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final case in this game is my final ace attorney case in general, and is honestly what single-handedly propels this game to a 4 for me

Justice for All é um bom jogo que literalmente só peca por ser mais fraco que seu antecessor porque não tem nada que eu ativamente desgoste nesse jogo.

Aviso: Essa review NÃO terá spoilers, entretanto por ser um jogo com foco extremo na história recomendo já de antemão que se você não jogou o jogo e pretende joga-lo não leia, e se você não for jogar JOGUE.

O caso 1 é estupendamente básico, eu gosto da sequência inicial mas não passa disso. Eu gosto da Maggey e ele pelo menos é um pouco mais complexo do que o primeiro caso do jogo anterior.
O caso 2 é ÓTIMO, ele nos introduz a Pearl, prima da Maya e tem um plot muito intrigante. Conhecer um pouco mais da família Fey é sempre bom e esse caso nos introduz a incrível Franziska Von Karma.
O caso 3 é ok, esquecível demais mas o culpado dele é FODA.
O caso 4 é GENIAL, um puta discurso sobre toda a ideologia de trabalho que o Phoenix tem e isso é genial. O caso conversa com todo o tema que tinha sido levemente abordado cá e lá até no primeiro jogo que é a relação entre justica e ética no tribunal o que deixa ele com uma mensagem muito mais profunda do que os outros casos de Ace Attorney, afinal o jogo é chamado de "Justice for All" por um motivo né?

Enfim, esse jogo é bom, introduz uma mecânica importante que é os Psyche Locks, mas infelizmente ele não é tão interessante quanto os outros dois jogos da trilogia.

Shu Takumi dijo que lo escribió borracho y se nota.

Lo único bueno es el último caso y porque ya se le estaba pasando la borrachera.

what happened in the third trial my game displayed some clown and the not guilty verdict and skipped straight to farewell my turnabout for some reason

Nearly a decade after my first time playing the trilogy, I'm finding new appreciation for the unraveling of its mysteries, the warmth of its characters, and particularly in Justice For All, the ambition of its final chapter. While the finale of the trilogy and the later great ace attorney Saga both present a much more interwoven and ambitious overall plot, Farewell, My Turnabout is still the most densely packed, nail biting roller coaster of a case we've had the privilege of enjoying. It's always special when a game series decides to flip even its most core conceit on its head.

The second game in the original trilogy is not bad in any sense. However, in comparison to 1 and 3, it feels slightly disconnected. The second chapter delves into the Fey mythology and introduces the village of Khura'in, as well as Pearl, who's great. While I love chapter 3 and 4 in their own right, again, in comparison to the cases that follow the main Phoenix/Maya/Edgeworth storyline. Although, the final case is one of the most memorable, with de Killer and Engarde being great characters and having a great twist. Almost forgot how great Franziska von Karma is, too, and her storyline with Edgeworth. Great game, and continuing with good music.

I don’t really have to much to add in terms of criticisms that has not been brought up to death about this game. But this is a pretty rough continuation of a great game.

The inclusion of Franziska was a fun addition to the cast, I also enjoyed Pearl as a character as well, and there are inklings of the really intriguing greater narrative around Edgeworth that build up to its fantastic last case. Its just very unfortunate that to get to that case you have to play through one of the most insufferably written sections of a game I have ever played. I also felt it was a bit unfair how Franziska gets sidelined at the end, but the relationship between Phoenix and Edgeworth is very compelling in that case, so I can see why it happened. When Justice For All is good, it’s really good, but it hits some pretty insufferable lows to get to those good parts.

