Reviews from

in the past

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Eh, it's whatever.

I liked Russell a lot, Shel and Becca were all right, but the other characters I didn't care for, and I know this DLC doesn't really affect the later seasons much.

Manage to get Shel, Becca, Russell, Bonnie, and Wyatt to come with me, but Vince stayed behind. No idea what would have con-Vinced him, but oh well, I'm just glad to have Russell.

My choices:

-Shot Justin's leg as Vince (lol)
-Didn't get out of the car as Wyatt (didn't realize this was even a choice or I probably would have)
-Drove off with the RV as Shel (fuck Roman lol)
-Left Nate as Russell (I was rude to this guy every possible chance, didn't trust him for a second)
-Told Leland the truth as Bonnie (everyone is so mean to her 💀)

Anyway, I stan Russ, hope to see him again.

This is a solid standalone story. Some of the characters are better than others.

A great anthology style DLC for the first season of Telltale's The Walking Dead. It's cool to see that the characters weren't forgotten either and showed up in later seasons. It really helps the comic universe feel more fleshed out than it already is.

A cool DLC for an unbelievable game.

400 Days is a collection of short, well-made stories, all with some interesting characters. The gameplay is identical to the base game, and the stories are just as immersive. However, I can't help but feel that nobody would ever notice if this DLC was erased from history. I enjoyed my time with it, but it just doesn't add anything special to the series. I won't complain about more TWD content, though!

Overall, 400 Days is pretty much just more of The Walking Dead, just not as powerful and impactful as the base game. I still had a lot of fun, and I think it's a worthy DLC to pick up while playing through the first season. - 🕖

Я на полном серьезе считаю, что 400 дней - охуенное длс и она из лучших вещей, случившихся со вселенной ходячих.
Весь эпизод это альманах, состоящий из мини-историй, и бля, какие же они пиздатые. Каждая из них за очень короткий период времени ОЧЕНЬ ярко раскрывает нам всех действующих лиц. Серьезно, в 4 сезоне половина героев не такие объемные как здешние, хотя тут появляются они минут на 10.
Каждая новелла рассказывает достаточно занимательные истории, интересны она могут быть и самой сутью происходящего (вроде истории Винсента), и моральным выбором. И это я хочу особенно отметить: в оригинале все наши выборы воспринимаются именно что как развилки на пути. Да, мы зачастую ставим перед собой моральные вопросы, обкашливаем всю эту хуйню, но в конечном счете вопрос сводится "а в будущем мне эта хуйня как зачтется, в чем польза?". Из-за формата этого длс мы сразу понимаем что продолжения - не будет. Из-за чего ситуации воспринимаются уже не как интерактивное кинцо, а как мысленные эксперименты (да-да, вроде той хуйни с поездом и людьми на рельсах). Из-за упомянутого выше (хорошо прописанные персонажи) эти дилеммы ощущаются еще острее, а от того и эмоционально ты получаешь большую отдачу. Вот не спизжу - мне нравится 4 сезон, но я проходил его 2 раза и многие аспекты я просто нахуй забыл. 400 дней по сути проходил всего один раз (второй был вчера). Но даже до второго прохождения я прекрасно помнил не только сюжетные моменты, но и эмоции от игры и даже то время и те обстоятельства, при которых я её проходил.
Всей душой люблю это длс, люблю подобный подход ко вселенной и эту депрессивную блять атмосферу, присущую первым двум сезонам ходячих.
p.s. события тут вообще никак не влияют на второй сезон, просто доп сцены могут добавиться, вот и всё. Так что +1 в копилку наебов от теллтейлов

A neat little DLC with a band of entertaining characters. Its cool that how many people go with the woman at the end are seen in season 2 during the carver section.

just dumb fun, good dlc but it's really not required


cool to see other stories and then see some characters make appearances later on

It's alright for what it is. It's too short and fast-moving for you to develop any kind of emotional investment or connection with the characters, but it does have some interesting ideas - the game revolving around a location rather than a character, each story tying into one another in some way, the potential callbacks to Season 1 (such as the possibility of running into Carley or Doug's body in Russell's story), the glimpse at different points in the post-apocalyptic timeline including the very first moments of the breakout, etc.

However, I'd go as far as to say the DLC was sold on false pretenses - I recall TellTale promoting it by claiming your choices would heavily impact Season 2, and that the characters' stories would serve as prologues to pivotal people in the sequel. This is really only true for a single character (who happened to be my least favourite), and even then the effects are utterly irrelevant. The rest pop up for a second each in one episode of Season 2, if they're lucky they get a throwaway line of useless dialogue for the sake of it, and then they disappear forever.

