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As the Sega systems had their fair share of Mickey Mouse "Illusion" games, the SNES also had it's own counterpart developed by none other than the 8 and 16-bit gods of Disney games, Capcom. This is the first of four games in the "Magical Quest" series of Mickey Mouse Capcom titles for the SNES.

Capcom were masters of producing licensed Disney games back in the day, such as Aladdin, Ducktales, Good Troop etc. And the first Magical Quest game in the series of Mickey Mouse platformers for the SNES was no exception. This game has as much love and care as any title from Capcom back in the day.
The game is a very good platformer, with beautiful graphics and visuals - similar to Castle of Illusion - but with Capcom's unique 16-bit flair they always nailed.

The gameplay is excellent and is my favorite of the Mickey games I have played so far. It is similar to Castle of Illusion where you are jumping and bouncing off enemies to reach the end of the stage and fight a boss. The cool thing that Magical Quest does to differentiate itself from Castle of Illusion and other platformers is the costume system.
There are four different costumes Mickey can freely switch between, each having it's own unique playstyle, but also each being a tool to help you solve some platforming puzzles as you get through the game;

The standard default Mickey costume lets you bounce off enemies and grab/throw them, similar to something like Klonoa or Tomba.
The Magic Turban costume lets you shoot magic projectiles, and is basically a Mega Man type of gameplay.
The Firefigher costume lets you shoot a constant stream of water letting you push enemies away.
And finally the climber costume essentially turns the game into Bionic Commando.
You can freely switch between these four costumes at any time after you've unlocked them, and each costume is viable to play with through the entire game. You are mostly never forced to switch to another costume, so if you wanna just play the game as a Mega Man game, you can do that.

The backgrounds, locations and artstyle are all excellent looking for the SNES. But this is SNES Capcom we are talking about, so I didn't expect any less. Each level has 3-4 stages, each being based on a different theme such as a Beanstalk level, a Cave level, an Ice level etc. Nothing too unique, but everything looks great.

The game is tad on the harder side, especially the final boss which was not fun and soured my taste on an otherwise very good platformer. I hear less about this series than the Illuision series, so I was surprised that I found myself enjoying it this much. Definitely recommended for people who like 2D platformers.

Review PT-BR/English

Mais um ótimo jogo dos anos 90 da CAPCOM!!

Se tem alguem que sabe(ou sabia) fazer ótimos jogos de plataforma ou em 16 bits é a CAPCOM, junto com a Nintendo eu diria que ela foi uma das principais empresas a produzir jogos do genero nos anos 80/90, e ela não erra a mão nessa parceria com a Disney, o jogo é uma verdadeira delicinha de se jogar, com graficos em 16 bits bem fofinhos, ótima gameplay de plataforma e uma trilha sonora muito bem feita. A gameplay em sí consiste em passar de uma série de fases usando poderes especiais que o mickey consegue ao adquirir certas roupas ''magicas'', são elas Mago que é uma espécie de Mega Man atirando poder/magia das pontas dos dedos com direito a um tiro mais forte carregado, bombeiro que serve para apagar as chamas no caminho, mover blocos, etc...e escalador na qual como o proprio nome diz nos ajuda a escalar o cenario e tambem a desarmar certos inimigos.
A unica coisa ruim desse jogo é que ele é bem curtinho, consistindo de apenas 6 ''mundos'' com fases bem curtinhas e alguns chefes. No geral....é mais um ótimo plataformer da CAPCOM e altamente recomendado que você como eu é fã dos personagens da Disney ou mesmo do genero plataforma.


Another great game from the 90s by CAPCOM!!

If there’s one company that knows (or knew) how to make great platform or 16-bit games, it’s CAPCOM. Along with Nintendo, I’d say it was one of the main companies producing games in this genre in the 80s and 90s. And they nailed it again with this partnership with Disney. The game is a true delight to play, featuring cute 16-bit graphics, excellent platform gameplay, and a well-crafted soundtrack. The gameplay itself consists of progressing through a series of stages using special powers that Mickey acquires by donning certain "magic" outfits. These include the Wizard, which is like a Mega Man shooting power/magic from his fingertips with a charged stronger shot; the Firefighter, which is used to extinguish flames, move blocks, etc.; and the Climber, which, as the name suggests, helps us climb the scenery and also disarm certain enemies.

The only downside of this game is that it’s quite short, consisting of just 6 "worlds" with very short stages and a few bosses. Overall, it’s another great platformer from CAPCOM and highly recommended if you, like me, are a fan of Disney characters or the platform genre.

To get it out of the way, yes this is the best Mickey mouse game. The levels are great the music is great and the bosses are fun and it's not too easy or too hard. I recommend it to anyone who could find a copy.

