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in the past

Pretty fun short game that has graphics reminiscent of DKC. Wish it was longer, took me almost 30 minutes to finish all the levels and the time trials as well.

Didn't really connect with this one sadly. Once again the audiovisuals impeccably match Siactro's intent (this time a mid-90s CG look that honestly felt most in company with 32-bit GBA games), but the platforming never got challenging enough to be interesting until the last couple of stages. Macbat 64 was also a cakewalk but that at least was designed around exploring the areas; I'm not asking for Jump King levels of vertical platforming but there's just not enough substance with what few gimmicks the game offers.

Cool game but it's moreso an art project. That boy sure can jump.

It's very basic and very simple, but all things considered, I had a pretty good time here. There are worse ways to spend 20 minutes of my day.

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what the fuck

cool little DKC artstyle game. but its totally like a mobile game so don't expect anything crazy.

dollar rule applies

Deixou meu cérebro lisinho iguaL UM PEITO DE FRANGO

Bit of a mindless romp-I understand it's meant to be more of a supplementary piece-but still a fun time. Enjoyed the extra time challenges as well.

This is the teeniest Siactro game but it's still a fun and cute time. I don't think I've seen a game successfully replicate the look and sound of the SNES DKC games as well as this game.

Very short and very easy to 100% (like 30 minutes), bought it because it's a prequel to Super Kiwi 64. Honestly if we removed the "safety bees" that remove all the punishment for fucking up in an already easy game it could have been a bit better. It's not bad, it just nothing great either. For the price it's ok.

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I love this game it's a fun cheap platformer thanks siactro

Eh, by far the weakest of these throwback platformers from Siactro. The aesthetic however, is perhaps the closest graphically to the SNES DKC games I've seen.

Bought this game for a dollar, As a fan of pre rendered SNES Aesthetics, this is a fun, hour or so game that's really simple, but for a dollar is well worth it if you enjoy short, simple experiences with visuals similar to retro titles like Donkey Kong Country, not much to say, fun game but not the most gripping thing in the world, and I wish there were more levels and unique gimmicks given how simple the gameplay is

dude i think this is mankind at its peak

A fun little 2D romp, easy to beat quickly which is nice when your backlog is huge.

The Siactro shared universe is finally coming together for me.

This is only missing a half-star because it still doesn't quite compare to the best games of the series it is paying homage to (likely due to its length). But goodness me, does this game still tick all the right boxes for me in terms of how to do nostalgia bait correctly.

The music composer, RCMusic, also understood the assignment. Visions of David Wise, and no, that will never be a bad thing. In fact, I think the world would be a much brighter place if there were thousands more David Wise clones making music this beautiful.

It's fine. It has all the expected charm I've come to expect from a Siactro game, and I had a good enough time with it.
But overall it's really not one of the finest games in Siactro's catalogue.

Visually it looks pretty great; the environments and character designs nail that Donkey Kong Country style the dev's going for... although I found the titular Beeny to be a little underanimated? It would have been nice if she at least blinked or something once in a while, otherwise I might as well have been controlling a beach ball. It's a minor point but just a little infuriating seeing as character design and animation is a highlight of the other Siactro games I've played, and yet that element feels a little phoned in here.

The gameplay is, however, pretty bland. I was kinda bored of it towards the end which is impressive considering its short length, and the incredibly samey level design and lack of consequence for failure made it a bit of a chore to get through at times. That being said, you unlock time trials after beating the main game, and these did help make it all a fair bit more engaging.

But yeah, overall, one of the weaker games in the Siactro collection I'm afraid...

Pretty short with only a handful of levels and simple gameplay, but really fun to 100%. Beautiful presentation, a lot of fun surprises, turns into a horror game for about 45 seconds, this is absolutely worth the 99 cent price.

a good short mesmerising game that have a snes style graphics

The gameplay is whatever but the artstyle and music are really good. Finished in like 15 minutes.

I appreciate them trying something new with a 2D vertical scrolling platformer but this one didn’t do much for me, it’s the first game of theirs I couldn’t see as a full fleshed out title. It’s just not mechanically very interesting, I do like how their games are all connected and this is a “prequel” to Super Kiwi 64 but ultimately their weakest offering.

I wanted more Beeny. I don't know why it became easier with the time trials (spikes don't do anything), and then it became even easier with the new character. 

This might just be the greatest game ever made.

Another vertical platformer
This got gifted to me completely outta left field by my friend Chrissy and Id been meaning to play this since it was NEW so.. i devoted a couple hours in the morning to this and i fucking 100%'d it
this is now the second game ive ever 100%'d, I even liked the TIME TRIALS
its just so satisfying, it kidna gives me that feel of like when youre on a plane or a rollercoast and your ballsack tingles thats what this makes me feel when i jump in Beeny :)

Its just that easy to pick up and have a good time, though now that ive thoroughly dissected the game, i doubt ill be back to it anytime soon but i love beeny and toree and kiwi and friends, looking forward to whatever little adventure they set out 2 next

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I think the bee has a stinger out of his mouth? Does that mean that the stinger is stopped, or his face is on his bum? And how can he roll around and jump off tree branches without throwing up honey everywhere? I don't like the level with the scary skulls chasing you, I didn't beat that one.

And I like the snails.