Hi there! I'm Zeder, and I'm a big ol' gamer. RPGs and 3D-Platformers are my favorite genre, my favorite gaming franchise is The Legend of Zelda, and I couldn't care less about mobile gaming.

(My ratings are based more on my own personal feelings, not necessarily objectivity. Ratings can be weird, so don't take mine too seriously.)

As much as I love games, it can be hard to keep track of my thoughts of them, as well as what I have and haven't played. I'm mainly on here to have my gaming experiences recorded, as well as to give some quick thoughts on what I've played.
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Played 100+ games

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Kid Icarus: Uprising
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
A Hat in Time
A Hat in Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask


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Went through this to see just what the recent euphoria hype was all about. I can see why Drake is getting the flack for being a producer on this, because what the fuck. It's just like his music; there's way too much shit for this to be enjoyable. Kendrick Lamar was right and he should fuck Drake more violently, please.

There's certainly a lot of quality here, with a banger OST, interesting new characters, a very natural progression of Miles' character, and legitimately investing mysteries, but the feeling of the writing being dragged out that is prevalent for most of the game brings those positives down with it. At too many times AAI2 will decide to focus on aspects of the story or mystery at hand that aren't as important as the game makes them out to be, throwing in way too much exposition and flavor text that leaves me thinking, "just get to the point". Definitely worth playing and is overall satisfying, I just wish it trimmed out some of the bullshit and was a few hours shorter because too often does AAI2 feel like it's meandering.

The best decision I ever made with this game was downloading the installer and never making an account to actually play it. Fuck what people say, being lazy rocks.