Reviews from

in the past

Playtime: 3 Hours
Score: 8/10

Interesting DLC for the game! It included some investigation elements which I wasn't that into but I liked that it helped break up the missions. While the ME2 DLCs kind of had do everything at once, this games DLC breaks things up so you have more quieter moments in between which I appreciated. The stuff with Leviathan and the lore around it is super interesting too. Overall, a solid enough DLC!

All DLC I have played ranked:

It's damage control, but hot damn if it isn't really good damage control.

Individual review for the original game is available on my profile. This is a review of this specific DLC.

Fuck it, the full marks. Leviathan mostly halfway exists to explain a key element of the lore left unexplained but man, who really cares? It's a ridiculously solid piece of DLC with killer horror atmosphere and a new alien species that makes the universe of Mass Effect feel larger then before. This is great worldbuilding in how it gives you answers to questions that you never really had before and makes everything more tangible and rock solid.

Great mission design too. By the third game in the series BioWare had finally nailed how to really do these things and this melds the cinematic presentation the series has been trying to do since the start with genuinely intelligent combat and great level layouts. One of my favourite DLCs in the series by far, great stuff.

by far the best of 3s DLCs for the cliff climbing sequence, investigative work with artifacts, and the insanely huge lore implications at the end. does an excellent job of making Shepard feel small again even after 2.5 games of pretty huge legacy building.

Quite good. Obviously essential to the Mass Effect 3 experience and it's wild that this wasn't included in the original release.

The modular structure and galaxy-hopping format means it slots in seamlessly with the rest of Mass Effect 3, and the production values are worth it alone.

What you're actually doing pales in comparison to the presentation. For what's ultimately the most vital piece of storytelling in Mass Effect, you do spend a lot of time escorting macguffins and looking for different icons in the same lab.

My biggest problem with this DLC is that, as DLC, it isn't allowed to give the weight it deserves in the main game narrative. Beyond that, I find it memorable, fun, and deeply fascinating to explore its implications on the wider setting.

should've been a comic or something idk

Introducing the Elder Gods to the concept of peep game and locking in

More like the Leviathan of Dis nutz

This review contains spoilers

I love how renegade Shepard (while being thousands of feet underwater in a diving suit slowly running out of power) calls an ancient race of undiscovered gigantic creatures who created the reapers and have the ability to mind control organic life a bunch of pussies in order to convince them to help with the war


This DLC is so interesting and fun isn’t as good as Citadel but still great

Mola mazo.

Una pena que tenga un ritmo de mierda.