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No real highlights this time honestly imo, in particular the brain one is piss and shit and the rhythm one feels overambitious and doesn't really stick the landing. The usual song and dance with the party packs is there's one or two to come back to in each pack, sometimes more like with party pack 7 for example, but I don't think I would return to any of these. Not often at least.

O tanto q eu ri com os caras jogando isso não tá no gibi. Aparentemente não é nem de longe o melhor jogo da franquia, mas esse foi o meu primeiro, e tive uma ótima experiência com ele :)

i didn't buy this game but i should get a refund for having played hypnotorious

If 1 and 2's few good games weren't remade in later party packs, this would easily be the worst party pack yet.

Like all other "minigame"-type Jackbox games, Dodo Re Mi barely brings the party game vibe that people come to Jackbox for. Timejinx is alright but the scoring system is whack and there's no reason to play it over any of the other half-decent trivia games. FixyText discards making funny jokes for incentivizing "loud and random=funny". Hypnotorious takes way too long for a game that revolves around a scuffed hidden identity mechanic and also constraints your responses in a way that offers little room to be comedic.

TeeKO2 is really the only reason to buy this, as the new features added are appreciated. However, this is not nearly enough to salvage this party pack.

Never played the first Tee KO, and this one is fun. The last round being a mash fest kind of lame though.

Timejinx is cool trivia, probably my least favourite of the ones i've played ( time wheel, quixort, and murder trivia party 2 in that order), but its trivia and i like playing it.

FixyText is super fucking funny if you got a cast of regular jokesters to play with. Im like LOLing big time. IDK if its making laugh Job Job laugh, but its VERY comparable.

Dodo Re Mi is a rythym game that actually works (for me anyways) and I really like it. Mileage may very depending on your internet or rythym capabilities, but for me its so fucking good.

Hypnotorious is a slow start because the first round is a long ass tutorial, and once it does reveal what it is, its also very freeform in how you can play it. Like I think the imposter is supposed to figure out who they are first and try to trick people to get points, but points seem like an afterthought. The real meat and potatoes is role playing here. I like being prompted to roleplay, and its fun to try and deduce what people are. Maybe the game is a little long in the tooth, but hey, i think it still rules.

Great pack!

FixyText is possibly my favorite new original Jackbox game since Patently Stupid.

Dodo Re Mi is funny but I only played it in the demo. Probably only works well with specific groups of people.

Timejinx is a surprisingly fun trivia game with a lot of cool gimmicks.

Haven't played Tee K.O. 2 yet but I assume it's at least as good as the first. Also haven't played Hypnotorious nor do I know what tf it is ¯\(ツ)

TimeJinx was decent, zoomers and boomers alike have a chance at the trivia, FixyText more like GlitchyText 75% of what we typed wouldn't go through to the final answer, totally unplayable

I'm honestly kind of shocked this entry is as controversial as it currently is? I will agree with the upped $35 price tag being a bit absurd, they shouldn't have raised the price when considering very little here is of such quality to warrant it. Buy this on a sale or check other stores like Green Man Gaming. But at the same time, I think Party Pack 10 has more than enough good games here to make this a better entry than most of the newer packs have been, I sincerely disagree that this is the worst pack when 6 and 9 had more duds than this does.

Tee KO 2 admittedly makes up a lot of the value for my group when the first is easily one of the best games Jackbox has ever had, and this is just more of it with more options. FixyText will definitely be dependent on your group of friends, but the sheer chaos of it reminds me quite a bit of Talking Points from Pack 7; if your group is good at making up random garbage that actually makes all of you laugh, it will be a good time. Timejinx is a much more interesting take on trivia than the other trivia games in this series has been, enough that it's a very fun time but I do wish questions didn't repeat so often; there needs to be more questions than what the game has at least around launch right now. Dodo Re Mi I feel like is the reason why the price was raised higher than usual because the sheer number of songs and options here is genuinely insane, but the value of this game is going to really depend on how much you and the people you play with like rhythm games. It's definitely a little buggy and it's not like a hyper polished actual full game like other real rhythm games, but it's been the game my group has spent the most time on playing so far.

The only real stinker here in the entire pack is Hypnotorious, to such a degree that I question if anybody actually playtested this thing. It's a deduction game which Jackbox isn't new to, but this one is so incredibly badly explained and moves at such an insanely slow pace. I've played this game with two different groups, and both of them audibly groaned and stopped playing early right after we realized we only played one round and not a full match. Having dud games isn't new for Jackbox, it's basically expected for every entry at this point, and at the very least I'm happy enough with every other game in the pack that this makes 10 one of the better newer entries.

I wouldn't recommend this to someone who hasn't bought the other Jackbox games before, get the starter pack if that's the case. For everyone else, know your group of friends and decide for yourself if the types of games here sound like a good time, especially in terms of how much you might value Dodo Re Mi since it's the biggest game in the package.

