Reviews from

in the past

Here I am; having quit Amnesia: The Bunker this month and moving on to this game, only to find out I have stumbled onto another Amnesia game. The Beast Inside is very obviously an Amnesia-like, mainly because it has the same physics system of interaction. Pull open drawers, throw props for fun. Half the game also has the lantern/tinderbox system.

Besides the Amnesia stuff, the game constantly surprised me. The puzzles are good and kept me engaged, I was super into actually trying to solve them. The chase sequences are fast and exciting. Emphasis on "Fast" cause you fucking zoom in this game when you sprint and that is always a huge plus in my books; not no damn slow ass shit horror.

There is also a section of the game where you have a revolver and pick up like 100 ammo for it, then have this fucking Dark Souls ass boss fight and you never use a gun ever again. HE CALLS METEORS DOWN ON YOU! It fucking rules.

The story is intriguing up until the end when you go "oh, thats it?". I mean like, its fiiine, but its a very easy plot twist (obvious foreshadowing too, but like a couple chapters before end).

Also this game made me squeal pretty loudly once so good on them.

The good horror game with an interesting story and cool puzzles. This game has absorbed all the best of the genre.

A promising horror game with a lot of potential and a great story, but the fact I constantly had to look up a walkthrough to get through the modern day (1970s) playthrough bored and irritated me. I like a horror game that invites you to explore and tinker around without holding your hand too much, but this was far too much. Unfortunately, I got too bored to continue knowing it was just going to continue being this way. I really did enjoy the 19th century playthrough though.

Got this for free on GoG, so I can't be too harsh. Started out with a lot of promise, there are two parallel stories going on here where one takes place firmly within the Cold War and the other takes place sometime in the 19th Century. The former is based more on exploration and puzzle solving, the latter does a plethora of different horror gimmicks you've seen before.

It starts out with a decent amount of intrigue, but I found myself enjoying it less and less as I played it. The voice acting isn't amazing, but that's alright. The presentation is fine, all things considered. It certainly looks pretty, but nothing ever really stood out to me design-wise. Actually playing it was kinda balls. The sections that take place in the present are inoffensive, but every segment that takes place in the past felt so disjointed and strange.

One chapter has you doing the classic "avoid the monster in the water" gimmick. Another chapter has you avoiding miners while navigating a puzzling tunnel network. Another chapter sees you grabbing evidence while running away from a ghost lady. Every chapter does something different, and while that sounds great on paper, it never really builds on top of itself to become something more engaging or interesting. The fact that all hostile enemies (minus the water beast, weirdly) all kill you immediately upon contact on top of instantly becoming alerted the second you cross their ungodly sightline just makes these sections more obnoxious than anything. Enemies don't even regularly appear until about halfway through.

Special mention needs to go to the game's store page, where it touts that you can "use your trusted revolver to shoot your way out from even the most lethal scenarios." This isn't necessarily a lie, but there needs to be a giant asterisk here. You do get a gun for a single chapter early in the game. And then you never use one again. Admittedly, I did laugh for that entire chapter, since it eventually turns into a bizarre one-on-one boss fight with fire raining down from the sky. I think the game would've been more interesting overall if I could keep the gun I mysteriously accrued (no joke) nearly hundreds of bullets for in a single chapter.

A few graphical bugs. I think I outran a lot of sections the game wanted me to take slower, so some assets either didn't load in properly or took a second to pop in. A lot of bad jumpscares. Didn't ever really feel tense or stressed by anything.

Puzzles were fine. There was a cool Enigma code puzzle, and with the Cold War protagonist being a code cracker and all, you'd think that would've come into play more. You do it once and then never again, which is pretty apt when looking at the game as a whole.

I won't spoil any major story stuff. It was interesting seeing the two storylines cross over, but the pacing of both really suffers because of it. You'll yo-yo between the two throughout all chapters, leading to this weird "start and stop" pacing that you may or may not like. I didn't really mind it either way.

There are multiple endings too, determined at the very end with nothing done prior influencing what you can choose. There's also no chapter select. Short of copying your save file and sending it elsewhere, you'll have to replay the entire game just to see a different ending.

That's about it. Not the worst thing I ever played, but I certainly think you could do better for how much it costs.

Review EN/PTBR

Espionage, Soviets, Investigation, puzzles, this game tries to have a lot of things and ends up having nothing
The puzzles are really cool, I liked it but the entire gameplay outside of them following the story is simply unbearably boring and predictable, when looking at the trailer I noticed a scene where the character uses a revolver and I thought "hey, maybe I'll shoot a few shots in this game" and there actually comes a point where you can defend yourself from an enemy by shooting, but then you realize that this moment lasts 4 minutes of escape and about 5 minutes of boss fight, then you never use any type of weapon again for the rest of the game and this is really disappointing
All this without mentioning the game's state of constant crashes where you have to pray for the game to let you continue without crashing.


Espionagem, Soviéticos, Investigação, puzzles, esse jogo tenta ter muita coisa e acaba tendo nada
Os puzzle's realmente são legais eu gostei mas a gameplay inteira fora deles seguindo a história é simplesmente insuportável de chata e previsível, ao olhar o trailer eu percebi um cena que o personagem usa um revólver e pensei "eita talvez eu vá dar alguns tiros nesse jogo até" e realmente chega um ponto aonde você pode se defender de um inimigo atirando, mas ai então você percebe que esse momento dura 4 minutos de fuga e uns 5 minutos de boss fight ai você nunca mais usa nenhum tipo de arma pelo resto do jogo e isso é realmente decepcionante
Isso tudo sem falar no estado do jogo de constantes Crash aonde você tem que rezar pro jogo deixar você continuar sem crashar

Overall, I found this game to be somewhat disappointing. While the story initially caught my attention, it unfortunately became dull and uninteresting halfway through. The constant switches between past and present quickly grew tiresome and began to feel more like a nuisance than an effective storytelling technique.

