Reviews from

in the past

Visuals was amazing. Story not so much.

pior que bf4 mas é legal ainda

The single player campaign is decent, but it's no Titanfall 2.

melhor de guerra antiga que joguei (online somente)

The best battlefield game by every metric other than customisation. The atmosphere and gunplay are unmatched.

Absolute top tier multiplayer

Great campaign and visuals indeed. Can't believe they messed up a WW2 game after this one.

Actually peak if maps weren't ass

Still my favorite Battlefield game

Campaigns really good and the multiplayers is pretty fantastic.

Quailty BF game, but I only played the Beta. Wasn't all that interested in a WWI setting.

For those who are interested in the First World War, the campaign, although it was short, is solid. I appreciate the gameplay.

Owned it since day one and maxed out everything!

Easily one of the most atmospheric games ever made. While the gameplay is far from being authentic to WWI, the game's Codex and attention to detail shows that DICE still wanted to respect the era depicted while at the same time keeping the game fun. That said, some of the balancing is a bit off with Assault getting most of the best weapons and anti-vehicle gadgets. The Heavy Bomber and Artillery Truck are also quite problematic.
Mods are also recommended to change up character skins and add realism

El juego es muy bueno, se ve tremendo sin necesitar tampoco un pc tan bueno, es muy divertido, tiene mapas bastante variados y dinámicos (montañas donde el apoyo aereo es esencial, un puerto donde avanzas desembarcando desde una fragata...).
Por desgracia no soy muy buena en shooters y este juego no es demasiado friendly conmigo, las armas por ejemplo tienen miras de hierro y las opciones de equipamiento están bastante limitadas. Esto hace una experiencia bastante más equilibrada, sobre todo al ser el equipamiento normalmente simple, pero también aburrido si no eres capaz de proveer de utilidad a tu equipo usando solo tu arma. Hablando de las armas, muchos diseños curiosos y prototipos que me han entretenido casi más con sus mecanismos que con el gameplay en sí.
Principalmente he jugado francotirador o médico (las clases con las que más puedo hacer sin demasiados disparos) y, mi favorito: aviones. Por desgracia no pueden haber muchos y la mayoría de las partidas eran 20 minutos esprando que quedara alguno libre, coger un bombardero por 2 minutos, que me derribaran porque nadie subía como artillero de cola, y vuelta a empezar. A destacar que me lo compré por 48 céntimos.

operations concept was well executed. matches were just pretty fun

Oppressive vehicles and maps that don't feel catered to infantry made me dislike this game more than a lot of people. While a fan favorite, every time I go back I just don't have fun because I'm being mowed down by snipers or tanks.

Battlefield 1... Probably my favorite title in the franchise, one of the best titles ever made by DICE, a game with an anti-war theme for the campaign, showing stories, that even if they are fictional, represented the reality of many of the young that fought in one of the bloodiest battles of humankind.

Unlike other battlefields, this one is the one that DICE peaked, it had an enjoyable campaign and a multiplayer that is still breathtaking to this day, there not many servers in 2023, but you can still find matches, and these matches are always unique in some way, everything, the gunplay, the sound design, the map design, everything is masterfully and carefully created, to make a match as chaotic and scary as the conflict it's based on.

An awesome game for history nerds, im on my WW1 phase right now, and this game now has a place in my heart.

I wish there was more AAA World War 1 shooters.


Um bom BF e um bom FPS, além de passar uma boa mensagem sobre a realidade da Guerra.


It was fun for a few months but then it became battlefield

One of the best Battlefield games. The stories in the campaign are incredible. The atmosphere and ambiance carry ove so well to the multiplayer. Not perfectly balance but still had so much fun. I love this game to bits.

Buena campaña, multijugador servicial, ambientacion de la polla, recomendado

jogo FODA, te coloca dentro do jogo

I hope they make a better battlefield than this. Because this game was awesome so a game better than this would be even more awesome.

This game really makes you FEEL like you're an expendable cog in the war machine of a side fighting in one of the most important wars in recent world history.