The weakest roster of any of these games by far.

Impresionante nuevo pack. Me parece increíble como los 5 jugeos son cosas a las que volvería casualmente, me parece una pasada considerando que no me suele pasar con todos los packs; siempre hay uno o dos juegos a los que me pensaría si rejugar o no. Y tal es esto que hablaré de los juegos pero NO voy a hacer ranking:

1) TeeKO 2: El juego más esperado del pack. TeeKO es uno de los juegos más adorados de todos y hacer una secuela es lógico. Aunque este juego no deja obsoleto al primero, si que es la mejor forma de jugarlo y es increíble su curro.

2) Fixytext: A primera vista, pensaba que este juego iba a ser muy complicado y es el juego más humorístico de los 5. Fastidia el texto que te manda y vota palabras que te gusta. Puede pasar cualquier palabra y es increíble.

3) Time Jinx: Me encantan los juegos de trivial y, sin embargo, los de Jackbox no llegaban a fascinarme pero este lo ha hecho. Va del tirón al grano y las preguntas me parece super bien enfocadas y divertidas: tienes complicadas y sencillas, curiosas y comunes. De los mejores trivial en un jackbox

4) Hypnotorius: Más o menos como Fixytext en el caso de que pensaba que era complicado pero también es muy divertido. Solo he jugado a este juego con 7 personas, es decir, no sé como será con grupos más reducidos. Pero sin duda es una locura y muy gracioso conforme llegas al final

Dodo Re Mi: La gran sorpresa de este pack. Pensaba que iba a ser un juego cooperativo un poco ñeh... ¡PERO TODO LO CONTRARIO! Como juega de ritmo está super curioso y me parece super curioso la de rejugabilidad que tiene. Tanto que mis colegas y yo planteamos pasarnos este juego. Sí, pasarnos un juego de jackbox

CONCLUSIÓN: Este, junto a los packs 6, 9 y el starter pack, me parecen el mejor pack por conjunto. Me tengo que atrever un juego a hacer ranking de los juegos individuales pero este es, sin duda, una joya del entretenimiento

Jackbox Party Pack 10 is a real test with these party packs. It's a test of what new experiences will work with your friend group, what will work with your phone and what works generally as a gaming concept.

I was able to play the >3 player games a couple of times each, before a significant update on November 15, 2023. Rating each of these packs requires a breakdown of each game, so here's what we thought of the 10th one in the series.

Fixy Text was loved by everyone, but me. I believe this is where the device bugs hit the hardest. It's an interesting design that is kind of like Job Job and Quiplash from other packs. The fun lies in how interesting, creative and funny your friend group is, with some minimal support from the game. The game provides some prompting, but doesn't rely upon it, so role-playing elements depend on the group you're with, like Roomerang or Hypnotorious from this pack. I experienced a lot of bugs while playing, including my cursor and typed letters being randomly applied in the text message, making me a chaotic disaster to play with. Everyone else really loved freestyling text messages with minimal prompts and having their wit acknowledged by others gifting them points.

Tee K.O. 2 was a hit among my friend group, and this has definite quality of life improvements over the first. My problems with the first one are mostly resolved in this one, you can re-use text and pictures that weren't used in previous rounds. However, I really didn't like the last round re-using the shirts we've already made and won with - our group really enjoys the surprise and hilarity from introducing new shirts, but this is a new favourite of ours despite this issue.

Dodo Re Mi is a highlight. It's Guitar Hero for your phone, which I'm very surprised hasn't been done yet. It can be played solo or with one other person, and has been incredible fun just for my partner and I to play through. It's what we've spent the most time with and had the most connection to from both myself who has mastered most Guitar Hero games and someone who has never played a rhythm game before. This could have been an entirely standalone game with the amount of work going into it. However, my Samsung A13 really struggled, often skipping, lagging and freezing during the game, or having inputs not recognized or seen, but that's probably all on my phone model.

Time Jinx is a decent trivia game that is something closer to Guesspionage than a You Don't Know Jack or Trivia Murder Party. It makes good use to contemporary popular cultural historical events for trivia questions. It also has decent for rubberbanding for players who either struggled to remember timelines or guessed poorly. It's fun and interesting, albeit not as much as their other trivia games.

Hypnotorious could potentially be the weakest one of the pack. It relies heavily on the group's roleplaying ability, which mine isn't good at, but also has a somewhat confusing premise and prompting. Our group will have to revisit it, but some of them did enjoy it.

The November 25th update seems to resolve some issues and improve games somewhat, but I have yet to try. This isn't the weakest of the Jackbox Party Packs, but it's far from the strongest.

