Reviews from

in the past

Como seu antecessor, esse jogo também conta uma história com temas sensíveis, mas os aborda com a delicadeza necessária. Sinto que não me conectei tanto com os personagens desse jogo em comparação com o A Normal Lost Phone, mas a história ainda é ótima e você torce bastante pra que a Laura saia dessa situação.

The narrative takes a real nosedive at the end (my friend was laughing at some of the characterisation), but the concept and mechanics are so fun.

La suite de A Normal Lost Phone. J'ai trouvé ce nouvel opus moins intéressant, avec des énigmes un peu moins abouties et une histoire moins touchante.

Narrativa é boa, porém muito inferior que o anterior (não parece tão real os diálogos)

Igual que el anterior juego: muy divertido e intrigante.

A peculiar take on an experimental journey across the story of a fictional character that very much tries to deal with real life delicate topics. Its puzzle progression lays out its enigmas to the player with clues hidden in a 2015 style phone and succeed in bringing attention to its text. It's not that long and the presentation both in music and graphically is good enough. Beware of the trigger warning while booting it up though.

A similar game to A Normal Lost Phone with a different story.

i'm quite partial to gameplay like this, i think interactive storytelling is really fun and can be immersive, but i think the story took me out a bit

Another relatively short review from me. Another Lost Phone is a game from the devs of "A Normal Lost Phone", a game which I did enjoy even though there were little to no guidance in the game.

This game doesn't really improve on it, still you need to click aimlessly and TRY to find any information at all on what the game wants you to do to move forward. The story is decent and touches on some important topics that should not be ignored and I did think they did a pretty good job at making it seem realistic. The game, however, felt lacking compared to the other game from them and I was utterly bored while playing. At least the soundtrack was good, like last time.

Would I recommend this? Not really.
Is it worth playing if you get it for free/really cheap? I think so.

Dans la droite lignée de A Normal Lost Phone, les petites mains du studio Accidental Queens se lancent dans une nouvelle histoire au travers d'un téléphone trouvé.
Les mêmes idées de gameplay que le premier, une histoire bien différente, et pourtant il impacte tout autant. Les puzzles, les indices laissés et finalement découvrir l'histoire de Laura. C'est toujours bien calibré niveau temps de jeu (qu'on boucle en 2/3h), bien amené dans l'exploration du téléphone, et au final encore une réussite pour le studio français !

This review contains spoilers

I needed a game to keep my game a day and this like shined at me so I played it
fairly realistically like the phone experience bar some really odd password system for her job application. the story is fine as well It's dealing with some touchy subjects and can feel overdramatic and theatrical at times but I get you trying to squeeze some emotion out of a game that's basically the equivalent of reading someone else's chat logs that being said the ending still kinda ruins it not only is it a bit overly neat it also doesn't make sense given the twist it's just a bit antithetical to the gameplay spoiler she wanted the phone to be found to trick her abusive ex-bf by having the person Who finds it turn on the GPS location that is being tracked by said ex-bf why not just turn on the GPS once you drop the phone on purpose why leave everything including the explanation of what you are doing not on the phone directly and not have everything closed off by passwords if this is your goal it just doesn't make sense at all the whole game is useless if she just left a hey this is the password to turn on the GPS also here's my backstory of why I am doing this instead of emailing yourself and hoping someone hacks your email lol what if its the ex who finds phone now this complitly exposed and you can access all the emails and contacts such a great idea LAURA...