their surroundings, the way that they lose parts as you fight, or even how you can kind of see their intended purpose when you look at their construction is just great. Frozen Wilds also had excellent snow physics, but that's really all I remember from it.

Granted I also remember liking Days Gone so maybe I just have awful taste.

please stop releasing games in this franchise right next to zelda it makes it look baddddddd

Horizon Zero Dawn is a ~tRiPlE A~ (James Stephanie Sterling Voice) game, if I've ever seen one. A cynical person might say It's nothing but an amalgamation of every trend you've seen in the 2010s in gaming:
Assassins Creed's free climbing and towers
Ubisoft's general open world structure
Witcher 3's witcher sense
BioShock's voice recordings as a way to tell the intricate backstory of several places
Soulslike button layout for close combat (though that feels rather janky)
...and Monster Hunter in regards to how the combat actually works, you know removing parts from enemies and stuff (or so I'm told, never really played monster hunter)

I'm seven years old and visit the kid that lives in the same house as me, he also only has an SNES and no N64 or PSX like the cool kids and we play Donkey Kong Country. We're not particularly good at it, but the music and the jungle athmosphere really fascinate me. The graphic looks gorgeous and I love just jumping through this vibrant jungle setting and even though underwater level is super hard, Aquatic Ambience is just an awesome piece of music

And of these open world features are used quite well here though - If you didn't get sick of open world by 2017 or whenever you decided to play this for the first time. There aren't as many "Towers" and the Tallnecks are a bit of a more interesting idea, moving around the area or being captured by a camp of the occult, so you have to work through that to be able to climb. Some baggage still remains of course, like bandit camps or numerous collectibles. Also you might at times travel great distances between story missions, which can be tedious if you don't feel like exploring at the time. Luckily I've barely played any open world games, cuz I thought they get tedious very easily, but I can bear the more annoying parts here, because I haven't done this a million times before.

I'm 10 years old and we have a project in history class building small houses modeled after the ones people in the early Bronze Age had lived in. I'm not good at crafting anything, but my heart was really in it and I couldn't stop thinking about what it must have been like to live in a house like that. It looks kinda cozy, though I would miss the comfort of my home, tv and video games

I found the world to be engaging, the vistas are just beautiful, between lush jungle forests, glistening deserts, decrepit ruins of a only slightly futuristic society long gone now.
And the enemies are fun to fight, the fucking Glinthawks you either have to shoot down very effeciently or you'll be like me and pull them down to you with a ropecaster. Laying traps for big and especially fearsome foes, sneaking around to kill the enemies one by one - I always felt their were a lot of apporaches to battle if you were willing to take you time, and there are some tactical or RPG-elements to it. Using elemental weaknesses or tearing down specific parts to maybe even use the weapons against the enemies themselves. Or you just sneak around and corrupt as many enemies as possible to have them fight each other. The only place, where this isnÄt true is the fight against other humans. You either hit them in the head with an arrow or you try to wittle down their health with your spear - and close combat isn't that good, if you're not sneaking about.

I'm 12 and I just got Star Fox Adventures. I didnt have much experience with the Star Fox franchise before, I've only seen a friend play Lylat Wars/ Star Fox 64 on his N64. Adventures is suppossed to be like a 3d Zelda though and I always wanted to play one of those myself! I like how the characters look and a planet full of dinosaurs is just exciting to visit. The environments are varied an lands of snow full of mammoths, a labyrinthine temple complex with triceratops and t-rex's lurking about, a misty village full of humanoid dinosaurs clad in tribal clothes with houses build on lakeland connected to each other with wooden racks. But the music is what realy builds the atmosphere! Everything is tribal drums, flutes and ethereal synth sounds

The story of Horizon Zero Dawn is told on two timelines if you will. On the one hand you have to figure out what happened in the distant past - our immediate future not destroyed by climate crisis, but by some rich guy who wanted to make money with the solution to climate crisis: ecological robots that can basically terraform. He sells them as warmachines reliant on biofuel and this is were shit goes haywire. Now a team of scientist will have to try salvage whatever possible, to have at least something survive. These stories are mostly told via voice recordings or the occasional holographic scene, showing us people arguing in the shape of purple hazes. The other part of the story is about Aloy an outcast in the tribal Nora society, seeking out how she was born and what mysteries lie in the ancient past as well as why she was attacked by an insane cult. She travels the world gets to know different tribes and different people.