Tee K.O. 2 and dodo re mi are awesome but having to endure fixytext and hypnotorious was cruel as they gotta be the lowest the series have sunken before.
Time jinx is cool i guess even though years are the least fun type of trivia

the games are all really fun but i find them a little underwhelming compared to other packs especially TKO 2, i'd rather play the original

The text one rules but the rest are mehish

I think this pack does pretty okay in delivery. I think the remake of Tee K.O. was was solid, a good return of a game. The trivia title is the obvious low light unfortunately. The rhythm game is a solid addition, the rest are just passable. Not the best pack, but definitely not the worst.

early thoughts: definitely their best pack in a while but still far from the top. Honestly this says more about how mediocre 8 and especially 9 were, lol.

- Tee KO is great but it's not much different from the one released like 7 years ago. Addition of other kinds of shirts and fonts is cool
- TimeJinx is really fun, super simple but it's a neat permutation of a trivia game. Definitely done before but not in Jackbox before I believe which is cool
- Dodo Re Mi initially seems like it would be this pack's Zeeple Dome, but it's actually pretty decent. It's not, like, good, but it's funny and it works surprisingly well for a rhythm game on a website over the internet, and the ability to hear it playback at the end really makes it work. It's a fun novelty, definitely not something to buy this pack for but it's worth playing a couple games of it
- FixyText is... eh. I'm sure it does okay in some crowds but I gather a lot of people playing this especially right now (october 2023) are just going to have walls of "skibidi rizz gyatt ohio", lol. Playing it is kind of a clusterfuck but that's definitely the intent so i guess if you think clusterfucks are funny then it's ok!
- Hypnotorious is the bad game here. Every single one of these packs always has like at least one borderline unplayable game and it's this one this time. Sad, since it's probably their first truly shit social deduction game. It's long, it's boring, it's not funny, and everyone either answers in a way that totally gives away what they are or just types in nonsense. Multiple people groaned when the second round started. Avoid.

I feel like even numbered Jackboxes are cursed at this point.

Party Pack games tend to have noticeable bugs in the first few weeks so keep in mind that this review may be adjusted as these get patched out.

Incredibly glad that Jackbox Games continue to release new entries (if y'all need a break from the annual cycle after ten in a row, people have PLENTY to comb through, especially if it helps prevent launch crunch) as Tee-Ko finally gets the long awaited sequel treatment and doesn't disappoint in its massive offerings both in game and in the store.

Really the only game I played with a group of 6-12 folks that didn't hit was Hypnotorius (but it may be one of those play it once to get the vibe). It felt a bit long, but I think a party game doesn't feel its length if you have fun.

DoDoReMi was the surprise hit for me! An experimental jackbox game that's finally good?! I feel like whoever is pitching another guitar hero revival should take a look at how jackbox handled it.

Likely won't end up in my top favorite packs, but everything is better than 4.

One of the best packs in recent memory. Most of the games are bangers and the other is a trivia game.

The problem is the bugs, and there are a lot of them. From FixyText deleting all your work, to the badly programmed timers in Hypnotorious, to the lag in Dodo Re Mi, to the games not allowing you to reconnect, to the audience straight up not working, it's abundantly clear that this pack needed more time in the oven. If they fix the bugs, this'll go up to an 8 or maybe even a 9.

Social deduction's fun when not even you know if you are the bad guy

the texting one is pretty cool and tko 2 is good but too similar to tko 1

tee ko 2 (3/5) - original tee ko was great, so this one is good too but i don't like the voting system as much

time jinx (1.5/5) - cool idea for a trivia game, but suffers from similar problems to most other jackbox trivia games. esp lack of questions

fixytext (2/5) - really fun concept, but very buggy right now and half the time words don't go through. it's a great concept though and is fun to play when it works well

dodo re mi (2/5) - edited my review of this one to increase it slightly, it's not a great jackbox game but not the worst ever. it's similar to zeeple dome for me, and zeeple dome is bad but not THAT bad.

hypnotorious (2.5/5) - i have edited this review to decrease the score of this game. gets repetitive way to quickly. i loved it at first, but i don't even want to play it anymore. i see repeat categories already and the whole applause mechanic they added is kinda dumb

Solid entry into the Jackbox series with the surprise hit in my friend group being the "this has no business working as well as it does" Dodo Re Mi rhythm game.

Tee KO 2: 9/10 Pretty much the same as the first
Fixytext: 6/10 Funny but lacks replayability and doesn't always work all that well
Hypnotorious: 3/10 Not very clear how your supposed to play, even after multiple playthroughs people get confused when they realize they are the outlier
Timejinx: 6/10 I love quiz games but this one gets stale quick
Dodo Re Mi: 2/10 Doesn't work most of the time and even when it does it's just not very fun. Bad idea

The worst Jackbox pack ever IMO. Hope the next one is better because I doubt my friends and I will be going back to this one very often.

her oyunda olan tshirt yapma modu dışında hepsi birbirinden sıkıcı

Which is the Real Napoleon oowoooooooooo