With that out of the way, sometimes you're not in the right headspace and life hits you hard sometimes. Sometimes you need to have thought of great memories or just need something that you can use as a coping mechanism. Video games usually do that for me, cuz sometimes I deal with thoughts or moments of life that put you tbeough darkness. This game, whether I played it recently or not, usually helps me get through whatever I'm thinking because of the memories I share as a child. This is just one of those rare instances where maybe sharing this not only helps myself but maybe someone else who just needs a little escapism. Srry it's a little much maybe but that's how much the game means to the little goddess in me!

Jogar isso aqui foi uma experiência mais irritante do que agradável, um teste de paciência. Não recomendo.

Sempre tive um carinho muito grande por esse jogo, pelo fato de ter feito parte da minha infância e de me lembrar indo numa locadora (ou casa de jogos) perto de onde eu morava quando pequeno, jogar ele (e também o Magical Quest 3)... mas nunca revisitei ele depois de adulto.

É inegavelmente um jogo muito charmoso e cheio de personalidade. Capcom nos anos 90 era sinônimo de jogaço, de gameplay apurada e gostosa, e aqui não é diferente. Ainda é um jogo bem bom de jogar, e relativamente desafiador em alguns trechos.

O gimmick principal desse jogo (e da trilogia) é a troca de roupas, e com isso, novos poderes. Aqui temos uma roupa de mago, uma de bombeiro e uma de alpinista, cada uma com seus poderes e momentos especificos para usar. Me vi usando a maior parte do tempo os poderes de mago, simplesmente por ser basicamente uma versão de Megaman carregando o tiro e soltando. Sinto que o game design do jogo não pensou muito nas aplicabilidades dos poderes fora das fases onde você consegue eles e meio que é obrigado a usar eles ali.

O jogo não é dificil, nem facil, fica ali na medida mesmo. Acho que dificulda nos bosses, que são pouco inspirados e alguns exigem um nivel de precisão e sorte. Mas nada exatamente grave, principalmente pq o gameplay é realmente satisfatório para equilibrar as coisas.

Enfim, um jogo de plataforma bem bacana e que realmente é muito interessante de se revisitar.

Would been way more epic if you had to save the girl instead of fucking Pluto.

A fun platformer, and definitely the most enjoyable Mickey game I've played thus far. The costumes keep gameplay fun, and Mickey's grab move was a welcome surprise off the heels of World of Illusion. Bosses broke my ankles a bit but I enjoyed em all the same. All in all, very solid!

Calhei de descobrir esse jogo lendo a maratona de SNES, infelizmente não concluída, da galera do finado Old Games FTW. Sempre curti os jogos do rato orelhudo, passei a infância jogando Castelo da Ilusão, confiei que esse daqui também seria bom e não me decepcionei.

Divertido nas fases e ainda melhor nos chefões, uma pena ser tão curto.

Juego de plataforma muy variado jugado en modo normal con niveles muy variados y divertidos este juego me gusto mucho y se los recomiendo mucho.

The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, es un juego desarrollado por Capcom para la SNES en 1992.

El juego nos presenta a Mickey Mouse que deberá de adentrarse en un mundo mágico para rescatar a su perro Pluto. Al poco de avanzar un poco en este juego de plataformas, nos dan un traje de mago. Una de las mecánicas características de este juego es poder ir cambiándonos de trajes, los cuales nos darán diferentes habilidades. Con el traje de mago podremos generar una burbuja de aire para respirar bajo el agua y lanzar rayos para abatir enemigos. Con el traje de bombero podremos lanzar chorros de agua para apagar fuego, aturdir enemigos o incluso mover bloques. Con el traje de alpinista (o Peter Pan), podremos lanzar un gancho para subir a plataformas o columpiarnos en ciertas zonas. Por último, cundo Mickey no tenga ningún traje podrá pisar enemigos para luego cogerlos y lanzarlos, al estilo de Mario con los Koopas.

Estas mecánicas, aunque no lo parezca acaban dando bastante juego para crear un buen diseño de niveles. Algunos más simples y otros más desafiantes en los que tendremos que cambiar constantemente de trajes.

El apartado sonoro no está mal encaja bien con un juego de Mickey, por otro lado, gráficamente el juego luce muy bien, con sprites y fondos bastante bien definidos y sobre todo animaciones muy cuidadas sobre todo en los enemigos.

A pesar de que el jefe final me ha parecido un poco repetitivo, el resto de jefes presentan mecánicas distintas y muchos de ellos hacen uso del Modo 7 de la SNES. Colocan el jefe como un fondo y de esta manera la SNES es capaz de redimensionarlo o rotarlo a su antojo, lo que resulta en batallas bastante vistosas.

