Reviews from

in the past

This game is so weird to me. In a lot of ways I think it's one of the most creative and interesting Mario games. And yeah, I know that comes from it being a localization of YKDDP (literally everyone knows this) but that game was originally designed to feel like a Mario game with vertical scrolling anyway. Future games would take a lot of inspiration from this one, with more active boss battles that usually take 3 hits to defeat, a lot of enemies would become series staples, more open levels that encourage exploration, themed worlds, etc. A lot of people don't realize how much of modern Mario came from this game. The game itself is very creative already and it has a great soundtrack. That all being said, it kind of still sucks in a lot of ways. The movement is pretty much the exact opposite of SMB1 and SMB2J. Instead of being super stiff, Mario is extremely mobile and slippery. This is fine early on but eventually the game wants you to make fairly precise jumps and you end up feeling extremely frustrated. The continue system is slightly better since you get a few game overs before it sends you back but needing to earn lives from the slot machine is extremely annoying. Even after learning the timing it's still very inconsistent.

There's a lot of good and bad in this game, but I have to give it a 6/10 simply for the sheer amount of ideas and creativity on display, and how impressive the game was for the time. Even as a reskin it's impressive, there's a whole lot of changes they made to make the game feel like a Mario game, and the ending is incredibly beautiful and impressive given this was a 1988 NES game.

Very good for its time. Should be a 5 but something feels off about it. idk.

The first time I played Mario 2, I was surprised at how fun it was. It holds up much better than Mario 1 and is still really solid today.

The terrible Mario 1 physics are gone and game plays so much better for it. All the characters are much faster and a little more slippery feeling which makes the platforming a lot faster paced and fun.

The game looks really nice and the new characters are really cool. I tried to use everyone a few times, but I mostly stuck to Toad and Mario. The new moveset takes some getting used to at first, but they provide a nice variety in platforming by allowing the game to have vertical levels. The soundtrack is really nice too (although I wish there were a few more tracks).

The game still has some jank, but it's nowhere near game ruining. For example, in most circumstances, you cannot hit the run button to prepare for a jump when standing on a floating projectile. I also never got fully used to the throwing physics in this game, there were many instances where I wanted to throw it further, but I guess I wasn't moving fast enough for the game to register it as a throw, so mario would just play whatever project/object I was holding in front of him. Additionally, if I was trying to throw something mid air while underneath a platform, Mario would place the projectile on the upper platform instead of throwing it at the boss or enemy. The blast radius of the bombs were a little janky at times too. The bombs bounce and if they bounce a small distance off a wall or if they bounce up before exploding a bombable floor piece, the wall/floor are not gonna explode your target.

It's not too hard to adjust to these issues, but it does take some time, especially if you've played a lot of Mario maker 2 like I have. That game fine tuned the Mario bros 2 controls and physics to fix some of the jank from the original game, but the gameplay/physics differences is nowhere near as drastic between MM2 and the Mario bros 1.

Overall, Mario 2 is still a really good time. It holds up much better than you would expect and controls so much better than it's two predecessors. It's still not perfect, but it obviously stands out as being unique from the other 2D Mario games and is still very much worth playing today.

Nothing to do with the original. Doki doki panic what is that?

I’m glad Nintendo rebranded Doki Doki, because this game is way better than Lost Levels. Definitely a terrific palette cleanser between the original and 3. Does it make sense as a Mario game? Of course not, but this is loads of fun in its own way.

Mario madness, indeed. I really enjoyed my time with this again. First time I have beaten the original, actually. I've played the Mario all stars version a gazillion times (when it's one of few games you have as a kid, you tend to go through the same ones quite often), but only really played this one on NSO and the Smash Bros demos on Wii U. And the one time my mum took me to a game shop in Humberstone where I played the display NES and this blew my mind.

Good fun. On to Super Mario Bros. 3, next.

surprisingly fun. not perfect but like it's a guilty pleasure


Mario needs to wake up his dream kind of stinks.

Finally a decent Mario Platformer

Sorry it's not as good as you remember.

This review contains spoilers

what we got in america because smb2(japan) was seen as too hard

but at least smb2(japan) has unlimited continues you sack of shit game!!! getting to wart with your last life and continue and dying is one of the most heartbreaking moments in video gaming... and it happened to me on my last play through

good thing there are warps in this game too

played this many times, it still has fantastic music and charming graphics and character/enemy designs that have influenced every game thats come next... which is weird when you consider this whole game is a dream so how are shyguys popping up in other places??? BS!!!