It does have some neat protagonists, though, and it does pretty well at making each story feel unique and distinct in tone and concept. My personal favourites to play through were probably Vince's and Russell's, though Wyatt's dynamic with Eddie really brought his up.

It's 100% skippable without missing anything, but if you have the Definitive Edition and it's included anyway, it's worth giving it a shot for the sake of it.

Favourite Male Character: Vince
Favourite Female Character: Stephanie
First Character I Liked: Vince
Favourite Character Design: Vince
Favourite Moment: I thought the shootout with Russell and Nate vs. the diner inhabitants was pretty fun
Least Favourite Character: Bonnie

It's alright, has some memorable characters and moments

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Não vou dizer que a experiência foi ruim, pois estaria sendo injusto, mas definitivamente foi decepcionante. Esperava mais.
Foi diferente do que tivemos na primeira temporada, algo mais rápido e direto ao ponto. E talvez foi exatamente esse "imediatismo" nos objetivos, que custou uma imersão maior.
Sabendo pela segunda temporada, que só Bonnie seria aproveitada, essa DLC ficou pior ainda.

It's all right. Playing it after 400 Days, you really miss the characters you'd come to know over the course of Season 1. But the vignette structure is fun and works for something like The Walking Dead. That they tried to tie this into Season 2 was cool, but I didn't really get the intended effect since my saves didn't transfer over (more on that when I review Season 2), so it's hard to comment there. It's a decent and short enough capstone, but really only go for it these days if you want a stopgap between seasons.

OH I forgot I was completely screwed out of 100% completion for Season 1 overall because I lost Rock Paper Scissors. I have to look at a dumb 98% completion for the season when I look at the trophies on PSN. I could easily replay that one vignette, but MEH.

DLC curtinha, mas com uma história bem contada. Não é tão imersiva quanto a Season 1, mas tem seus momentos de aflição.

The Walking Dead: 400 Days" is a decent DLC for the first season, although I'm yet to understand its point, since I haven't seen the characters appear in the main game again. (I've only played the first two seasons so far, maybe they will appear later?)

I don't know, I really enjoyed this one. It's cool to see "survivor stories" and also seeing them in the next installment

Review EN/PTBR

The world really is a small place

A very interesting dlc that delivers exactly that extra tidbit of lore material for the next games


O mundo realmente é um lugar pequeno

Uma dlc muito interessante que entrega exatamente aquele petisco a mais no material de lore pros próximos jogos.

What the fuck happened to Eddie.

Good piece of DLC for The Walking Dead.

Telltale Games are well known for creating great story based games in which the objective is not to murder every soul in sight, collect some hidden treasure or set the fastest time, no, its all about telling a story and letting you decide how that story will end.

Because the focus here is based one hundred percent on the story, I will not say anything about it. This is something you need to experience for yourself.

You collect different items that you can/must later use to progress. The game is on rail and apart from some mini games and puzzles, it plays itself forward, after the right choice or response has been given. It gives the feeling of an old school point and click game.

The game can end early when making the wrong decision, in which you need to start over. The whole ending and which characters still live and which dies is entirely up to you. Based on your conversation with characters and your actions, it will dramatically impact the outcome. For this reason, you can play the game over again multiple times, and get many different endings.

The Walking Dead from Telltales looks beautiful and makes good use of the cell shading graphics. The sounds and music are nice and fits the game well.

The biggest strong point of this game is the connection that you establish with the characters and especially, the main character. You get really attached to them. You cannot stop playing because you want to know what is going to happen next.

The 400 days DLC was also a really nice piece of extra story. I enjoyed it immensely. Although the plot here was a little less stunning than the main game. Nevertheless, it played just as fine as the original story.

Definitely recommend this experience to anyone.

Too short for any character development or attachment but I like the way it plays into season two in the collection

It was harder to get as emotionally invested in this one being an anthology and all but it is a good time overall if you were a fan of the first game.


Uma boa DLC com histórias alternativas

It's definetely not that bad but it has no ending. Unless I find something out in season 2. Right now I feel it's uselessness in the story as a DLC. We'll see tho. I liked the individual parts of everybody's story, pretty cool. Wasn't afraid risking with risky choices since I haven't had the strong connection with the characters.

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yah i edited this. i was playing season 2... why did i keep everyone alive...

This bonus chapter contains multiple mini-stories that are loosely connected, even if it does not seem like it at first. Easily the best part of the DLC is slowly piecing together how these seemly unconnected stories are in reality connected. My favorite one has to be Shel's.

IDK if these characters ever return in the future seasons, but I enjoyed this episode as its own standalone story.

This is a good addition to The Walking Dead game. I enjoyed how the episode was structured and had a fun time learning about the new characters. I also liked the setting of it and how it affected the different characters.