Reviews from

in the past

rance's sense of humor and the way it builds its cast is like baiting someone into the pipeline for a series of deez nuts jokes and then hitting them with a thousand gottis simultaneously

i mean that in the absolute best way possible. but you know what isn't good? this game's dumbass grindy event orb system, which is too inane to even describe concisely. also - a minor point but the ui is the ugliest fucking puke ridden disaster i've ever seen. it looks like the worlds shittiest winamp skin and i say that as someone who unironically uses winamp

anyway this would be more like a 7.5 but i'm going to round up out of respect for my GOATs sieg and anise

Incrível como esse jogo consegue fazer um puta comentário político interessante e ainda consegue manter o bom humor que a franquia sempre teve, mas o que mais amei em Rance VI é o foco nos relacionamentos e interações dos personagens. Os dramas são incriveis, valeu demais fazer as sides e o que dizer sobre o Rance? A dualidade que esse cara carrega sempre me pega, e nesse jogo isso conseguiu ficar mais foda. vtnc meu elenco favorito no geral, amo demais esses personagens.

Nem tudo são flores infelizmente a gameplay cansa depois de um tempo, e a progressão é horrível, mata demais o pacing da história, e eu ser obrigado a capturar todas as gal monsters pro true ending é ridículo. Não fode Alicesoft.

mais uma pedrada do Tada, não tem jeito

Has cool ideas but shit just kinda happens and I don't like first person dungeon crawling. Dull as hell most of the time despite the humor, and gets really grindy, especially when it comes to orbs. A letdown in my case for sure, I tried to finish it ASAP since it wasn't really my thing

i had to cheat engine this game to beat it and it still took me like 7 months to get through. lots of cute characters and scenes with them on the menu but the gameplay was kinda rough to get through. magic is really cute i like her forehead and that scene where rance gives her flowers and she gets all angry because he just picked them from the side of the road

whenever the rance series decides to lock it the fuck in they always nail it. Rance VI is one of the locked-the-fuck-in games of all time.

throughout the last 3 years of learning japanese by self study, ive had the rance series by my side as a barometer of my progress. The first game i ever beat in japanese was Rance 03 because i didnt want to wait for the translation and didn't want to play the pc98 version at the time. Over time ive learned how the language itself works and with it, the trials and tribulations of Rance and Sill, how their characters have evolved and how the world around them has changed them and viceversa.

Reflecting back on VI in particular is very difficult for me, for whatever reason. While i still have 3 more games to play before the journey ends, i think back on VI the most out of all the games. The way Tori balances Urza's determination and apathy towards her life, how the climax rolls around as the stakes get higher and higher, how fun the dungeon exploration and combat and especially that final dungeon that finally let me feel what the game should have been all along. I think Rance VI is just, a really good game, and an important one, and i think writing this down like this is helping me clear my head some on how far ive gone and how much i still have left (even though at time of writing i already beat sengoku rance lmao)

its been fun. I can't wait to go back to the continent soon.

Actually super fun first person dungeon crawler for one of my favorite game series. the story was awesome as usual for a rance game
very grindy though, wish there was an auto battle and better animation skip but it's an old ass game so I forgave it