My favorite part was when Phoenix and Maya visited the Epstein circus

"Looks like the defense was just playing with himself"

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kolejna część w ktorej na koniec pokazuję edgeworthowi nie ten dowód i czuje sie jakbym wybrała złą opcję w dating simie

creo que es mi favorito de la trilogía original
te hace llorar, te hace reír, habla de la justicia de una manera algo filosófica y tiene personajes redondos con los que encariñarse

O primeiro Ace Attorney foi absurdo de bom, um dos melhores jogos que já joguei na vida e eu pensei que a sequencia seria tão bom quanto mas eu fui olhando pela internet e reparei que MUITA gente deteste o Justice For All então fiquei com a pulga atrás da orelha
Resumindo: Ao longo das minhas horas de jogo posso falar que o Justice For All é tão bom quanto o original, a trilha sonora mudou mas continuo marcante, todos os casos chegam a ser ser surpreendestes e sem falar que o ultimo caso é o melhor de todos porque aquilo..foi digno de um filme, meus amigos
Eu amei o Justice for All e para mim ele é tão bom quanto o primeiro

2-1 - meh
2-2 - ok
2-3 - garbage
2-4 - the best fucking case in the entire series what the fuck

I hate turnabout big top. I hate turnabout big top. I hate turnabout big top.

I don't think Turnabout Big Top is that bad. Not amazing, but not the worst. I certainly like thinking about it in hindsight, especially with the rest of the game. Turnabout Sisters is pretty solid, and The Lost Turnabout is a fun opener.

However, with Justice for All, it's all about Farewell, My Turnabout. You really feel the weight of everything pushing down on Phoenix as the case goes on, and the amount of stress I felt with trying to get things right when I first played through it was incredible. The end here does kind of carry the game (not that I didn't have a good time with the other cases), but for me it was more than worth it.

Mediocre first trial, lovely but short lived second trial, worst case in the series and then my outright favorite trial in the entire franchise, managing to be really tense, funny, enjoyable, heartwrenching, scary and beautiful with masterful proficiency. The game itself is good, but I'd do anything to get people to play Farewell, My Turnabout. I adore it enough that it makes up for the lackluster previous trials. Can't give it any more praise if i tried. i love adrian andrews also.

imo the best game from the trilogy, but ill admit its rough around the edges. rough in the middle, actually. rough in the case 3. but every other case is great, and the finale case is one of the best in the series

Replaying this game made me realize how harsh I was being first time I played. Although, half of the cases are unforgivably bad 2-2 is pretty good and 2-4 is a masterpiece. My opinion on the ost hasn't changed much. It is still one of the least memorable in the series not bad though and it has its moments. 2-4 carries this game though.

More Attorney shenigans, it's a good game yet it feels the weakest of the trilogy, oh well, Love Franny

Weak compared to AA1, and Turnabout Big Top is infamously bad for a reason. Last case is stellar though, and Franny is an entertaining antagonist.

This game is weird for me. I love the gameplay as usual... but the first three cases feel uninteresting... even the second case which has some "important" story details.
The fourth case however, has to be one of the best in the trilogy. It pretty much serves as a reason to play this game in the first place, so if it weren't for that, it'd probably not even be worth playing considering the quality of the other games.

After replaying this game recently, I really feel like I was a bit harsh on it.

8/10. A solid experience

The 4th case is a masterpiece and the Psych lock is a great way to develop the investigations. Unfortunately the game is dragged down by the 3rd being filled with annoying characters, borderline pedophilia and insane leaps of logic as well as a lacklustre overall storyline and less memorable music.

eu quero que o caso do circo vá pra merda

2 Casos Peak, 2 Caso legalzinho.
Não superou o 1 pra mim, mas me conquistou em muita coisa. A Música, Os Personagens...
E acho eles melhores desenvolvidos do que no jogo anterior até, tudo isso em um pacote lindo.
E bom, nem preciso comentar do Caso 4, simplesmente magnífico e tenso.
Pelo o que me disseram, eu esperava que era um jogo fraco, e hoje em dia, até que é pra mim....aí lembrei que Ace Attorney não tem jogo ruim Hihihihi

Really wish half the cases weren't bad. Last case is a true masterpiece though, maybe my favorite in the series. Besides the obvious 3-5, of course.


The last case is peak storytelling.

Case 3 is one of the worst dips in qualities I have ever seen for a high quality series. Case 4 is the best in the series (so far at least).