Reviews from

in the past

featuring Olavo de Carvalho from the Brazil series

I vibed with its simple art design and wacky, laid back characters. Didn’t expect to play as each character, but it was a welcome change and kept things interesting. Never thought a partial walking simulator could be this fun.

Easily one of the best games I played in 2020, condensed into a perfect ~50 minute package. Fantastic characters, genuinely funny writing, and a great aesthetic make WOBJ an unmissable experience. I have to admit that, while packing up the campsite at the end of the game, I was a little disappointed to see the end rapidly approaching. But as the credits rolled, and I was left with a view of the campsite where I've spent the last hour, I'm delighted that the folks at Turnfollow had the confidence to leave it as-is. The short run-time ensures that the peaks stand out, and don't get lost in a swirl of filler.

quero acampar com meus amigos

Simples e quentinho, às vezes é tudo que você precisa.

This game was a really nice experience, like playing through a short film or something. Music and art was really nice, characters felt genuine and realistic, which is rare, especially with the child characters. Always a fan of the weird little girls trope.

Three complaints:
- The cut to black for all dialogue doesn't feel like anything except an excuse to not animate cutscenes. And the sad thing is, even poorly animated cutscenes would've been better than black screens. The dialogue here never gets so extraordinary that super intense animation would've been needed. Maybe arm gestures or head turns and stuff. But because most of the game is dialogue, it really limits how much you're able to look at the environments, which is really sad.
- Not sure why you can't control the camera with the mouse in the free movement segments. The mouse isn't used for anything else and I kept wanting to look around with it.
- You talk to characters by going up to them and hitting space. Despite this, and despite the fact that the screen cuts to black for all dialogue anyway, you still have to be both standing and looking in an extremely specific direction to trigger the 'begin dialogue' prompt to appear.

I dug this out of that colossal Itch bundle to tell you it's good. The Coming Of Age story is not often told in games. those few times it is, it's short, poignant, and very funny. To lost days and a potential future.

Cute game that does some interesting things with framing that elevates the narrative. Just a good vibes, relaxing but still somewhat poignant experience. Maybe a little too slight, though.

Wonderfully heartfelt little game about growing up and figuring out who you want to become, but also having grown up and asserting where you are. Sets out to tell a story about a thing, and then does exactly that in a very charming way

the best kind of game. genuinely funny and heartfelt dialogue, never tiring or trite, also zero “wholesome” pandering which is rare but welcomed. so much goes unsaid but always understood, like film it builds upon its characters even when the camera isn’t rolling. whenever someone asks me for a short game rec i always point to WOBJ. easily an all-timer, we deserve more experiences like this.

I want it to be a bit longer just give me 20 minutes more of cringy teenager cute conversations please :_(

nostalgia wrapped up into a low polly package

Very sweet. I didn't love the text box screen design, but i fuck with the vision. There's something that lets me imagine a more dynamic line read if I can see more of the character on screen. like even if they had those profile pics pop up on screen super imposed on the game, i think I would've been more into it than cutting away to a black screen like that. But it wouldve been less impactful upon returning to the 3d space, and seeing all the characters in their new positions.

I really loved the blocking of these scenes. kinda reminds me just how much a sweet spot between comics and theatre this medium is. It's just that slight bit more agency it gives its audience over pace and perspective. I love it. Very cool stuff.

The script was great. I wish they got INTO it a little more but not every story has to show so much of their characters so obviously. I like how we just got peeks into their lives outside of this camping trip. Maybe I just loved em so much I wanted more. Ah well. I guess I'll just go camping with my own loved ones. hell yeah.