I'm 25 sitting sitting in an anthropology class about how historically Europeans tried to model an universal history of humanity, putting themselves as the most advanced on top and modeling the "lower"and "most primitive stages" after North American Native people as well as African hunter and gatherer societies. I haven't thought about the early Bronze Age and how it was taught to me in ages, but the Professor points out how "tribal clothing" or "early humans" is often modeled after Native American people in popular media and sciences as well.

The settng of Horizon Zero Dawn tries to accomplish something interesting: a mix of Sci-fi with ancient history. Aloy and her immediate conflict and surroundings is more based in "tribal conflicts", religious superstition and a former feudal power exploiting local people than the conundrums of climate changes, billionaires or ecological responisiblity for the planet. I liked traveling through the lands and areas, getting to more about the local beliefs and histories while also figuring out what happened in the distant past. As an anthropologist I could recognize easily where the inspirations for some of these tribes came from. The shamistic rituals and musings of the Banuk are very much inspired by real shaminism in e.g. Mongolia. The Carja Sundom reminds me of Aztec or Babylonian "high cultures" (that term implies one cultures is more developed, which might be true concerning technology or means of production, but not in anything else, especially not in morals or religious belief). The Nora - Aloy's own tribe - are a superstitious bunch and reflect on tribal people as very backward. In general the sci-fi background tends to portray anyone else that is not Aloy (or otherwise a technological afficionados) as simpletons, which goes with western modern beliefs. Hand in hand with the borrowing of native american aestethics, this makes for a handful of icky immplications - though I don't think this was the intention here, I guess its more about making Aloy more relatable to a western audience. And I like Aloy, she is capable a bit of a loner, determined, but heartfelt and at times snarky. Her quest of wanting to find a home for herself and finding out more about the past and her mother/ previous version of herself Elisabet Solbeck caught me emotionally - it's just that it is often tangled up in typical Western portrayls of other societies.

All of this is a very roundabout, part academic, part reflective emotional way of saying: there are reasons this game resonantes with me. The atmosphere catches something I didn't remember that once fascinated me ("tribal societies", stone age/ early bronze age and vibrant jungles) with aspects that I care more about nowadays (different cultures and ecological responsibility for the planet) while giving me gameplay, that is enjoyable to me while not reinventing the weel and also giving me a character that is trying to find a home or a found family. A lot here just works, even if not perfect.

I like the commentary about capitalists fucking up the earth even if they actually might be able to save it from climate crisis.
I also think it's kinda interesting, that a huge group of them came together to try to just flee into space, which doesn't work out very well...
Also Ted Faro also destroys a huge knowledge data base on a whim. Feels awfully fitting with the downfall of Twitter.
...the choice to create an AI that is supposed to save the Earth...didn't age well though. I know, what we have now isn't AI but machine learning, but it feels weird to have such positive talks about AI especially in regards to the climate and nature in general.

Really wish i could like the game more, they created really interesting world with cool build up, yet they failed on everything else. Dialogues are horrible, plot is somewhat boring and too long, combat is simple and not satisfying.

isso que da quando vcs ficam criando inteligencia artificial

be sure use every part of the robo-bison.

A ideia de juntar uma sociedade primitiva com as tecnologias avançadas de um futuro cibernético é absurda e genial. Horizon Zero Dawn seria um 3A genérico se não fosse seu universo, mundo aberto, história e personagens marcantes. Aloy é uma ótima protagonista, o combate é satisfatório.

The game dont get me, dunno why.

One of the most interesting settings I've ever seen in a videogame, this game is gorgeous, from the graphics to the worldbuilding, it's pure eye candy.

The game may feel a little bit linear at first but when it opens up, it gets better, and the story is decent with some cool twists later on, but sadly most of the characters are painfully generic and forgettable.

The gameplay is smooth and fun, very fast paced combat, using the environment against your enemies and hitting the weak spots feels satisfying. There are also different weapons you unlock as you progress, and a decent variety of enemy types.

Unfortunately though, the side content didn't really surprise me, most side quests are repetitive fetch quests or glorified stronghold liberations, there's no innovation whatsoever.

It really is a solid game overall, even with its shortcomings, the unique and fresh setting, the very enjoyable gameplay mechanics, the beautiful Open World and the amount of content definitely make this game a very fascinating experience, not the best of its kind but a pretty nice one.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

Achei o ambiente e o mundo mt legal, pensar que mesmo com tanta tecnologia se o ser humano deixar ela dominar a gente teria de voltar a viver como os povos antigos me cativou, a história não é a melhor do mundo, mas é o suficiente pra te prender.
Obrigado pelo presente na pandemia, Sony

You have an open world game littered by awesome robot dinosaurs and the only memorable thing about this entire game is how it got utterly mogged by Breath of the Wild.