Reviews from

in the past

genuinely fantastic platformer with a surprisingly emotional story. i don't think enough people have played this one. after the hype died down from the original shovel knight this game really has not been talked about enough nor given the attention it deserves. everything about this game is beautiful and it is full of personality, charm, and damn good level design.

É impressionante como a qualidade dessa campanha praticamente se equipara a história original. Fiquei de cara.

A ideia aqui é contar a origem do Specter Knight, e como isso inicia o plot de Shovel of Hope. E vou te falar, ficou muito interessante. Tudo é bem amarradinho, cada personagem tem sua importância e você consegue ver o lado do protagonista na história.

Por motivos de enredo, as fases são """as mesmas""", mas com twists para acomodar melhor as mecânicas do protagonista. Isso somado às habilidades maneiríssimas do Specter deixaram a experiência tanto original quanto familiar. As próprias boss fights são outra parada com o kit desse boneco.

Existem dois pontos que talvez sejam negativos pra alguns, que são a duração curta da campanha e a dificuldade levemente reduzida. Pra mim, esses foram aspectos que, na verdade, eu gostei. O tempo foi o necessário pra contar o que precisava ser contado e a dificuldade se encaixou melhor no meu nível.

Como nada é perfeito, vou dizer que eu achei uma certa fase e um certo chefe que foram notoriamente mais difíceis que o resto, até estranhei.

Resumindo: gostou da Shovel of Hope? Pode vir pra Specter of Torment de boa que tu vai gostar tanto quanto (eu até achei o enredo dessa mais daora). Só não se deixa levar pela duração, por favor.

peak shovel knight, tied with plague of shadows for best plot (even if it's not anything groundbreaking) and with gameplay that just feels... idk natural? I rarely have to think about using specter's movement kit, everything just feels right. Also this one has the best OST

Gameplay fluida e divertida, recomendo!

I liked this but I think it might just not be for me! I think it is very good but yeah, just not for me. I put the cheats on after about 3 levels and I got sick of getting knocked castlevania 1 style into bottomless pits and after I turned on mario mode I had a better time with it. I like that it exists I think it's just not my game, I have milk on my lips

Muy entretenido, como todos los juegos de esta saga.

The best entry in the series. It's the easiest one but also the most fun. Specter Knight feels amazing to control, and while the customization is not as in depth as Plague Knight's, it still has a big impact on the game. All the stage remixes are awesome, and the new music helps re-contextualize each stage in this new light. The rail grinding mechanic is so badass and I think made for the best levels. This game also has the first good water level in a 2D platformer (can't discount my goat Buoy Base Galaxy). Specter Knight's story is also really compelling, and it gives his character new meaning in the context of the series. This game is peak Shovel Knight and I enjoyed it a ton

felt a little short compared to the others but easily the most fun movement out of the pack, also fun how they managed to keep the same cast and locations fresh for the third time. stuff suffers from the spell balancing of the previous campaigns but to a lesser degree

This game is a smidge shorter than Shovel Knight, or Plague of Shadows, but it's still really dang good.

El mejor de las 4 campañas :v Punto

Shovel Knight but its- Oh wait a minute this is basically its own game, and its peak?!!?

skate armour = best armour btw no debate

So much fun, really loved this one. I am genuinely sad to have finished this game because I won't be able to play it again for the first time.

Part 3 of the story of the game about the knight with a shovel, the second I completed, is a prequel to the main game, telling a different story that shows that not everything always ends well. The story is about the Spectral Knight, who for us in the first campaign was a simple boss at the end of the level. The game takes place on the same levels that our hero visited with a shovel, but this time we are waiting for an exciting parkour with a scythe at the ready, in the literal sense of the word. In fact, the game is the same as the one I played before, the levels that have already been completed as a shoveler are played completely differently. A very good addition, which I advise you to go through immediately after completing the main campaign for those who didn’t have enough and for those who want to know how it all began.

3 часть повествования игры о рыцаре с лопатой, пройденная мною второй по счету является приквелом основной игры, рассказывая другую историю, которая показывает, что не всегда все заканчиваются хорошо. Сюжет рассказывает о Спектральном рыцаре, который для нас в первой кампании был простым босом в конце уровня. Игра проходит на тех же уровнях, в которых побывал наш герой в лопатой, но на этот раз нас ждет увлекательный паркур с косой наперевес, в прямом смысле этого слова. По факту игра та же, в которую я играл ранее, уровни которые уже были пройдены за лопатника, играются совершено по другому. Очень хорошее дополнение, которое я советую сразу пройти после прохождения основной кампании для тех, кому не хватило и для тех, кто хочет узнать как все начиналось.

Segunda expansión del juego y la segunda cronológicamente.

El personaje de Specter Knight tiene claras referencias a Mega Man X, con un sprite más grande a comparación del de Shovel Knight, pudiendo escalar paredes y lanzarse contra objetos en el aire para impulsarse.

