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I don't really feel like reviewing the first or second game as they're relatively basic (the latter relying on timers to inflate the "difficulty" which is null if you just keep retrying anyways), but I feel like this one's worth a start due to them clearly aiming for a larger scope.

We Were Here Together is the third title by Total Mayhem Games, who seem to have been founded specifically to focus on asymmetric co-op experiences. If you can't read the synopsis of the games, the idea is one player has information the other doesn't and vice-versa, and together they communicate this info to fill in the blanks or get rid of junk info. Together cranks that up to an absurd degree, and to make one of the final puzzles of the game be quite literally just reading from a book back and forth to each other and veeery slowly permuting was frankly kind of soul draining; the problem with this challenge in particular is that if you forget even one step of the chain you have to redo a large portion of it working from the earliest known info. Is this "puzzling"? I mean yes, until you start taking notes; there is no timer for this one anyways, eventually you'll find your way out just through brute trial and error and keeping notes.

The elevator section near the beginning of the game is absurdly huge, and nearly impossible to distinguish from player's perspectives. Some elevators are linked, which ones? Who knows! They all look the same and for most of it the players have no real way of identifying them short of beginning to reconstruct the entire scene plank by plank. It's not so bad though, we kind of just "fell upwards" through it naturally, it's not that obtuse I just think it's very poorly thought out; this was probably the most blatantly "over-scoped" part of the game in my mind, there's also just a lot of literal empty space around the foot of this section that made us think we were missing something, it should have had tighter invisible walls.

//////MINOR SPOILERS///////
The worst room easily had to have been the potion room, because it immediately presents you with relevant information FOR THREE DIFFERENT PUZZLES at the same time; this makes it overwhelming figuring out where to begin as the person in the potion room, unless person B in the pressure room figures out which part is relevant for you. There's also an annoying sound effect from the mixer machine that initially sounds like it's "reacting" to something but it's just ambient, and the actual first puzzle of that room has extremely little feedback for person A until person B kind of just gestures "erm, more pressure... less pressure..." and you need to figure out how much these nonsensical tubes even add up to, and they're bi-directional(???). Also, making the gear puzzle completely automatic when you need to stop person B's platform with them is annoying, just moving the gear in and out for a second at a time as it automatically trips it.

The game is also just, kind of buggy. There's a maze earlier on that I swear I got softlocked in due to clipping issues, but after an uncomfortable length of time my character finally broke free. It also wasn't super clear what the actual path was, we both felt we accidentally completed it and just kinda shrugged. Another section just straight up didn't perform its main mechanic, until we swapped positions and it magically just worked in the exact same order.

I don't know, I adore these kinds of experiences but we (/u/Nowhere and I) both agree that this one was frankly exhausting. For every good puzzle there was one more that was just "I have a list and you have a list let's subtract the difference, one at a time" often literally and thinly veiled as different through set dressing. I think I might prefer We Were Here Too over Together even, and all of these so far are a full tier minimum below my personal favorite asymmetric co-op experience in Tick Tock: A Tale For Two (which, tbf, came out after the first two WWH games, but it manages to have much greater contrast between the players' experiences while still seemlessly interwieving them, all while requiring no connectivity of any kind in-game; it's 100% playable over a phone call or just talking in the same room!

I still recommend this if you're looking for a relatively unique (albeit maybe the setting a bit stale by the third entry...) asymmetric co-op experience, but your enjoyment of this will probably fluctuate on what type of puzzles you enjoy. This kind of has everything, but also half of it is reading text back to one another.

الالغاز كانت حلوة لين اخر شابتر صارت تصدع

لحد يلعب مع ماجد

Big step up from the second game.

Fuck the bridge puzzle, everything else was really good, besides the final two puzzles imo.

"I'll sacrifice myself for her!" :nerd emoji:

Ermm... Puzzles kinda tedious on this one! Oh well, had fun with a friend.

Very fun, definitely the best one so far. It was a nice surprise to turn a corner and see Michelle’s character standing there – we’re in the same room! It was neat being able to interact with each other and still have some sections where we naturally split off and assume different roles. But we could always switch out at any time if it wasn’t working. The vibes were awesome in this one and we were invested in the story this time!

Some puzzles took quite a while to solve, but this is a hella fun game to play with a friend/your significant other.

Pretty neat puzzles except for my friend who yelled at me the whole time

The best of the first three

Tavamo aqui junto. "bananinha para sacola, você não consegue compreender/10"

a poha do meu parceiro paro d joga o jogo antes d nois termina

The puzzles of this game almost gave me an aneurysm, I like the series but this game is my least liked one


easily worst in entire series, all the other ones are quite fun, but this one is stupidly tedious and the puzzles aren't really even satisfying. You're just relieved that you didn't make a small mistake that set you back 5 full minutes of progress for the 30th time.
2/5 stars

A perfect mix of challenging and rewarding puzzles. I've played all of these and was still somehow surprised at the end.

The difficulty definitely went up in this game, some of the puzzles genuinely had us stumped for a while. However I think this is not as good as the second game.

This review contains spoilers

Varios bugs, no me pareció tan divertido como las otras dos precuelas pero que se yo estuvo entretenido

HAY UN PUZZLE CHOTISIMO es extremadamente malo
Se supone que yo tengo que especificar el tipo de sonido sin conocer las otras opciones es imposible muy mal

ah y aparte el final otra vez con la misma feature pero hecha peor zzz

my friend needs to redownload this (YOU WILL SEE THIS!!!!!!)

The series that only keeps improving with each (major) installment. More creative puzzles, better visuals, more fun! Some puzzles were a bit frustrating, but it didn't really impact my larger enjoyment.

Plus long et plus diversifié en terme d'environnements.

The best We Were Here game yet. A lot of really creative puzzles on display here. It's their third game and I get the sense that the devs are much more comfortable in creating good puzzles.

The poison creation puzzle was horrible for my friend and I, but that's a mostly a skill issue on our end so i'll let it slide.

divertido para boludear con un amigo pero la historia es una cagada, el menu tambien y encima se desconecta porque si

O melhor da franquia até agora!

Uma excelente evolução dos outros jogos,
puzzles ainda mais inteligentes e difíceis,
mais conteúdo e tempo de jogo.
A experiência mais completa até agora.

Great addition to the series, really enjoyed the focus on story