Reviews from

in the past

It's a good game, with a lovely emphasis on Luigi! The battles are great. However it can get bloated on some parts, but it still gives a mostly satisfying overworld design and great humor. And BEEG LUIGI WRESTLING BEEG BOWSER!!!

SUPER FUN. I'd love to go back and complete this game for real.

Got this for christmas 2015 or 16 i believe, great game

Our favorite Mario RPG, and you can tell because we're plural! ...Okay, that doesn't explain anything.

Some people are kinda mean to this game, either because of it having long tutorials (which... we have a 10 year old Cookie Clicker save, so maybe we just have the patience of a saint, but it never bothered us even on a repeat playthrough) or because it's a 3DS-era Mario & Luigi game when those are rather notoriously a mixed bag of contentious titles. We happen to fall on the "love" side of this one.

The music is transcendent as always. The Dream World is a fun gimmick, and we adore the Dreamy Luigi shenanigans. Prince Dreambert got slept on literally, we're so sad he basically never got the chance to appear again when he's a very fun character being this prim-and-proper dude that's also just kind of A Guy, who has a frat bro best friend, and also his frat bro best friend is One Of The Closest Things To A God In A Mario Game. The Pi'illos are so cute! And, of course, we, for two, accept our Plural Luigi overlords.

As far as we're concerned, this is a must-play for any 3DS owners--if only to experience what it's like. While Superstar Saga is probably "objectively" better, we can't help but show our bias in favor of the funny Luigi one.

Don't sleep on this despite the game's theming

Despite this game not really being long for RPG standards, it drags on for WAY longer than it needed to. By the time I got to Somnom Woods I was ready to be done. There's also a weird balance where the Dream combat and Overworld exploration are really good, but the opposite parts of each are comparatively boring. Cool lore, really nice aesthetic and a fantastic soundtrack, but the story padding and odd gameplay balance really killed my enjoyment for this one.

This was pretty chill of for a Mario & Luigi Game, but Goddamn; for a Mario RPG this shit was LONG

It's been a long time since I've played this game, but I remember liking it a lot as a kid. Sure, I'll admit the tutorials might ruin a good amount of the gameplay and that the game is drawn out with backtracking, but it's still full of the witty and wacky Mario & Luigi-ness that I hold dear in my heart.

Luigi mejor personaje de la saga

This is the "Skyward Sword" of the Mario and Luigi series. The highs are very high, but the lows are very low.

Like Skyward Sword, this game is filled to the brim with padding and lazy filler (every objective in this game has like, 7 different hoops you need to jump through before you can even start working towards that initial objective), but when this game hits it strides, it offers the best experiences in this entire series.

I think Dream Team is still too inherently inconsistent to be ranked better than PiT or BIS, and because there's so much filler, it's way too long to be considered as replayable as the earlier games in this series, but it's definitely an experience worth seeing through to the end at least once, those high points are REALLY damn high.

Everytime I try to play this game I have a Mario & Luigi: Dream Team myself about 60-70% though.

This game knew what was good about the mario and luigi series (luigi) and gave us more of it (1000000 luigis)

El mejor junto a Bowser's Inside Story.

Just as charming and well-crafted as its predecessors, but certain parts feel like they overstay their welcome. Like a car journey that starts off all chatty and laughs, but eventually everyone's all stiff, tired, and needing the toilet - with about a kilometre of driving left to go.

I've had this game since about launch as a kid but just never finished it, glad to say I finally got around to doing so after getting an itch from the Mario RPG remake. I don't have too much to say that hasn't already been said other than I really enjoyed it.

Gave this game to a guy after i finished it, so he could mod my nintendo 3ds.

maybe it was a good, uhhh, decision.

long for the sake of being long

While not as good as BIS, it does do some things better. I really like this world, and the story is okay too, the combat is amazing (as usual), and the gian battles are improved hugely from BIS, the gimmick of going into luigi's dreams is also really good, although they stay pretty surface-level throughout. The music in this game is amazing, the higher quality speakers of the 3DS really help elevate them compared to the DS.

But despite all that, it just doesn't live up to BIS. Going into bowsers body is GENIUS, and the story was way more interesting than Dream team. Also dream team LOVES giving tutorials, even for the most surface-level easy to understand bullshit, it's exhausting.

Luigi shenanigans and strange cube-shaped NPCs on this RPG

I'm most definitely cheating here since I only played most of the game sans the final area, lost all of my progress in a way that wasn't my fault, and then had no choice but to watch the rest of the game on YouTube, but oh well. Regardless, even tho I do still have some minor flaws with Dream Team (the game is a bit too tutorial heavy, the gyro controls are obnoxious, and the adventure is a bit too long for my liking) this is still probably my favorite Mario & Luigi game. I absolutely adore the aesthetic of this one. Going inside the dreams of others is one of my favorite concepts in all of media, and they knocked it out of the park with making everything feel as trippy and dreamlike as possible. This game has my favorite soundtrack, my favorite boss roster, my favorite new gimmick, and even gives some CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN A MARIO GAME????? WOW. Mario & Luigi Dream Team really is a dream come true. Haha! Kill me!!

The pace is sluggish and the story is not very intriguing. Gameplay is fine but overall it's just kinda eh

This game feels like Alphadream's last swan song before they retire the series.
It feels like they pulled out all the stops to make this the biggest, craziest, game in the series. It's too bad the slow pacing and mirid of tutorials make this game kind of a slog.
It's great for one playthrough, but I don't know if I can go through all that again.

Je l'ai refait 3 fois à 100% (oui je suis fou)
j'aime bien le passage à la 3d et l'histoire est sympa
Apres je suis complètement biaisé par la nostalgie

Its no Bowser's Inside Story, but I like it

I'm biased but this game is incredibly creative and the gameplay continues to be satisfying to this day. It is genuinely underrated and underappreciated, especially serving as an introductory RPG. My nostalgia and the fact it got me into RPGs (and turn based gameplay) as a whole is what makes me look past it's flaws (which are almost entirely pacing related) and consider it a masterpiece.

Empieza bien pero después de la segunda mitad se le ocurre la excelente idea de hacerte volver a recorrer los cuatro biomas que ya habias recorrido, porque ahora "hay un objeto diferente que buscar" lo que hace muy tediosa esa parte, después de eso la parte final esta bien y la implementación del motion controler de 3DS en el mundo de los sueños esta dovertido.