Wow, this was the follow up to SMB? I had an absolute blast playing this game and am very impressed with the improvements - fun & silly story, vast array of new enemies, and different playable characters that actually play differently. Aside from difficulty, my only negative is the environments don't feel as fleshed out and distinct as they did in SMB.

I still ended up using the rewind feature on NSO because I'm looking to have a fun time while experiencing the full game instead of struggling and potentially hindering my enjoyment of the game.

(Jogado na versão ALL-STARS de SNES.)

Para começar quando joguei não sabia da história envolvendo o Doki Doki Panic, então eu realmente estranhei esse jogo ser bem diferente do que eu esperava... só que quando fiquei sabendo de suas polêmicas, olhei pra ele com outros olhos... Eu tenho uma filosofia de jogar os jogos e julga-los não da forma que eu quero que eles sejam, mas da forma que eles são. E dessa maneira, Super Mario Bros. 2 é sim, um ótimo jogo.

Uma das coisas que eu gostaria de acentuar e enaltecer nele é sua variedade de fases, algo que eu sempre gosto de avaliar nos jogos do Mario, porquê é uma das coisas mais importantes a se analisar em qualquer jogo dessa franquia maravilhosa. E eu gostei muito das fases dele.

Como pontos negativos eu colocaria:
- Sua dificuldade extremamente exagerada em algumas partes, principalmente em regiões apertadas, comigo achando injusto algumas coisas;
- Pouca variedade de inimigos.

Levando em conta as suas polêmicas, ele é de longe, o Mario mais diferente de todos. (Em minha opinião).

"Você sabia que existe dois Mario 2? Que o Mario Americano é uma edição do Doki D...."
Ta... eu sei q todo mundo sabe dessa merda, talvez seja uma dos fatos mais manjados da historia
Mas. cara....... o fato de ser uma "modificação" de outro jogo, só deixa explica o quanto esse jogo é meia-bocakkkkk
Tipo, num é Mario mano, q poha de Mario é esse que n mata pisando e tem q tacar inimigo nos proprios inimigoskkk
Assim... esse jogo é legal por tipo... meia hora, dps voce so dropa ele, pqp ele é muito esquisito...
Zerei mais pela curiosidade mesmo, mas acho q é um dos poucos jogos do Mario da "serie principal(ce pa o unico)" q eu n recomendo zerar não, joga uns minutos pra voce sentir o negocio
A maior utilidade desse jogo foi ter trazido a Overworld Theme pro mundo

This game is fun although one of the weaker 2D Marios. It has some mechanics that haven't really returned in newer games some of which I'm happy haven't returned although some I miss. I like picking up enemies and throwing them or picking up vegetables from the ground and throwing them at enemies however a mechanic I dislike is the 1 up system and how it's pretty much entirely luck based

picture of guy with glasses who vaguely looks like JC from deus ex explaining
"did you know that the american release of Super Mario Bros. 2 is actually just a mario reskin of a japan exclusive game called "Doki Doki Panic"?"

this game is not good

Unique gameplay compared to the other 2 nes games, average difficulty, but still, nothing special.


Super Mario Bros 2 is the black sheep to the NES trilogy. It's an experimental game with a bit of a weird history, as it didn't start as a Mario game and was originally a different game called "Doki-Doki Panic" with much to appreciate about it. Although the style is very fun and we get the introduction of Shy Guy and the theme about dreams, the game has a lot of flaws that stem from it not being a Mario game.

What I like: Super Mario Bros 2 pioneers Toad and Peach as playable characters, and also Luigi as a primary character you could play as. The movement of the characters varying depending on your play-style is a nice part of the game; if you take it more slow then there's Toadstool, if you like speed there's Toad, etc. The game is also fantastic stylistically, which feels wrong to say considering this is more of an official Mario romhack.

What I don't like: The enemies can be frustrating, it's hard to determine the timings in order to beat them. I really missed the traditional Mario power-ups like the fire flower and the ability to just jump on enemies. Birdo was also a frustrating boss to fight because of how quick her eggs are shot at the player, and also the occasional fireball.

Other: Unlike SMB1 and SMB2: TLL, I never had a connection to this game when I was a kid. It's forgotten about and it's just kinda there. I was able to beat all the Mario games so far in one day, but this was just really frustrating as it removed the features that made the games iconic and enjoyable. Maybe I just don't understand it and would need to come back, as that happens with a lot of art I enjoy. I don't feel a need to replay this, but I'm willing to come back to it at a later point that isn't a Mariothon.

a fun world and peach floats idk what more u want

Yeah... I never really got the love for this game personally...