The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse es un juego bastante equilibrado apto para todos, con el que te entretendrás casi seguro.

Throughout the late 80’s and early to mid 90’s, Capcom had a pretty good relationship going with Disney. For many years, they would be the primary developer for a lot of licensed games based on both Disney characters are popular movies and shows at the time, leading to what many consider to be some of the best licensed games of the NES-SNES eras, such as with DuckTales, Goof Troop, and the SNES version of Aladdin. Sure, not all of Disney’s games back in the day were made exclusively by them, but when it came to sorting out the good from the mediocre-bad games, you would just need to see if it was made by Capcom, and you could just go from there… even if their logo didn’t always guarantee a worthwhile product. Looking at you, Adventures in the Magic Kingdom. But either way, when it came to the Disney properties they tackled, they also had a fair amount of shots at giving the big mouse himself his own lineup of titles, including a successful attempt with The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse.

At this point, Mickey Mouse was no stranger when it came to video games, not only getting a few standalone titles at this point like Mickey Mousecapade, but also a set of successful Sega games known as Castle of Illusion. However, some of those earlier titles like Mickey Mousecapade were of the usual quality that you would expect from a licensed game, with the exception of the Castle of Illusion series, which I have yet to play, so I can’t give it my clearly 100% accurate gaming critique yet. So, it was pleasant to find that this first Mickey Mouse title for the SNES was actually a pretty good game. It is pretty standard for what it is, and it isn’t one of the best platformers on the SNES, but for being the first SNES game for Mickey Mouse, it is a great start all around.

The story is pretty simple, about Mickey needing to rescue Pluto from the Big Bad Pete, which is enough to get you going on your way, because you don’t wanna see anything bad happen to Pluto, the graphics are really good, being very bright, colorful, and charming for a Mickey Mouse game, and speaking of which, Mickey himself and all of the other characters and enemies look pretty good, and accurate to the designs we all know and love, the music is very enjoyable, giving off that distinct Capcom vibe, and there are plenty of good tracks to listen to throughout, with my favorite being the one in Stage 3, the control is mostly pretty solid, feeling very smooth most of the time, but some of the actions can be kinda finicky, such as with grabbing objects and using some powerups, and the gameplay is typical of the genre, but it does introduce some features that gives that extra boost of quality that makes it fun.

The game is your typical 2D platformer, where you take control of Mickey Mouse, take on a set of six stages across many different fantastical settings, stomp on many different enemies you will encounter along the way, as well as using plenty of different items to throw at enemies to get an advantage over them, gather plenty of coins, hearts, and powerups to help you out along the way, and take on plenty of appropriately cartoony bosses that will actually provide a good amount of challenge if you aren’t careful. As a platformer on its own, it isn’t anything too special, all things considered, but when it comes to being a Mickey Mouse game, it is pretty well done. The game is challenging enough to where you need to keep on your toes, while also providing plenty of assistance when needed, and any skilled player would be able to have a pleasant enough time with.

One of the things that make this game stand out from other Mickey Mouse games is the use of the various outfits in the game. Upon entering a new stage, Mickey will sometimes gain a brand new outfit that he can swap in and out of anytime, with these items being very useful, which consist of the magician outfit, which lets him shoot out magic projectiles, the firefighter outfit, which lets him shoot water at enemies and other objects, and the mountain-climber outfit, which gives you grappling hook to use to your advantage. What makes these outfits pretty useful aside from the additional firepower was that they also are essential to making progress in the game, such as in instances where you have to put out fires with the firefighter outfit, you have to activate magic carpets with the magician outfit, and you could use the grappling hooks to get over plenty of dangerous gaps and grapple onto plenty of platforms. While the outfits themselves aren’t that exciting, they are extremely helpful in many different instances, and I did like swapping between all of them to my advantage throughout the journey.

Aside from all that though, the game itself doesn’t have that much else going for it. It is still a very typical SNES era platformer, one that does have a good amount to do, but it doesn’t really bring anything new to the genre. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, seeing as it is just a Mickey Mouse game, but it isn’t really doing that much different from other similar games, or even similar licensed games of that time. And of course, since I can never be pleased, there has to be something that bothers me, and for this game, that would be the boss rush in the last stage. Granted, this is one of the least offensive boss rushes I have seen so far, as there are only a few bosses rehashed, and you can pretty much just ignore them and head straight to the final boss, but of course, for first time players, you aren’t going to know which door is a recycled boss and which one isn’t, so have fun with that.