Sigue la línea de gameplay de MegaMan de que cada nivel acaba con un jefe, cada nivel tiene de coleccionable unas calaveras rojas que sirven para comprar objetos que harán más fácil la aventura, como poder recuperar vida, lanzar ataques a distancia o flotar un poco en el aire.

La historia tiene un tono más dramático respecto a las demás, aunque sigue con sus toques de humor característicos.
Hay varios flashbacks del personaje que te muestran más de cómo ha acabado como está y varios momentos del juego si que te pueden pillar por sorpresa.

Second best Shovel Knight campaign. Specter Knight is awesome

The best shovel knight campaign.

The kind of platformer that makes me love platformers. Creative and fun with challenging level design and a touching, tragic story

I really think they're barking up the wrong tree here. Not once playing the original Shovel Knight did I wish he had more movement. All I ever wanted in this world was to walk forward and jump, and that game made those starry-eyed dreams a reality. Yet in all three expansions, it's the thing Yacht Club feels they must iterate on. I just don't get it! Was the tight level design built around the limited movement/boss fights tailored to the primal thrill of bouncing not the whole appeal?

Whatever, I can read, I'm clearly on a lonely island when it comes to this one. I might find this moveset frustrating and limiting. I might feel constantly confined to overdesigned isolated movement options at any given point. I might say the combat feels unsatisfying and reduces bosses to APM tests. But tons of people say it feels great, and I can't do anything about it! The beauty of free will.

And you know what? I'm about to say it. I don't care that you sold your soul to The Enchantress.

I'm happy people dig this, but I honestly cannot tell why. Apart from the admittedly gorgeous gothic aesthetic spinoff, its light years away from what I'm looking for in a platformer of any kind, especially one in this series.

This review contains spoilers

this is my favorite of the shovel knight games, the way specter knight's scythe is implemented makes the gameplay extremely smooth and rewarding for making high risk decisions throughout every level of the game (which already comes naturally, but moreso with this game). all the details in the bar getting more customers, the armor knight recognizing who he truly is, and the recruited knights bantering with you after your battles, make the game feel alive and i love it. specter knight's character arc as we learn more about his struggle with selfishness vs companionship is awesome to live through, ummm also idk what else to put the tower minigame is fun but god DAMN the achievements are so insanely hard to get, like you have to master and i mean MASTER this game to get some of them, but uh yeah cool game ive played it like [5] times total (might change) so uuuuuuuuuuh ummmmmm its 3:31 am i gotta sleep hoooly

كان المفضل عندي قبل ما ألعب طور فارس الملك
لكن ما يقلل من روعته
الطور هذا يذكرني ب زيرو في سلسلة ميقامان اكس مقارنةً بفارس المجرفة و اظن ان هذه مقارنة جيدة

the worst of the shovel knight expansions. they really focused too much on the boring ass story, and the whole grinding/scythe/whatever gimmick didn't really feel like it had enough time to flourish into something deep and exciting. while i can see myself replaying the other shovel knight campaigns alot, i really don't see myself going back to this one.

Specter of Torment is far from a masterpiece, but back when it released, and even now, it's clear that it was the step in the right direction that these additional Shovel Knight campaigns needed. With stellar vibes, even more new music made specifically for it than Plague of Shadows, and fantastic new gameplay thanks to both Specter Knight's intense reaper mobility and the almost completely new level designs, it truly makes Specter of Torment stand out among the crowd as a fantastic expansion to Shovel of Hope in every regard...

well, almost.

This game is easy, y'all. I hate to break it like that, but it's simply the truth. It almost feels like overcompensation after how hard Plague of Shadows was, but it loses a LOT of the difficulty that I loved in Shovel of Hope. This applies to both the level structure itself, which is... not simplistic, but rather just a bit more straightforward than either of the prior campaigns, as well as the collection element. Getting Red Skulls is incredibly simple in this game compared to Music Pages in both of the prior games and particularly Cypher Coins in Plague of Shadows. Even after not playing this game for several years, I was able to find every single Red Skull in every stage first try. And I genuinely did not remember the placements either, it just wasn't difficult. It's a slight stain that doesn't necesarily make the game less enjoyable, but does make it a little less engaging than Shovel of Hope unfortunately. Still, despite all that I 100% love Specter of Torment for everything it does. It's a truly wonderful experience from top to bottom and I'm glad I went through it again.

It's honestly my favorite campaign, the fast movement of specter knight is sublime, and the darker visual tones are very nice. Definitely great, but I would recommend treasure trove over buying this standalone. I did because it was pretty cheap, but get treasure trove for more bang for buck

Muito divertido porém achei um pouco curto.

The actual good version of shovel knight DLC. Spectre Knights moveset was a lot of fun wall running and dashing all over the place just does not get old.

Might actually be better than the original gameplay wise. Plague Knight is the shadow of this verse, but his game is actually fun to play. God he's cool.