Reviews from

in the past

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Foi o primeiro TWD que eu joguei, e após rejogá-lo, vi que é o mais fraco da quadrilogia, na minha opinião. Senti que este ignora bastante tuas escolhas, sempre dando no mesmo resultado, na maioria das vezes. Teve uma narrativa mais linear, seguindo um único rumo ao invés de se abrir mais em relação às opções dadas aos jogadores, o que é uma pena, visto que com isso, todo o grupo morreu, deixando a Clem com dois pirados e um bebê. Muitos personagens foram descartados de graça, como a Sarah e Luke. No mais, ainda é um jogo excelente, mantendo-se firme e pé no chão, com ótimos momentos, alguns reconfortantes (Clementine ajudando
a Sarah com as plantas foi tão ❤️❤️❤️) e outros bem chocantes, como de costume. Toda a situação envolvendo o grupo do Carver, desde a montanha até a fuga da base deles é o ápice da temporada. Enfim, mesmo com os problemas de linearidade citados, ainda é um 10/10, com ótimos personagens, senão os melhores de um grupo com quem Clementine já esteve, e também com o amadurecimento gigantesco da nossa protagonista ainda sem mordidas.

cara que emoção esperar 10 longos anos e finalmente ter a oportunidade de jogar essa obra que acompanhei do inicio ao fim so que vendo outras pessoas jogarem , agora tendo a oportunidade posso afirmar que entrega um enredo muito bom , principalmente pela clem e as coisas pela qual ela passa e se mantém firme.

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fuck bonnie, bonnie sucks

While not as powerful as the first season, the story of Clementine continues with a great second season and a story that I enjoyed and was happy to see reunions of friends and the story with new characters.

You have to play the first season to get the full story.

This season was incredible. so many cool plot points and I loved so many of the characters. just a tad bit worse then the first season

Poorly written and paced, cycling through two game's worth of interesting characters in some desperate attempt to match the dramatic highs of the first game, which mostly results in a narrative that goes absolutely nowhere until the last 15 minutes with characters severely lacking in any development. It has a few small moments I thought were interesting, but it's mostly a game that's way too cynical and edgy to care much about.

Why did I play this when I was 10.
It has emotionally impacted me on another level

Não supera o primeiro game, mas, chegou perto.
É uma ótima continuação

kenny sofreu mais que jesus

Good game with tough choices

I enjoyed season 2 way more than season 1. It still has some of the same problems i.e. bad dialogue at times, fluffed gameplay segments, and a weird number of unlikable characters. Chapter 4 drags and has a lot of bad writing, but the full story is more connected than the first's. I am a huge fan of the personal drama that takes a front seat, so many broken people put together in a group creates more interesting relationships. There are less of the bland characters that plagued season 1 {katjaa, doug, omid, the cancer group.}
I have a feeling I would like season 1 more if I played it again.

Favorite Chapter: 5 "No Going Back"
Least Favorite: 4 "Amid the Ruins"

These games aren't good for my emotional wellbeing

my least favorite season tbh, good story but the other ones are just better

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A step below the first season, but still very great. I chose to leave alone at the end. Great story for clementine.

A choose your own adventure game where your choices don’t matter.

A real disappointment after season one, but nowhere near as bad as it got.

remember when people thought this was good??

Jogo poderoso. Muitos sentimentos vindo de uma vez só. A conclusão da temporada, com as escolhas que eu e minha namorada fizemos, foi uma das melhores coisas que já vi da cultura pop como um tudo.

Apesar da excelente história e personagens, a gameplay ainda deixa a desejar em alguns aspectos. Está muito melhor que a da primeira season, mas inferior comparado as demais que estão por vir. Independente disso, não consigo não dar cinco estrelas. Quando eu lembrar dessa saga, com certeza os momentos que eu e minha namorada passamos nessa temporada vão vir em primeiro lugar.

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It's good until you start realizing that none of your choices matter, most of the characters are completely incompetent, and you actually hate playing Telltale Games

Main issue was with the ending, who tf is gonna pick Jane over Kenny. Kenny is more likeable, better written, and not an annoying fuck.

one of the most suspenseful seasons in twd. kenny carried so hard

While not as good as season one season two offers still interesting characters and gameplay clementine really shines in this game and seeing her progression from a scared child to someone able to defend herself and the ones she cares about is and will always be incredibly memorable although I feel like a lot of the choices were made void with Kenny being there as as a Kenny fan I would have chose him over everyone else that isn’t Clem but that’s just me a great sequel to the original