Reviews from

in the past

Missed me missed me, now you gotta fist me

Theres heaps of literally feces, a pissing mechanic à la postal, and dildos that can be shoved up egg's rectum. Yet for as crude as this game is, this is in actuality a lovingly crafted, creative and well-play-tested game. Similar to Cruelty Squad, this game purposefully mutilates your eyes with a pungent seemingly "bad" artsyle. Obviously, this is a deliberate choice and one that succeeds at creating a grunge gross-out tone with a childish edge. The gameplay is perhaps even more impressive as it strikes a seesaw balance of janky and visually odd-looking mechanics that feel functional and fun. It was no doubt refined by a solid play-testing effort looking at the credits. The level and set pieces are equal parts creative and fun; each level felt like it had something unique and fun to show me. Wild that a game so obsessed with shit impressed me this much.

77p egg: Eggwife is a "haha funny" boomer shooter. There are constant jokes, like cows saying sexual things when they get milked, or the cameras that sound like GLaDOS being hitting on you when you interact with them, or NPCs spouting random lines. There are endless references to literally everything from World of Warcraft to Animal Crossing, memes and porn.

Some jokes land, others don't, but generally it is an enjoyable experience. The gameplay itself is fine, but it's nothing you haven't seen before. You have your guns, some of them shoot poop, others shoot tampons, but in the end they handle how you'd expect.

If you're looking for something very silly in the best worst way possible, this is basically it. If you're looking for deep gameplay with creative mechanics, satisfying gunplay and good lvl design, stay clear.

For me personally, it was enjoyable enough. It did not overstay its welcome, I'll probably play part 2, but overall it's not anything I'll be gushing to my friends about. If this looks like something you'd want to play, it probably is.

Very janky. The sense of humor is funny if you like tony zaret type humor which i do, but the gameplay is not great. It's also distinctly not like postal 2 in terms of gameplay at all despite being advertised as such. Probably will get patched eventually and I'll check it out then because there's some alright level design here but this needs a little more time in the oven IMO.

This Pacifist/Vegan run on easy I'm trying to do is legitimately harder than beating the game on RAGING difficulty lmao.
The game has alot of Jank but it's also very fun and has a very crass/rude sense of humour.

Way more comedically successful than I expected, given its cited influences. Doesn't feel like its punching down and instead just revels in its toilet-driven gonzo humor

Married a boymoder call my spouse an eggwife