The so-called "plot twist" in the end was anything but surprising. In fact, it was rather predictable and felt like a lazy attempt to incorporate the game's title into the narrative. It lacked the impact and excitement that a true plot twist should have.

Moreover, the enemies in the game failed to leave a lasting impression. They were forgettable and lacked any real uniqueness or memorable qualities. As a result, the overall gameplay experience suffered.

On a positive note, the graphics were the standout feature of this game. The visuals were decent . However, this alone was not enough to redeem the shortcomings and weaknesses present throughout the rest of the game.

Lastly, I must mention that the overuse of the tired and cliché "you were the real monster all along!" trope in "psychological horror" was disappointing. It felt unimaginative and lacked originality, leaving me with a sense of déjà vu.

In conclusion, while the game had its moments in the beginning and boasted impressive graphics, it ultimately fell short in terms of its storytelling, lackluster enemies, and overused tropes.

One of the better horror games with a very unsatisfying ending.

Ever since Penumbra and especially its successor Amnesia hit the PC gaming scene in the latter half of the 2000s, the first person "hold lantern, hide from monsters and pull drawers, occasionally run away" psychological horror genre has become so saturated that you can reverse image search a screenshot of any given one of them and watch as the search engine gets confused trying the impossible task to tell them apart. Even Resident Evil copied the formula to an extent with 7 and 8, and just how much good that did to the franchise is up for debate.

The Beast Inside deviates very little from the recipe, aside from the fact it offers a dual protagonist: Adam, a CIA codebreaker in the late 1970s and Nicolas, a troubled man living a hundred years in the past. The story it tells is intriguing enough, even if the twist is far from impossible to figure out. There is some above average writing on offer, though the incessant swearing of the present day protagonist comes off as jarring and juvenile and the voice acting unfortunately does little to properly convey what the writer did right. This is voice work done on a kickstarter budget, and it shows, despite not being by any means inadmissible, it's nothing more than functional, with characters in dire situations reacting in neutral tones that betray a poorly annotated script that didn't properly direct the actors in the recording booth.

A tip for anyone who seeks to embark on a project like this: if you write the emotion the character is feeling next to each line of dialogue in your script you'll be able to get so much more out of your voice actors. You'll definitely avoid ending up with a scene where someone rips a beating heart out of someone's chest and offers it to the protagonist, who reacts sounding like they just lost the TV remote under a couch cushion.

Of the two gameplay segments, the 19th century one is your standard no frills Amnesia clone, while the other spices things up a little with a decent number of Frogwares-style puzzles that wouldn't feel out of place in one of their Sherlock Holmes game, if not for being anachronistic. A couple standout examples involve following instructions to operate a 1940s enigma machine and investigating a room looking for hidden pieces of a code. it's good stuff, and the rest of the game leaves you wanting more of that and less of what remains, which are disconcertingly poor action adventure sequences that drag the production down. You have a horrid though mercifully brief sequence in which you are given a revolver and a comically excessive amount of ammunition and made to stumble though thick fog, bumping into map boundaries as you try to follow lamps to a destination (which is a dreadful boss fight), after which the gun is taken away from you for good.

You also have far too many trial and error Outlast-inspired escape sequences where you die immediately when caught; you have exploration sections with nothing but jumpscares trying to startle you and failing most of the time, partly because they are so trite and telegraphed you can count down to each one and be right more often than not, and also because they self-sabotage by having the player constaly scavenging for matches and lantern oil, meaning you'll often be looking at a chest of drawers when a scare is happening off screen. There's the obligatory "don't step in the water" segment that Amnesia clones copied to no end, there are climbing and platforming segments that don't quite work and stealth bits with enemy patterns that are either too simple or too frustratingly random to be satisfying.

The Beast Inside wears its influence on its sleeve, actually both sleeves and both pants too: as such it is a drop in the ocean in a genre that is so tired it needs to be put to bed for good. It's not a terrible game, but far better ones exist, and what little it does to differentiate itself isn't enough to recommend it to anyone other than the most hardcore of Anmesia fanatics, assuming such people even exist.

you know when the store-brand pepperoni is better than your mom's brand but like you're still sitting up at 2am eating a bag of pepperoni and feeling bad about your life?

anyways it's better than layers of fear.

Uma mistura de elementos de outros jogos, ambientação favorável e narrativa intrigante, The best inside foi uma boa surpresa.

+ A unique and interesting blend of espionage/mystery, alongside horror and action…
+ Impressive environmental graphics. Atmospheric lighting, shadows and sound design.
+ A genuinely terrifying and tense introduction to Nicolas’ storyline.
+ Sharp jump scares.
+ Over-the-top and exciting chase set pieces.
+ Old school puzzles…

- … the switching up between these two plots is jarring and find themselves dragging at points due to backtracking and an empty feel.
- Voice acting is hit and miss.
- A handful of glitches/bugs locked me out of completing puzzles.
- … does lead to frustrating trial and error and tension/pacing killing.

o jogo é daora, me diverti bastante. Os puzzles são legais, os sustos me mataram, o jogo é bonito, mas putz, o final é MUITO ruim kkkkkkk não tankei o twist não.

Além disso, no mouse e teclado o sistema de puxar objetos, tabuas, etc é bem ruinzinho, imagino q seja feito pra controle.

A história do nicolas é claramente mais interessante q a do adam, mas eu curti as seções dele q são focadas em puzzle.

Was it scary when I played it? A bit. But nothing too bad as for scary. Fun, intriguing, don't quite remember the story by now but it was definetely fun. Will come back to it.

LMAOOOOO!!! You ever notice every chapter ends with the main character falling through something?