Reviews from

in the past

época boa de ficar jogando isso o dia todo, um dos grandes do clube, faltou o the rock nesse se pa :/

Como pude disfrutar de esta joya con mi hermanito

My cousin could name any stage before they show the name of the city. Not because he played the game before but because he was just that good at geography.

This is also one of the few games that allows 3 players but not four. Also this is the best rampage game. When you die you shrink down into a naked human which was hysterically funny for us as kids. We'd laugh tears and roll around on the floor. Then when the other player ate the naked guy we'd just lose it completely

I don't know if "charming" is the right word to use when describing giant animal-themed monsters terrorizing cities all over the world but I'm gonna use it anyway.

Rampage 2: Universal Tour is a fun little romp where you have to destroy buildings in every city in order to rescue the protagonists from the original game, George, Lizzie and Ralph. Whether you decide to mash your buttons into mush or employ a specific strategy to finish the game, it's completely up to you. Either method is very much welcome.

Rampage really is one of those games with an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" formula. I'm proud to say that's exactly what the developers did with this sequel, keeping everything fun about the original intact while adding their own wrinkle to it.