Reviews from

in the past

I'd play this game even if it had a bunch of ads, but it doesn't have any mandatory ones, besides a few occasional tiny banner ads. The gameplay is super fun, the levels are fun, the challenge is fun, it's all fun. One of the few mobile games that's genuinely good and really proves that mobile games CAN be great, but just usually aren't.

amazing gameplay aside the sound design in kingdom rush really made this game 10x more addicting, i love the sound effects of upgrading the towers and deploying the little soldiers, 10/10 tower defense game

God this game was THE SHIT with my friend back when he discovered it in the early 10s
Come to think of it, it's probably the reason we became friends in the first place, we both wanted to play and complete the silly tower defense game from his 'puter
Nowadays? it's aged like fine wine, probably my favorite tower defense ever.
The graphics are very charming, the SFX are just chef's kiss and, idk
it's just plain fun, man

Is it the best one? most probably not.
But I don't want a better tower defense.
Kingdom Rush is already all I'd ever ask for.


This game is great, maybe I can play it again in the future.

I finished the main story, and as always I want to master it but get bored by the time it takes to complete one level.

my childhood game ... i love it

The game that got a lot of people into the tower defense genre. I first ever tried it back in the day on my iPhone. But left it due to the microtransactions. But playing it on my Steam deck it felt right at home with no microtransactions and mouse support. The mouse helped quick sections be made mid tower battles. For such a simple genre each tower and troop as much depth and strategy necessary to master to be able to play on higher difficulties. And the art style keeps you wanting to see what the next level/map looks like.

This is a very fun little tower defence game. It's based on the flash game of the same name, however they updated it with all kinds of new things and a campaign that continued to be in development whilst I was playing, but recently has been completed. Basically with the upgrades, it's good to be careful, otherwise you can mess up and end up penalising yourself badly.

Besides that, it's your standard turn-based game with RPG elements for the towers and even the heroes you gain. The heroes start at level 1 on every stage, but level up with the more enemies they kill. I recommend this for anyone who likes fun and quirky tower defence games.

Edit: Had been replaying this game recently and really do love how fun it can be, however, trying to get 100% can also be VERY frustrating too. Asking you to essentially choose the perfect towers and placing which can be fun, but also so frustrating when attempting this, but I won't give up that easily either!

A quality IOS tower-defense game experience. A perfect game to pass time on your iPhone or iPad when you need one. The games are quick, short, fun, and mentally-stimulating. Teslacoils and Arcane Wizards are OP!

Despite coming out in 2011, this feels like it came out in like 2005, it's got such an oddly nostalgic feel to it. A quaint tower defense that ramps in difficulty pretty hard toward the end.

steam release of this is genuinely pretty hard i am struggling to even get halfway through any of the post-game levels

Addictive gameplay

Nice animated design

Nice variety in tower types

Variety in enemy types

Actually challenging

Needs development in story

Villain not revealed until final level and is forgettable

It's a fairly robust tower defence, but a few niggles stopped me from continuing beyond eight hours. Firstly, gold accumulation is too slow to the point at which you can spend a minute or two doing nothing but placing the little pair of soldiers you can dump for blocking. Secondly, there are too many enemies early on to know their weaknesses. Add to this no rewind or fast forward and it becomes a grind. It feels like a mobile game. Otherwise, all fairly solid.

Un referente de los tower defense actuales

İnsanoğlunun yaptığı en güzel şey.

One of the best tower defense game I've ever played

Eu sou um pirado de jogos Tower Defense, e o Kingdom Rush original mescla mecânicas simples, com uma variabilidade modesta, e a dificuldade pode variar. Inclusive ficando bem alta nas fases extras após vc zerar o jogo. Top.

Very nice gameplay loop with some varied ways to play and a good artstyle, although quite short.

Aqui nasce a lenda. Minha franquia favorita de tower defense. Já era fã desde o flash, mas a versão da Steam com mais fases e heróis liberados é bem mais divertida

I absolutely loved this game when it came out. The different types of towers and enemies make this so much fun. I only wish there were more types of towers and that they were all equally as good. The bomb tower is clearly the weakest.

REALLY good for a mobile game

Ревью на игру на телефон, дожили! Игра реально классная, лучший Тауер Дефенс который я видел (идея з солдатами самый топ). Хорошо сбалансирована, приятно сложная. Тупо спасла меня когда я ехал в поезде 8 часов, время пролетело.

An extremely fun and unique tower defense. It really is just simply a good time with a solid little story and a whole host f towers and enemies to keep one busy for a while.

joguei isso aqui até dar uma dor quando era criança, tower defense é bom demais.