Overall, despite a lack of originality and repeated bosses here and there, this is still one of the better Mickey Mouse games that you can find, and one of the better licensed games to come from Disney and from the SNES era. I would definitely recommend it for those of you who are big fans of Mickey Mouse, as well as those who were a fan of Capcom’s other Disney games, but for everyone else, there are arguably better Disney licensed games out there, and better Mickey Mouse games even. Also, quick little spoiler for the end of the game, but at the end of it all, it turns out that Mickey Mouse was just dreaming the entire time, and Pluto never really got kidnapped. Never thought I would get Mario 2’d by Micheal Fucking Rat, but I guess there is a first time for everything.

Game #383

Divertido, pra quem já jogou o 3° percebe como o uso dos equipamentos conseguiu evoluir bastante, mas é interessante como aqui nesse jogo eles ainda parecem estar num processo de desenvolvimento.
História bem simples, coisa de época mesmo, o charme fica em torno da trilha sonora e da gameplay, que apesar de simples, às vezes há a necessidade de cuidado pra não morrer atoa.

Fun little platformer. Mechanics are nothing to write home about and it's pretty easy for genre familiars. But it has a certain charm to it due to it being very very disney.

Very fun little platformer. Extremely short, like beat it in one sitting short. That isn't a bad thing at all, but even though I knew it was short I was just surprised on how quickly it ended.

Level Design was smart, fun, and full of secrets. I thought it would be much more linear and straight forward, but it had a lot of secret areas and items to find. They did a great job of rewarding the player for exploring and finding the secrets as well. I found the last level, Pete's Castle, to be cool but a bit convoluted and not as intelligently designed as previous levels, especially the 2nd level which was my personal favorite. Levels had a good length, though there was only 6 stages, but each level was broken up into multiple different sections, so it's not just one long level for each one.

Gameplay was running and jumping like any platformer, but they made it much more unique with the abilities they give Mickey to use. The Magic Outfit, the Climbing Outfit, and the Fire Fighter Outfit, were all pretty cool. I liked how they all worked, though the Climbing could be a little janky, it was still fun.

Story was pretty much nothing, Mickey needs to find Pluto who has been captured by Pete. It's nice and all, definitely made for a younger audience, nothing to complex but it was nice.

The game was fairly easy, mainly because when you die and lose all your lives, you just go back to the start of the section of the level you died in, so there really isn't even a need for lives in the first place, since all losing your lives does is make you renter the level, and you don't lose any progress.

Boss Fights were probably the most difficult part. They actually were a lot of fun and had a decent challenge to them. Cool Boss Music and great designs. I was really impressed with them.

Music was great honestly. Just some really nice toons. The World Map, the Level Themes, the Title Screen, Boss Fights, all had some great sounding music.

Art style was beautiful to look at. I was a big fan of how it all looked. Backgrounds looked really nice, and so did the models of all the characters and Enemies. The game had a really nice and uplifting atmosphere to it.

Ending was alright, not always a fan of the "It Was All a Dream" trope, I was a little cought of guard by it, but it's a Mickey Mouse game, so it's not a big deal.

Honestly the worst part about the game is the fact that you can't save your progress. Thankfully they made it so short you don't really need them, though I also don't like leaving my system on, so I at least wanted a password to use. Hit detection could be a bit weird, but that's a lot of SNES games, and it didn't come up very often any way.

All and all just a really fun little game. Not much to complain about, though I wish it was a bit longer and had the ability to save, I still really liked it. Great Music, Good Design, Great Art work, a Cute little story, and a Loveable protagonist. If you want to play a nice little platformer and/or like Disney stuff, this would be a great one to play.

Score: 3.6/5
Letter Grade: B

mickey can use magic to turn into a fire fighter

Muy difícil para mi yo de 4 años, pero me gustaba poder cambiar de atuendo para poder tener distintos poderes.

Un juego corto, colorido y muy disfrutable para pasar una tarde magica. Cuando Disney era Cool y Capcom hacia Joyas!

Very enjoyable, if a little basic. It's a breeze to play through but that doesn't stop it from being a fun time. Final boss maybe goes on a bit long though.

Tenho uns pequenos problemas em relação a jogabilidade, especialmente as roupas que dão poderes especiais são difíceis de manusear com muita precisão, levando a mortes inesperadas por meio de erro. Até os pulos as vezes são difíceis de controlar.

Fora a jogabilidade, a única pena é que é um jogo relativamente curto depois que se acostuma com a dificuldade, mas não é difícil encontrar formas rápidas de derrotar os chefes, exceto o chefe final que é um teste de paciência e resistência.

Simples e bonitinho. Mudar de roupa faz toda a diferença. Sem isso seria um jogo de plataforma bem tradicional.